Senior Citizen 2022/07/21MINUTES SENIOR CITIZEN COMMISSION July 21, 2022 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: STAFF PRESENT: Janet Brown, Chair Wendy Hernandez, Community Services Supervisor Shirley McCracken, Vice-Chair Beth Lapkowski, Administrative Assistant Paul Vicknair Nicholas Yagar COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Ray Shah (Excused) A G E N D A A C T I O N T A K E N 1. CALL TO ORDER: Chair Brown called the meeting to order at 2:05 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Chair Brown led the Commission in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. 3. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Chair Brown presented the minutes of the May 19, 2022 meeting. Vice-Chair McCracken made a motion for approval of the minutes, seconded by Commissioner Yagar. Minutes were approved with six ayes. 4. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Resident Samy Macy was present to observe the meeting. 5. NEW BUSINESS: A. Independence at HOME, a SCAN Community Service Mila Lilien, Community Health Worker for INSIGHTS Program gave an overview of Independence at HOME, part of SCAN, Senior Citizen Action Network, a community social service agency. They provide long-term services for older adults and their caregivers via Zoom and Face Time at no cost. Trading Ages Senior Sensitivity Program This program is now held virtually with a live instructor; through hands-on activities it teaches what it is like to have some type of disability or impairment. Sessions are 90 minutes in length. INSIGHTS Behavioral Health Program This program is offered to non-SCAN members so there is no duplication of services. It is a no- cost, short-term mental health program with one- on-one counseling services usually either over the phone or virtually for things such as mild to moderate depression, anxiety, loss and grief. Short-term is usually between 6-15 sessions, and they can be re-enrolled if a new problem arises after they have completed their sessions. They offer services in English, Spanish, Korean and Vietnamese. Silver Cloud is a program they offer for those who are tech savvy; they can go online and work at their own pace. Chair Brown noted that she forgot to introduce the new commissioner, Frances Noteboom, and asked her to share her background with the commission. Commissioner Noteboom was happy to share. B. Anaheim Active Older Adult Program Funding Update: Wendy Hernandez reported that at the June 21, 2022 City Council meeting during the budget presentation discussion, Council Member Faessel discussed a letter he received from the Anaheim Senior Citizen Club regarding issues including lack of staff for the Active Older Adult Program. The Director of Community Services was Senior Citizen Commission July 21, 2022 Page 2 A G E N D A A C T I O N T A K E N asked questions related to information expressed in the letter; she provided information and the City Council subsequently approved $225,000 in funding for staff positions. This will add a full-time Community Services Supervisor, one 30-hour key support staff and two to three part-time 20-hour employees. C. Chair and Vice-Chair Elections Commissioner Vicknair pointed out that four commissioners have terms expiring in December 2022; namely Vice-Chair McCracken, Commissioner Yagar, Commissioner Shah and himself. Wendy reminded the commissioners that their terms will continue until a new person has been appointed, or if they are reappointed. If necessary, a special election could be held later. Commissioner Noteboom made a motion that the current chair and vice-chair remain in their positions. Commissioner Yagar asked if they would be interested in continuing in their positions; they each indicated they would. Chair Brown called for a second to the motion; motion seconded by Commissioner Vicknair. Vote was 6 ayes; motion passed. 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None. 7. PUBLIC COMMUNICATION ACTION ITEMS: None. 8. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: A. Commissioner Real would like to present the recording of the opening ceremony for the Korean War Memorial in Fullerton at a future Commission meeting. The item will be agendized for the September meeting. B. Chair Brown requested a presentation about the new park that is being built in the green space by the Downtown Anaheim Community Center. Wendy will invite the Parks Division to come to the next meeting to discuss Center Greens with the commission. Commissioner Noteboom mentioned a discussion about possible services for seniors if a gate tax was approved at the previous City Council meeting. Wendy reminded the commission that they are an advisory body to the City Council and are able to make recommendations about topics they feel are important to seniors. Chair Brown suggested that at the November meeting they work on a letter to present to City Council. C. As a point of information, Wendy Hernandez distributed a flyer/application for the Anaheim Fire & Rescue Paramedic Membership Program to the commissioners. D. Commissioner Real shared a newspaper article about the OC Vibe development around the Honda Center. Commissioner Brown inquired if this development would include a senior component. Wendy Hernandez stated she was not aware, but could inquire about this. 9. ADJOURNMENT: Chair Brown adjourned the meeting at 3:25 p.m. NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be held on Thursday, September 15, 2022, at 2:00 p.m.