Library 2023/11/13 ANAHEIM PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MEETING MINUTES MEETING LOCATIONDATE/TIME Central Library November 13, 2023 500W. Broadway4:30 p.m. Anaheim, CA 92805 CALL TO ORDER – The agenda having been posted on November 9, 2023; the regular meeting of the Anaheim Public Library Board of Trustees was called to order by Board Chair Linda Newby at 4:30 p.m. PRESENT:Michelle Dang, Jackie Filbeck, Linda Newby, Elia Renteria-Garcia ABSENT: Rose Chen STAFF:Joe Purtell – Library Services Manager, Jennifer Foxx – PT Management Assistant I.INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND COMMUNICATION FROM OTHERS: A.FRIENDS OF THE ANAHEIM PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT: The Friends of the Anaheim th Public Library celebrated their 59 anniversary in October. Also in October, Library staff recognized the Friends for National Friends of the Library Week with treats and gifts. The Friends welcomed two new board members, Jan Foucher and Cheri Archer. The October book th sale made $485.05, and the November Sale is November 17 in the multi-purpose room of the Central Library. Bonne Stevens, Treasurer, and Nancy Carlberg, President, attended a meeting of various Friends of the Librarygroups in La Mirada. The Friends volunteered 207 hours in September and 220 hours in October. B.FRIENDS OF THE CANYON HILLS LIBRARY: The Trunk or Treat event was a big success. Jenn DeBaun-Holm and other staff members did a good joborganizing it. They had many families with kids in darling costumes. Their next sale is November 28-29, 2023, and will include books, collectibles, and gifts. The next meeting is November 16, 2023, at 9:30 a.m. at Canyon Hills Branch Library and their annual Holiday Luncheon will be December 10, 2023. C.ANAHEIM PUBLIC LIBRARY FOUNDATION REPORT: None. D.COMMUNICATION FROM OTHERS: None. II.APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 9, 2023 MEETING: The minutes were approved as presented. III.UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None. IV.NEW BUSINESS: A.POET LAUREATE SELECTION COMMITTEE MEMBER FROM THE LIBRARY BOARD: Jackie Filbeck will represent the Library Board on the Poet Laureate Selection Committee. Michelle Dang will serve as an alternate representative. ITEM # 02 Anaheim Public Library Board Meeting November 13, 2023 Page 2 V.INFORMATION A.CITY LIBRARIAN’S REPORT: Joe shared the AnaheimBulletin article on the celebration of Native Arts Festival that was held November 4, 2023, at Founders’ Park. Indie Author Day was held on November 5, 2023, with approximately 560 in attendance. B.BUDGET: None. VI.ACTIVITY REPORTS A.STATISTICS: None. B.ACTIVITY REPORTS: An email from Joan Pettite, Anaheim Public Library Foundation Treasurer was shared: “It is absolutely amazing that each library branch submits such an extensive monthly Board Report! What a beautiful review and display of their varied programs and attendance.” C.MONTHLY RECOGNITION OF SUPPORT/CERTIFICATE BY BOARD MEMBERS: The Board recognized Tracey Matthews, Risk Manager, City of Anaheim for being a library advocate and supporter by assisting staff with intricate requests that further the mission of the Library. VII.BOARD ITEMS MEMBER MICHELLE DANG: Appreciates the In-N-Out Cover to Cover Reading Program. MEMBER ELIA RENTERIA-GARCIA: Congratulated staff on a successful Indie Author Event. MEMBER JACKIE FILBECK: Attended the Anaheim Reads kick-off and learned a lot about Native American history. She also enjoyed serving as a judge for the Creative Writing Project. CHAIR LINDA NEWBY: Enjoyed the Anaheim Reads program and was impressed with the programming. She appreciated that Audrey was able to secure alternative funding for the program in the absence of funding from the NEA. VIII.MISCELLANEOUS A.NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be December 11, 2023, at the Muzeo. B.ADJOURNMENT: Chair Newby adjourned the meeting at 5:02 p.m.