66-348WHEREAS, intends to impose the real property tions as the City and RESOLUTION NO. 66R 348 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 64R -214 AND RESOLUTION NO. 65R -721 ESTABLISHING A WATER CONNECTION CHARGE BASED UPON THE ACREAGE SERVED BY WATER, BY ESTABLISHING A MINIMUM WATER CON- NECTION CHARGE REGARDLESS OF THE AMOUNT OF ACREAGE SERVED. WHEREAS, Resolution 65R -721 of the City Council of the City of Anaheim amended Resolution 64R -214 by amending that portion of Resolution 64R -214 entitled "RULES AND REGU- LATIONS 45 WATER Water Main Extensions, Paragraph 4, but failed to amend the aforementioned "RULES AND REGULATIONS," Paragraph 2 to establish the basis upon which owners of real property within the Helen and Lynch Industrial Tract and Commercial Street Annexations shall pay for the cost of water mains installed or extended in said Tract and Annexa- tions; and the City Council of the City of Anaheim the same charges for water connection on in the aforementioned Tract and Annexa- imposes pursuant to Resolution 65R -721; WHEREAS, Resolution No. 65R -721 of the City Council of the City of Anaheim establishes a charge of $155.00 per acre for residential land served as a water connection charge; and WHEREAS, the aforementioned acreage charge for resi- dential land is currently prorated to establish a water connection charge regardless of the size of the residential parcel of land; and WHEREAS, on parcels of residential land of less than one -half (1/2) acre such prorated acreage charge represen- ting the water connection charge has resulted in the loss of revenue to the City of Anaheim inasmuch as the cost to said City of supplying water connections to such parcels exceeds the charge imposed by the City for water connection; and WHEREAS, the establishment by the City of a minimum water connection charge for parcels of residential land of less than one -half (1/2) acre and the establishment of an acreage charge based on a proration of $155.00 for residential parcels greater than one -half (1/2) acre and less than one (1) acre will avoid the aforementioned loss of revenue to the City; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 65R -721 of of the City of Anaheim establishes a charge acre for commercial land served, as a water and the City Council of $195.00 per connection charge; WHEREAS, the aforementioned acreage charge for commercial land is currently prorated to establish a water connection charge regardless of the size of the commercial parcel of land; and WHEREAS, on parcels of commercial land of less than one -half (1/2) acre such prorated acreage charge represen- ting the water connection charge has resulted in the loss of revenue to the City of Anaheim inasmuch as the cost to said City of supplying water connections to such parcels exceeds the charge imposed by the City for water connection; and WHEREAS, the establishment by the City of a minimum water connection charge for parcels of commercial land of less than one -half (1/2) acre and the establishment of an acreage charge based on a proration of $195.00 for commercial parcels greater than one -half (1/2) acre and less than one (1) acre will avoid the aforementioned loss of revenue to the City; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 65R -721 of the City Council of the City of Anaheim establishes a charge of $235.00 per acre for industrial land served as a water connection charge; and WHEREAS, the aforementioned acreage charge for industrial land is currently prorated to establish a water connection charge regardless of the size of the industrial parcel of land; and WHEREAS, on parcels of industrial land of less than one -half (1/2) acre such prorated acreage charge represen- ting the water connection charge has resulted in the loss of revenue to the City of Anaheim inasmuch as the cost to said City of supplying water connections to such parcels exceeds the charge imposed by the City for water connection; and WHEREAS, the establishment by the City of a minimum water connection charge for parcels of industrial land of less than one -half (1/2) acre and the establishment of an acreage charge based on a proration of $235.00 for industrial parcels greater than one -half (1/2) acre and less than one (1) acre will avoid the aforementioned loss of revenue to the City; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anaheim that Resolution 64R -214 "RULES AND REGULATIONS #5 WATER," Water Main Extensions, Paragraph 2 be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: "2. The total cost of water mains installed or extended in the Helen and Lynch Industrial Tract and Commer- cial Street Annexations shall be borne by the owners of property abutting such mains since said annexations did not participate in the waterworks bond payments. The cost to each property owner served in the Helen and Lynch Industrial Tract and Commercial Street Annexations at the time of ex- tension or installation, or at some future time, shall be as follows: (a) Residential Development $155 per acre served. (1) Minimum water connec- tion charge for par- cels less than one- half (1/2) acre (2) Minimum water connec- tion charge for par- cels more than one half (1/2) acre but less than one (1) acre (b) Commercial Development (1) Minimum water connec- tion charge for par- cels less than one half (1/2) acre (2) Minimum water connec- tion charge for par- cels more than one half (1/2) acre but less than one (1) acre (c) Industrial Development (1) Minimum water connec- tion charge for par- cels less than one half (1/2) acre (2) Minimum water connec- tion charge for par- cels more than one half (1/2) acre but less than one (1) acre -3- 80.00 From $80.00 to $155.00 depending on size of parcel. Amount to be pro- rated. $195 per acre served $100.00 From $100.00 to $195.00 depending on size of parcel. Amount to be pro- rated. $235 per acre served $120.00 From $120.00 to $235.00 depending on size of parcel. Amount to be pro- rated. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anaheim that Resolution No. 65R -721 be, and the same is hereby amended to establish the following minimum water connection charges for parcels of land less than one (1) acre; (a) Residential Development (1) Minimum water connec- tion charge for parcels less than one -half (1/2) acre (2) Minimum water connec- tion charge for parcels more than one -half (1/2) acre but less than one (1) acre (b) Commercial Development (1) Minimum water connec- tion charge for parcels less than one -half (1/2) acre $100.00 (2) Minimum water connec- tion charge for parcels more than one -half (1/2) acre but less than one (1) acre (c) Industrial Development (1) Minimum water connec- tion charge for parcels less than one -half (1/2) acre $120.00 (2) Minimum water connec- tion charge for parcels more than one -half (1/2) acre but less than one (1) acre 4- $8000 From $80.00 to $155.00 depending on size of parcel. Amount to be pro- rated. From $100.00 to $195.00 depending on size of parcel. Amount to be pro- rated. From $120.00 to $235.00 depending on size of parcel. Amount to be pro- rated. ATTEST: THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and signed by me this 10th d y of M y 9 19 66 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE CITY OF ANAHEIM (SEAL) AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ss. COUNCILMEN COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor Anaheim pproved and signed said resolution on M 19 66 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed the seal of the City of An =heim this May 19 66 1 DENE MC WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify th, =t the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the t ay o May 1966 by the follow- ing vote of the members thereof: Pebley, Schutte, Chandler and None. Dutton. I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing is the original of Resolution No. 66R -348 duly passed and adopted by the Anaheim City Council on May 10, 1966. -5- ITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF HEIM Krein. of the City of the loth day of set my hand and 10th day of