66-531RESOLUTION NO. 66R- 531 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING CERTAIN ITEMS OF THE RATE SCHEDULE, RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE SALE AND DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRIC ENERGY AS ADOPTED BY RESOLUTION NO. 4274 AND AMENDED BY RESOLU- TIONS NOS. 6637, 6999, 64R -94, 65R -40 and 65R -504. WHEREAS, the City of Anaheim does distribute electric energy to certain customers who live in Anaheim; and WHEREAS, the City Utilities Department has recommended a change in voltage conditions and other rules and regulations that will more nearly conform with present day trends; and WHEREAS, the City Council does find and determine that the existing rates and rules and regulations should more clearly state these conditions; and WHEREAS, there are no changes in the charges per KWH, and the proposed rates will not increase billing charges to any customers; and WHEREAS, this could best be accomplished by a complete revision of present rates, rules, regulations and resolutions. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anaheim that all wording in rates, rules and regula- tions adopted by Resolution No. 4274 and amended by Resolutions Nos. 6637, 6999, 64R -94, 65R -40 and 65R -504 be superseded and the following rates, rules and regulations for the sale and distribution of electric energy in the City of Anaheim be, and they are, hereby adopted, to wit: T APPLICABILITY RATE SCHEDULE D -3 DOMESTIC SERVICE Rate A: Applicable to all consumers for general domestic and household purposes in a single family accommodation. Rate B: Applicable to a single family with both electric range and water heater. Rate C: Applicable to a single family where all lighting, cooking and heating is electric. Rate A: First 12 KWH Next 33 KWH Next 60 KWH Next 105 KWH All Excess KWH Rate B: First 210 KWH Next 450 KWH Over 660 KWH Rate C: Fi st 210 KWH Next 450 KWH Over 660 KWH (b) or less per meter per month $1.10 per meter per month 4.4¢ per KWH per meter per month 3.0¢ per KWH per meter per month 2.00 per KWH per meter per month 1.4¢ per KWH per Rate A per meter per month per meter per month 1.00 per KWH per meter per month 1.4¢ per KWH per Rate A per meter per month per meter per month 1.00 per KWH per meter per month 1.10 per KWH MINIMUM CHARGE First 12 KW or less of connected load in major equipment: meter per month $1.10 per All over 12 KW of connected load in major equipment: per month $0.30 per KW SPECIAL CONDITIONS (a) Non domestic lighting will be permitted on the domestic schedule in amounts not to exceed 300 watts. For installations exceeding this amount, separate metering on appropriate schedule will be required. Non domestic service is defined as any service used in an enterprise operated for income, or any other service not requisite to the domestic habitation of a single family dwelling: In an apartment house, court group or similar multi family accommodation, service to separate metered multi family accommoda- tions, such as laundry rooms and other common uses, will be considered as domestic, also up to 300 watts of non domestic lighting per each family accommodation will be allowed. Rate "B" is applicable only where the consumer has an electric range and an electric water heater, both permanently installed and used both exclusively for all cooking and water heating on the premises, and conforming to the following specifications: -2- (1) Water heater shall be provided with an effi- ciently insulated storage tank and shall be equipped with two heating units each separately controlled by an individual thermostat. The thermostat control circuit shall be inter- connected to cause one heating unit to cut off when the other heating unit is on. (c) Rate "C" is applicable only when special condition "B" has been met and all space heating is done electrically (resistance or heat pump). On separate metered multi family groups where each unit qualifies with an electric range used exclusively for all cooking, and a remote central system is used for heating water special condition "B" will be deemed to have been met. Rate "B" 450 KWH block shall be multiplied by the number of single family accommoda- tions in the group. If space heating is also done by remote system, Rate "C" terminal block is applicable for excess KWH usage. Terminal block of Rate "C" will be applicable to terminal block of Rate "A" if above condition of Rate "B" has been met and space heating is separately metered through each family unit. No load except water or space heating allowed on meter serving such equipment. (d) Major equipment is any device for domestic use of 1000 watts or more. Each horsepower of connected motor load shall be considered as equivalent to 1000 watts. Connected load for water heaters will be the rating