Senior Citizen 2022/01/20COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Janet Brown, Chair Shirley McCracken, Vice -Chair Ray Shah Paul Vicknair Nicholas Yagar COMMISSIONERS ABSENT Victor "Vic" Real (excused) MINUTES SENIOR CITIZEN COMMISSION January 20, 2022 STAFF PRESENT: Wendy Hernandez, Community Services Supervisor Beth Lapkowski, Administrative Assistant GUESTS PRESENT Joe Purtell Maureen Richardson AGENDA ACTION TAKEN 1. CALL TO ORDER: Chair Brown called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Chair Brown led the Commission in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. 3. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Chair Brown presented the minutes of the November 18, 2021 meeting. Motion by Commissioner Vicknair, second by Commissioner Shah; minutes were approved. 4. PUBLIC COMMENTS: None. NEW BUSINESS: A. Anaheim Public Library — Presentation on Digital Literacy Programs —Joe Purtell, Supervising Librarian at Anaheim Central Library, presented information to the commissioners regarding resources that have been made available to libraries across the state, many of which are specifically for those who are 50 and above. He showed the commissioners how to reach the Library home screen on the City website and referenced the site "Get Set Up" for free meetings and classes, along with resources to assist getting set up and started. He answered questions by the commissioners and also described other products that are available for online education. Joe was asked whether the Library has laptops available to be checked out by the public; he stated they do not, but they have over 200 computers available citywide at branches in their computer labs for the public to use. B, Ideas for Seminars in 2022 — Chair Brown asked for suggestions from the commissioners for seminars this year. She suggested having Republic Services come and explain how the new law about food waste will be instituted. Commissioner Yagar added that he would like them to explain what should go into the green recycle bin and Commissioner Vicknair added his concerns about other services they provide. Wendy Hernandez will investigate whether they provide presentations of this type and report back. Commissioner Shah suggested retirement planning as another seminar. Wendy noted that the City must be cautious when providing any type of financial recommendations and they don't endorse businesses. Chair Brown suggested AARP may be able to provide something like that; she will contact them to see. Commissioner Yagar suggested having the Community Services Department provide a seminar regarding the services they provide for seniors. Wendy stated that the Active Older Adult Program can provide that. Chair Brown said she would also like to repeat the Scam Stopper seminar at some point. Senior Citizen Commission January 20, 2022 Page 2 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN C Holiday "Adopt -a -Senior" Program — Chair Brown noted that this past Christmas she was involved with a senior from the El Dorado Apartments and many of the residents are in a fragile state and feel isolated; she feels that they could really use some assistance. Wendy noted that the Community Services Department does have an adopt -a -family holiday program that serves between 50 and 75 families, which includes some referrals from the Active Older Adult Program. Chair Brown stated she thinks it's important to connect with them to help them feel connected to the city. 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Update on Scam Stopper Seminars — Wendy Hernandez reported the two seminars were held in December, with 19 participating at the Downtown Anaheim Community Center and six at Brookhurst Community Center. Representatives from Anaheim Public Utilities and the Anaheim Police Department made presentations and it was very well received. Commissioner Yagar stated that he attended the meeting at the DACC and he felt that the attendance may have been better if the notice had been provided earlier. Wendy acknowledged that and noted that they chose the date because it worked for both Utilities and the Police. She also reminded the commissioners that Joe Pak from Representative Quirk-Silva's office had offered to provide this type of presentation, so perhaps that would be a good resource for the next seminar. She also discussed expanding the seminars to other sites such as the East Anaheim Community Center. They also discussed ways to better advertise the seminars to improve attendance. Commissioner Vicknair also suggested a seminar from the Fire Department on ways to protect yourself in healthcare emergencies, etc. (Include or not include???) Wendy will contact Joe Pak to see what availability they may have for an upcoming seminar. 7. PUBLIC COMMUNICATION ACTION ITEMS: None. 8. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: None. 9. ADJOURNMENT: Chair Brown adjourned the meeting at 3:04 p.m. NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be held on Thursday, March 17, 2022, at 2:00 p.m.