Senior Citizen 2023/01/19MINUTES SENIOR CITIZEN COMMISSION January 19, 2023 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: STAFF PRESENT: Janet Brown, Chair Wendy Hernandez, Community Services Supervisor Denise Barnes Brian Chwan, Community Services Superintendent Steve Brio Beth Lapkowski, Administrative Assistant Frances Noteboom Victor "Vic" Real AGENDA ACTION TAKEN 1. CALL TO ORDER: Chair Brown called the meeting to order at 2:05 p.m 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Chair Brown led the Commission in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. 3. INTRODUCTION OF NEW COMMISSIONERS: Chair Brown asked the new commissioners to introduce themselves; Commissioner Brio and Commissioner Barnes did so and provided their backgrounds. Chair Brown then asked the other commissioners to introduce themselves and they did so as well. Wendy Hernandez pointed out that there are still two vacancies on the commission that hopefully will be filled in the near future. 4. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Chair Brown presented the minutes of the November 17, 2022, meeting. Commissioner Real made a motion for approval of the minutes, seconded by Commissioner Noteboom. Minutes were approved with three ayes and two abstentions by Commissioners Barnes and Brio. 5. UNSCHEDULED PUBLIC COMMENTS: A. Joe Pak, from Assemblywoman Sharon Quirk-Silva's office, gave an updated on her new district as well as her position as chair of the Arts, Entertainment, Sports and Tourism Committee. He asked commissioners to let him know if there are any senior issues he can assist with or events they wish to invite the Assemblywoman to. B. City of Anaheim Neighborhood and Human Services Superintendent Brian Chwan introduced himself to the commission; he recently assumed overseeing the Active Older Adult Programs and he welcomed the two new commissioners. 6. NEW BUSINESS: A. Review Recommendations to City Council: Wendy Hernandez reviewed the past recommendations made by the Senior Citizen Commission and the process to move them forward to City Council. Wendy Hernandez shared some of the suggestions the Commission had in the past and some moves they made to attempt to accomplish them, such as ways to get information out to seniors about programs and services that are available to them. As a result, the Public Utilities Department worked together with Community Services to prepare a newsletter dedicated to seniors one or two times per year, as well as providing program information in their billing insert two or three times per year. The Commission also wanted to provide seminars about Scams, and two seminars were held with speakers from Police and Fire providing information in those seminars. She also described that pre-COVID, local students came in to assist seniors with learning technology, something that was suggested by the Commission. She explained that they will continue to fulfill the Commission's Senior Citizen Commission January 19, 2023 Page 2 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN requests whenever possible. Chair Brown added that there have been some very good speakers at the meetings in the past, such as from the library, and invited commissioners to make suggestions for future speakers. Chair Brown commented that the libraries provide a variety of services for seniors, and Commissioner Barnes suggested having FRAN add a stop at the library. She asked to have information about the tax services that are offered to seniors included in the newsletter that is distributed. Wendy Hernandez explained that they don't always have all of the information ready when the newsletter goes to print, and it may even be too late when the next one goes out. Commissioner Noteboom asked about providing information on assistance that The Gas Company is offering due to the large increase in bills; Wendy Hernandez suggested sending that sort of information when they get it and she will get it shared with seniors the best way possible. 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Discuss Draft Letter to City Council: Chair Brown distributed a draft of the letter she proposed to send to City Council and asked everyone to review it. Commissioner Brio questioned that if the silver tsunami is happening in 2060, it doesn't appear to be that urgent. He also asked which community centers were being referred to in the letter; Chair Brown provided clarification. Commission Brio inquired whether a Scam Seminar was held at the East Anaheim location; Wendy Hernandez explained that they were not able to coordinate one at that facility. Commissioner Brio suggested videotaping the seminar so people would have easy access to it. Commissioner Real discussed the silver tsunami, and Commissioner Noteboom suggested that an "ask" be included in this letter. Chair Brown made a motion to create a communications subcommittee to work on a second draft of the letter, seconded by Commissioner Barnes. Commissioner Barnes suggested editing the letter from the discussion today and sending it electronically to commissioners for approval. They agreed to ask for a designated senior center and a request for the City to search for Federal, State and County funds for that purpose. Commissioner Barnes suggested asking to have a strategic plan prepared and made a motion to include that in the letter, seconded by Commissioner Noteboom. Vote was 5 ayes. Chair Brown will prepare a new draft to be approved at the next meeting. 8. PUBLIC COMMUNICATION ACTION ITEMS: Wendy Hernandez explained that this agenda item was created in case there was a follow-up to something discussed in public communication, but it doesn't appear there is a need for it any longer. Chair Brown made a motion to eliminate Public Communication Action Items from future agendas, seconded by Commissioner Brio; vote was 5 ayes. 9. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: A. Commissioner Real would like to expand communication to educate residents about what the Senior Citizen Commission is doing. B. Commissioner Barnes has asked the Anaheim Senior Club to expand sending the Courier to all seniors and perhaps partner with realtors or others to expand the reach of the Courier. C. Commissioner Brio asked about how to find out what activities are offered at the East Anaheim location; Wendy Hernandez explained that in the past, some commissioners took a tour to see what is offered there and other locations and perhaps some commissioners would like to do that again. Senior Citizen Commission January 19, 2023 Page 3 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN D. Commissioner Noteboom suggested surveying seniors to see what services and programs they would like to have offered. Commissioner Barnes stated that the strategic plan would include a survey. 10. ADJOURNMENT: Chair Brown adjourned the meeting at 3:53 p.m. NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be held on Thursday, March 16, 2023, at 2:00 p.m.