of the lower heating unit. (e) The City at its election and expense may regulate the hours of use of any water heater and space heating load under this schedule and may limit the amount of such additional load that it is obligated to accept. (f) Where all of the single family accommodations in an apartment house, court group or similar multi- family accommodations are on a single meter, the customer shall have the following option: (1) to be billed on a General Service Schedule or (2) to be billed on Rate "A" of this schedule, multiplied by the number of single family accommodations on the meter. However, where all individual accommodations qualify for special Condition "B" or "C," the billing will be at the applicable "B" or "C" rate. (g) A customer shall not resell electricity to another person at any charge higher than their pro rata share of the total charges as rendered by the City of Anaheim. This paragraph shall not apply to a flat rate charge as a portion of the rental of the space occupied. (h) Service voltage to a single family accommodation will be 120 volts or 120 -240 volts single phase. Wattage rating on any single piece of space heating equipment shall not exceed 5000 watts. SERVICE Applicable to single or three -phase service; lighting only, power only, or combined single and three phase- service on one meter. RATE BLOCK RATE (A) First 12 KWH or less, per meter per month $1.10 Next 88 KWH per meter per month 4.4¢ per KWH Next 400 KWH per meter per month 3.9¢ per KWH Next 1000 KWH per meter per month 2.40 per KWH Next 1500 KWH per meter per month 2.2¢ per KWH All Excess KWH per meter per month 2.0¢ per KWH DEMAND METER RATE (B) Minimum billing demand of 20 KW per month. First 150 KWH per month per KW of billing demand Rate (A) Next 150 KWH per month per KW of billing demand per KWH 1.20 All Excess KWH per month per KW of billing demand per KWH .8¢ MINIMUM CHARGE SCHEDULE A -3 GENERAL SERVICE RATE (A) 1. Single phase $1.10 per meter per month; for all motor service connected in excess of 3 KW, an additional minimum charge of $1.00 per KW per month. Only 120 volt x -ray apparatus can be served under this schedule. Each horse- power of motor load shall be considered as equivalent to 1 KW. 2. Three phase $3.00 per meter per month; for all motor service connected in excess of 3 KW an additional minimum charge of $1.00 per KW per month. RATE (B) First 20 KW of billing demand $40.00 per meter per month Next 30 KW of billing demand 2.00 per KW per month All Excess KW of billing demand 1.50 per KW per month SPECIAL CONDITIONS VOLTAGE (A) Service voltage per rules and regulations. (B) The billing demand in any month shall be the average kilowatt input indicated or recorded by instruments to be supplied, owned, and maintained by the City and at the City's expense upon the consumer's premises adjacent to the watt hour meter, in the 15 minute interval in which the consumption of electric energy is greater than in any other 15 minute interval in the month, but not less than either (1) 50% of the contracted for load, or (2) 50% of the highest billing demand in the preceding eleven months, whichever is the greater. However, in no case shall the billing demand be less than the minimum billing demand. Billing demand shall be determined to the nearest 1 /10 KW. (C) Where the demand is intermittent or subjected to violent fluctuations, the maximum demand may be based on a lesser interval. (D) No adjustment will be made for any temporary reduction in load. Any customer who resumes service within twelve months must pay all charges that would have been billed had service been continuous. (E) When the billing KWH has exceeded 3000 KWH for four consecutive months, or 6000 KWH for two bi- monthly periods, a demand type watt hour meter will be installed as soon as practicable and thereafter until billing KWH for three bimonthly billing periods, charges will be adjusted to Demand Rate "B." SERVICE Applicable to single or three phase service; power only, lighting only, or combined single and three phase service on one meter. RATES Demand Charge Per Meter Per Month First 75 KW or less of billing demand 85.00 Next 125 KW or billing demand, per KW 0.95 Next 1,800 KW of billing demand, per Kw 0.85 Next 8,000 KW of billing demand, per KW 0.75 Next 40,000 KW of billing demand, per KW 0.60 All excess KW of billing demand, per KW 0.55 Energy Charge (to be added to Demand Charge): First 150 KWHR per KW of billing demand: First 15,000 KWHR, per KWHR 1.8¢ Balance of KWHR, per KWHR 1.0¢ Next 150 KWHR, per KW of billing demand, per KWHR 0.77¢ All excess KWHR, per KWHR 0.6¢ Minimum Charge: The monthly minimum charge shall be the monthly demand charge. SPECIAL CONDITIONS SCHEDULE A -4 GENERAL SERVICE A. Service voltage per rules and regulations. B. Billing Demand: