Senior Citizen 2023/06/15MINUTES SENIOR CITIZEN COMMISSION June 15, 2023 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: STAFF PRESENT: Janet Brown, Chair Brian Chwan, Community Services Superintendent Denise Barnes, Vice -Chair Maureen Richardson, Community Services Supervisor Kandee Beas Beth Lapkowski, Administrative Assistant Steve Brio Frances Noteboom VISITORS PRESENT: Victor "Vic" Real, Chair City Council Member Norma Campos Kurtz Irene Rose Jeff DeVore AGENDA ACTION TAKEN 1. CALL TO ORDER: Chair Brown called the meeting to order at 2:02 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Chair Brown led the Commission in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. 3. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Chair Brown presented the minutes of the May 18, 2023, meeting. Commissioner Real made a motion for approval of the minutes, seconded by Vice -Chair Barnes. Minutes were approved unanimously. 4. SCHEDULED PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: A. Anaheim Senior Citizen Club — Maureen Richardson introduced Anaheim Senior Citizen Club (ASCC) President Irene Rose and 2nd Vice -President Jeff DeVore and provided their background. Chair Brown also welcomed City Council Member Norma Campos Kurtz to the meeting. Jeff DeVore then provided a detailed history of the ASCC and the programs they currently provide for Anaheim's senior citizens. Irene Rose thanked the commission for inviting them. Chair Brown thanked them and noted that she signed up for the Club and invited the commissioners to do so as well. B. UNSCHEDULED PUBLIC COMMENTS: City Council Member Norma Kurtz stated that she is prioritizing services for senior services. She is working on funding for additional resources for the existing community centers and would like to see at least 1-1/2 full-time employees at each facility that serves seniors and additionally at the Ponderosa Park Family Resource Center. She hopes in the future that a stand-alone senior center will be funded. 5. NEW BUSINESS: A. International Elder Abuse Awareness Day — June 15, 2023: Chair Brown announced that today happens to be International Elder Abuse Awareness Day and she wanted to bring it to everyone's attention. B. County Veteran's Cemetery: Brian Chwan thanked Commissioner Real for adding this item to the agenda, and he introduced Principal Landscape Architect Larry Ryan from RJM Design Group and Tim Deutsch, General Manager of the Orange County Cemetery District. Mr. Deutsch presented information about the cemeteries represented by the District and reported they received a donation of land in Gypsum Canyon from the Irvine Company in Anaheim in 2014. In 2018, land was designated for a State Veteran's Cemetery. There has to be a certain distance between federal veteran cemeteries, which is why this cemetery will be a county cemetery. They are working with Senior Citizen Commission June 15, 2023 Page 2 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN RJM Design Group in 2019 and is working with Cal Vet, the state agency that will run the cemetery. There are two plots, one will be the 100-acre veterans' cemetery and a lower portion that will be the public cemetery. He shared a power point to show the design and renderings to the commission and answered questions. He announced that they will be making a presentation at the East Anaheim Community Center next week at the District 6 meeting, and he offered to come back before the commission in the future to provide updates on the project. C. Fourth of July Celebration at Peralta Park — Volunteer Opportunities: Brian Chwan shared volunteer opportunities for the Fourth of July celebration at Peralta Park and invited the Senior Citizen Commissioners to join staff at the department table. 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Letter to City Council — Chair Brown inquired about the status of the letter to City Council; Brian Chwan provided the signed letter to Chair Brown so she can send it directly to City Council. Brian will help her with the logistics. B. Website Upgrade/Discussion — Brian Chwan asked Commissioner Brio for a report. Commissioner Brio relayed his meeting with Brian and Maureen and his concerns about the lack of information on the website and shared some ideas on ways to share information to seniors about opportunities. Maureen Richardson noted that there have been updates made and they are working to get the old items cleared out. Brian Chwan noted the City's IT Department assists with the website and they are helping navigate the updates. Commissioners discussed ideas they would like to see incorporated on the website. Commissioner Brio also stated his appreciation for Council Member Kurtz' interest in increasing staff at the various sites where senior services are provided. Commissioners discussed attending the City Council meeting to support the additional staff for senior services. C. City of Anaheim Strategic Plan — Brian Chwan invited the commission to provide recommendations to their City Council Members regarding the importance of a Senior Citizen Strategic Plan, either individually or in a separate letter from the commission. Chair Brown suggested each commissioner should bring a copy of the letter to the district meetings and speak with their Council Member. Commissioner Barnes asked about receiving a copy of the previous strategic plan that has been discussed; Maureen Richardson stated it was together with the Alzheimer's Association or the Office on Aging and she will get it for her. 7. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: A. Fourth of July Celebration, Firecracker 5K/1 OK Race, Yankee Doodle Dog Show, Parade, Flyer & Information B. Commission Meeting will be Dark in July. C. Brian Chwan announced that City Council has asked each commission to make a 5- to 10-minute presentation to provide information on the commission, duties, projects, etc., at an upcoming meeting. After discussion, the commission chose the July 25 meeting. D. Commissioner Barnes shared that Orange County Senior Day will be held at Laguna Hills Community Center tomorrow from 8:30 a.m. to Noon. 8. ADJOURNMENT: Chair Brown adjourned the meeting at 3:42 p.m. NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be held on Thursday, August 17, 2023, at 2:00 p.m.