Senior Citizen 2021/07/15COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Nicholas Yagar, Chair Janet Brown Shirley McCracken Ray Shah Paul Vicknair COMMISSIONERS ABSENT MINUTES SENIOR CITIZEN COMMISSION July 15, 2021 STAFF PRESENT: Wendy Hernandez, Community Services Supervisor Beth Lapkowski, Administrative Assistant AGENDA ACTION TAKEN CALL TO ORDER: Chair Yagar called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Chair Yagar led the Commission in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. 3. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Chair Yagar presented the minutes of the March 18, 2021 meeting. Commissioner Vicknair made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Commissioner Brown; minutes were approved unanimously. 4. PUBLIC COMMENTS: None. 5. NEW BUSINESS: A. Selection of Chair —Commissioner Vicknair nominated Janet Brown for position of Chair, seconded by Shirley McCracken. The vote was five ayes; Commissioner Brown will be the new Chair of the Senior Citizen Commission. B. Selection of Vice-Chair—ChairYagar nominated Shirley McCracken for the position of Vice -Chair, seconded by Commissioner Vicknair. The vote was five ayes; Commissioner McCracken will be the new Vice -Chair of the Senior Commission. C. Hosting Scam Stopper Seminar — Commissioner Brown reported that many calls have come in about scams. City Council Member Faessel had suggested that they partner with the Anaheim Public Utilities Department to warn the public about financial scams in the utility insert. She made a motion that the Senior Citizen Commission host the seminar, seconded by Commissioner Vicknair; the vote was all ayes. Commissioner McCracken asked if they would be able to hold it online as well. They discussed potential sites and ways to advertise the seminar. They also discussed the need seniors have for assistance with technology and what can be done in that regard. Wendy Hernandez mentioned that they offer "Tech Days" through the Active Older Adult Program, and through the youth development programs in Community Services they may be able to assist. She also suggested that it may be convenient to schedule both the seminar and tech day back-to-back. D. Update on City Community Center Re -Openings — Wendy Hernandez reported that the Community Centers reopened fully to the public on June 15. They have had a slow transition back with fewer participants at the Senior Citizen Commission July 15, 2021 Page 2 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN current time. She provided the Commissioners with the latest Community Services Activity Guide that includes listings of Senior Programs. She noted the Senior Transportation program is running for those 60 and older for shopping and non -emergency medical appointments within a 10-mile radius of their home. The grab -and -go drive -through meal program is still active because the congregate meal program is not allowed to resume at this point. The Downtown site is serving over 300 seniors every Thursday and over 200 at Brookhurst. The home -delivered meal program has been discontinued at this time as the staff have been assigned back to their normal worksites. Those seniors have been referred to the Meals on Wheels Home Delivered Meal and Senior Cuisine Delivery program and Vineyard Church for meal assistance. 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None. 7. PUBLIC COMMUNICATION ACTION ITEMS: None. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: Commissioner Shah asked about what affordable housing resources are available to seniors. Wendy Hernandez will inquire with the Community & Economic Development Department and share information back with the Commissioners. 9. ADJOURNMENT: Chair Yagar adjourned the meeting at 2:37 p.m. NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be held on Thursday, September 16, 2021, at 2:00 p.m.