The billing demand in any month shall be the average kilo- watt input indicated or recorded by instruments to be supplied, owned, and maintained by the City and at the City's expense upon the consumer's premises adjacent to the watt hour meter, in the 15 minute interval in which the consump- tion of electric energy is greater than in any other 15 minute interval in the month, but not less than either (1) 50% of the contracted for load, or (2) 50% of the highest billing demand in the preceding eleven months, whichever is the greater. However, in no case shall the billing demand be less than the minimum billing demand. Billing demand shall be determined to the nearest 1 /10 KW. Where the demand is intermittent or subjected to violent fluctuations, the maximum demand may be based on a shorter interval. C. Power Factor Adjustment: When the billing demand has exceeded 200 KW for three consecutive months, a kilovar -hour meter will be installed as soon as practicable and, thereafter until the billing demand has been less than 150 KW for 12 consecutive months, the charges will be adjusted each month for the power factor as follows: The charges will be decreased by 20 cents per kilo- watt of measured maximum demand and will be increased by 20 cents per kilovar of reactive demand. However, in no case shall the kilovars used for the adjust- ment be less than one -fifth the number of kilowatts. The kilovars of reactive demand shall be calculated by multiplying the kilowatts of measured maximum demand by the ratio of the kilovar -hours to the kilowatt hours. Demands in kilowatts and kilovars shall be determined to the nearest 1 /10 (0.1) unit. A rachet device will be installed on the kilovar -hour meter to prevent its reverse operation on leading power factor. D. Voltage Discount: The charges before power factor adjustment will be reduced by 3% for service delivered and metered at voltages of from 2 to 10 KW; by 4% for service delivered and metered at voltages of from 11 KV to 50 KV; and by 5% for service delivered and metered at voltages over 50 KV; except that when only one transformation from a transmission voltage level is involved, a customer normally entitled to a 3% discount will be entitled to a 4% discount. E. Temporary Discontinuance of Service: Where the use of energy is seasonal or intermittent, no adjustment will be made for a temporary discontinuance of service. Any customer prior to resuming service within twelve months after such service was discontinued will be required to pay all charges which would have been billed if service had not been discontinued. SERVICE RATE Applicable to all single or three phase general power service, no lighting. First 100 KWH per HP of connected load per month First 100 KWH 4.5¢ Next 400 KWH 3.0¢ Excess KWH 2.40 Next 100 KWH per Hp of connected load per month All KWH 1.10 All excess KWH 0.90 MINIMUM CHARGE (SCHEDULE P -1 -C) POWER- CONNECTED LOAD BASIS $1.25 per HP of connected load per month. But in no case shall the minimum charge be less than the charges for 2 HP, single phase or the charges for 3 HP, three phase. SPECIAL CONDITIONS (a) Service voltage per rules and regulations. (b) Connected load is the sum of the rated capacities of all the consumer's equipment that it is possible to connect to the City's lines at the same time, determined to the nearest 1 /10 HP. 746 watts equivalent to 1 HP. (c) Whenever, upon test, equipment under normal operating condi- tion is found to be delivering more than 125 per cent of its capacity as indicated by its nameplate rating, the City may disregard the nameplate rating and base its charges upon the output as calculated from test. Equipment which is billed on a basis in excess of its nameplate rating in accordance with this special condition shall be tested upon notification by the consumer of a permanent change in operating conditions. (d) Where X -Ray apparatus is served under this schedule, the minimum charge applicable thereto shall be as follows: (1) Where X -Ray apparatus is metered separately from the other load: $3.00 per month, except where transformer capacity is installed exclusively to serve the X -Ray apparatus, the minimum charge will be $1.00 per month per KVA of such capacity but not less than $3.00 per month. (2) Where X -Ray apparatus is metered in combination with other load: $1.25 per month per KVA of X -Ray apparatus capacity as established by the City of Anaheim. (e) No adjustment in minimum charge will be made for any temporary reduction of connected load. SPECIAL CONDITIONS SERVICE Applicable to single or three phase general power service, no lighting. RATE (SCHEDULE P -1 -D) POWER- DEMAND BASIS Minimum billing demand of 35 KW per month. First 150 KWH per KW or billing demand per month First 1000 KWH 2.80 Next 4000 KWH 2.3¢ Excess KWH 1.5¢ Next 150 KWH per KW of billing demand per month All KWH 0.9¢ All excess KWH 0.80 MINIMUM CHARGE First 35 KW Billing Demand or less $50.00 per month All over 35 KW Billing Demand 1.00 per yKW per month (a) Service voltage per rules and regulations. (b) The Billing Demand shall be the Kilowatt of measured maximum demand but in no case shall be less than either (1) 50% of the contracted for or connected load, or (2) 50% of the highest measured maximum demand in preceding eleven months, whichever is the greater. Maximum demand registration shall be converted to the nearest one -tenth (1 /10) Billing Kilowatt, but in no case less than 35 KW. (c) The measured maximum demand in any month shall be the maximum kilowatt input indicated or recorded by instruments to be supplied by the City, in the 15 minute interval in which the consumption of electric energy is greater than in any other 15 minute interval in the month, or at the option of the City, may be determined by tests from time to time. Where the demand is intermittent or subject to violent fluctuations, the maximum demand may be based upon a shorter time interval. (d) Connected load is the sum of rated capacities of all of the consumer's equipment that it is possible to connect to the City's lines at the same time, determined to the nearest 1 /10 KW. 1 HP shall be equivalent to 1 KW. (e) No adjustment in minimum charge will be made for any temporary reduction of connected load. SERVICE Applicable to all consumers of agricultural power service. RATE ENERGY CHARGE IN ADDITION TO SERVICE CHARGE RATE PER KWH FOR CONSUMPTION PER HP PER YEAR Size of Annual Service 1st 1000 2nd 1000 All over 2000 Installation HP Charge per HP KWH KWH KWH 2 to 4.9 5 to 14.9 15 to 49.9 50 to 99.9 100 and over MINIMUM CHARGE SCHEDULE PA -1 POWER AGRICULTURAL SERVICE $7.50 $7.00 $6.50 $6.00 $5.50 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 0.77 0.7•N 0.77 0.7•N 0.77 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.59 The annual minimum charge shall be the service charge, but in no case will the total annual service charge be less than $15.00 for single phase service nor less than $22.50 for three phase service. SPECIAL CONDITIONS (a) The rate applies to service rendered at 240 or 480 volts at the option of the consumer. 746 watts shall be equivalent to 1 HP. (b) The agricultural year upon which this rate is based shall consist of twelve consecutive months, the start of the first month being the first regular meter reading taken during the month of May and the end of the last month being the last regular meter reading taken during the month of April of the succeeding year. (c) The service charge is payable in six monthly installments during the months of May to October inclusive. Consumers, whose normal use of energy does not occur within the period May through October, may elect, if satisfactory to the City of Anaheim, another six months within which to pay the service charge, provided such period shall not begin later than the month of October. The energy charge is payable monthly as energy is used. (d) Any consumer may obtain the rates for a larger installation by guaranteeing the rates and service charge applicable to the larger installation. (d) Whenever, upon test, any equipment is found to be delivering more than 125% of its capacity as indicated by its name- plate rating, the City may disregard the nameplate rating and base its charges upon the actual output as calculated from the test. (f) Prorating for a fractional agricultural year: Where a full agricultural year is not available to the consumer, due to the occurrence after the regular meter reading date in April, of any of the following contin- gencies, the above rate will be prorated for a fractional agricultural year: 1. Where a new consumer starts service. 2. Where a change in connected load occurs prior to the end of the pumping season. 3. When a change of ownership occurs prior to the end of the pumping season, the new owner must continue service on the old customer's contract and pay all charges which would have accrued for continuous service. (g) Method of prorating: New Customer: 1. The service charge will be applicable each month to meter readings taken in the six consecutive months of May through October inclusive. For service after the above period, service charge may be paid in two installments. 2. The size of energy blocks and service charges will be reduced by the ratio that the number of days of service the fractional agricultural year bears to 365 days. Change of Connected Load: Where there is an increase or decrease in connected load during the agricultural year, no adjustments in billing to date of change will be made. For the period subsequent to date of change, billing shall be made on the following basis: 1. Any remaining service charge installments shall be based on the new connected load. 2. Energy charge billing will be based on the new connected load using the full annual blocks less the adjusted kilowatt -hour use to date of change. This adjustment is determined by multiplying the kilowatt -hours to date of change by the ratio of the new connected load to the old connected load. SERVICE RATE SCHEDULE LS -1 LIGHTING STREET AND HIGHWAY CUSTOMER -OWNED INSTALLATION Applicable to street and highway lighting where customer owns and maintains street lighting equipment. (1) Metered Rates First 150 KWHrs per month per KW of lamp load 3.0G All excess KWHrs per month per KW of lamp load .7N (2) Flat Rate All night Midnight For each KW of lamp load $6.60 per month $5.00 LAMP LOAD Incandescent Lumens 600 800 1000 2500 4000 6000 10,000 15,000 25,000 Watts 42 57 62 143 210 310 525 755 1,275 Sodium Vapor Mercury Vapor Lumens 11,000 15,000 20,000 35,000 55,000 Watts 292 447 447 753 1,058 SWITCHING FACILITIES The customer shall furnish, maintain and operate switching facilities. Service voltage per rules and regulations. 10,000 Lumens 232 Watts SERVICE RATE 1,000 Lumen Incandescent 2,500 Lumen Incandescent 4,000 Lumen Incandescent 6,000 Lumen Incandescent 10,000 Lumen Incandescent 15,000 Lumen Incandescent 10,000 Lumen Sodium Vapor 20,000 Lumen Mercury Vapor 35,000 Lumen Mercury Vapor SCHEDULE LS -2 LIGHTING STREET AND HIGHWAY CITY -OWNED SYSTEM Applicable to lighting districts for street and highway lighting service supplied from overhead lines where the City owns and maintains the street lighting equipment. RATE PER LAMP PER MONTH LAMP SIZE TYPE ALL NIGHT SERVICE 2.10 3.00 3.65 4.40 6.20 8.35 6.85 7.95 12.95 SPECIAL CONDITIONS (a) Standard Equipment Furnished. Bracket or mast arm construction will be furnished. Where feasible with existing facilities, center suspension construction may be furnished. Enclosed luminaries will be furnished for lamps of 2500 lumens, or larger and open reflectors lighting units will be furnished for lamps of 1000 lumens. Such standard lighting equipment will be attached to wood poles. (b) Other Than Standard Equipment. Where the customer requests the installation of other than the standard equipment and such requested equipment is acceptable to the City, the City will install the requested equipment provided the customer agrees to advance the estimated difference in cost installed between such equipment and standard equipment. Advances made for this purpose will not be refunded. Facilities installed in connection with such agreements become and remain the sole property of the City. (c) Hours of Service. Approximately 4070 hours per year. RULES AND REGULATIONS ELECTRIC DEFINITIONS For the purpose of these rates and tariff schedules, the terms and expressions listed below shall have the meanings set forth below them. AGRICULTURAL POWER SERVICE: Agricultural power service is that portion of electric energy and service used with the production, harvesting and preparation for market of agricultural and horticultural products including poultry and livestock, on land used for production of agricultural products, but does not apply to processing of products raised by others. POWER SERVICE GENERAL: Service to motors or equipment used for purposes other than lighting shall be considered as power service. Lamps or lights used for purposes which, in the opinion of the City, are not used for illumination purposes may be classed as power service, or are installed as an integral part of equipment and energized from its power supply. GENERAL SERVICE: Service to non domestic lighting or power installations may be on separate meters for single or three phase, but no conjunctive billing of meters allowed. In order to qualify for combined single and three phase service, customer must take service at three phase and furnish their own trans- formation to single phase, if necessary. NOMINAL VOLTAGE: The nominal voltage of a circuit is assigned for convenient designation. The operating voltage actually existing at various points and time on a circuit is subject to normal distribution variation. TEMPORARY SERVICE: Service for enterprises or activities which are temporary in character or where it is known in advance that service will be of limited duration shall be considered temporary service. Service which in the opinion of the City is for operations of a speculative character or the permanency of which has not been established also shall be considered temporary service. A. GENERAL 1. The character of service available at any particular location should be ascertained by inquiry at the Electrical Division Office. CITY OF ANAHEIM RULES AND REGULATIONS- ELECTRIC 2. Alternating current service of approximately 60 -cycle frequency will be supplied. B. PHASE AND VOLTAGE SPECIFICATIONS 1. Standard nominal voltages of the City are as follows: a. Distribution voltages -120, 120/240, 240, 480. b. Where the City maintains four -wire wye- connected polyphase secondary mains: (1) 120, 120/208, and 208 volts, or (2) 277/480 volts. c. Where the City maintains four -wire delta- connected polyphase secondary mains: 120, 120/240, and 240 volts. 2. Standard single -phase service a. Power or Lighting Minimum Load Maximum Load Voltage Required Allowed 120 volts 120/240 volts 240 volts 480 volts None Over 1 -15 amp and 1 -20 amp branch circuit None none X -Ray As specified in Rate Schedules b. Motors (1) Installation consisting of one motor: Minimum Load Maximum Load Voltage Required Allowed 120 volts None 1/2 HP* 240 volts None 10 HP 480 volts or over 5 HP 10 HP *Or larger provided the locked rotor current does not exceed 40 amp or approval granted by City. (2) For a group of motors, the voltage shall be in accordance with the specification for the largest motor in the group. 1 -15 amp and 1 -20 amp branch circuit 400 amp main switch 400 amp main switch 200 amp main switch 3. Standard three -phase service c. Lighting is supplied single phase at 120, 120/240, or where City maintains four -wire wye- connected secondary mains, 120/208 volts. d. Single -phase service may be supplied to installations having a proposed main service switch in excess of the switch capacities specified above, provided the written appoval of the City has been first obtained as to the number and size of motors, switches, circuits, and related facilities. 120 /240 -volt installations will be supplied by one of the following methods as determined by the City: (1) From two or three separate 120 /240 -volt service connections. Energy so supplied will be measured through one meter. The connected load on any service connection shall not be greater than twice that on any other service connection. (2) From one 120 /240 -volt connection where the proposed main service switch does not exceed 600 amperes capacity. e. Where the City maintains four -wire wye- connected secondary mains, single -phase service is supplied at 120/208 volts, three -wire, for which the maximum allowed is a 100 ampere main switch. Loads in excess of a 100 ampere main switch will be supplied at 120/208 volts, four -wire. a. Power and Motor Service Minimum Connected Maximum Demand Voltage Load Required Allowed 240 volts 480 volts 3 HP 25 HP 1,000 kva 3,000 kva b. Where three -phase service is supplied at 208 volts from a four -wire wye connected service of 120/208 volts, the maximum demand allowed is 1,000 kva. c. Service to all loads of 1,000 kva maximum demand, or over, must be approved by the City as to adequacy of facilities for service. d. Three -phase load must be balanced between phases in accordance with good engineering practice as determined by the City. 4. Combined Single -phase Service and Three -phase Service. a. In addition to standard three -phase service, service may be supplied at 120/208 volts four -wire wye connected where City does not maintain four -wire secondary polyphase mains, provided: (1) written application is made for such service by the customer; (2) the customer's load is of such a size as to require an individual transformer installation of not less than 45 kva of transformer capacity; and (3) the customer provides space acceptable to the City on his premises to accommodate the installation of the City's facilities. b. Service may be supplied at 277/480 volts four wire wye- connected where City does not maintain four -wire secondary polyphase mains, provided: (1) written application is made for such service by the customer; (2) the customer's load is of such size as to require an individual transformer instal- lation of not less than 150 kva of transformer capacity; and (3) the customer provides space acceptable to the City on his premises to accommodate the installation of the City's facilities. c. Service may be supplied at 120/240 volts four -wire delta- connected where City does not maintain four wire secondary polyphase mains, provided: (1) the installation includes at least one motor rated in excess of 10 HP; (2) the unbalance between phases is less than 100 kw; and (3) the customer provides space acceptable to the City on his premises to accommodate the installation of the City's facilities. d. The maximum demand allowances for combined single phase and three -phase are as set forth in B -3 above. 5. At the option of the City, the above voltage and phase specifications may be modified because of service conditions at the location involved. C. MOTOR PROTECTION AND EQUIPMENT. Customer's motor equipment must conform with the following requirements: 1. Motors that cannot be safely subjected to full rated voltage on starting or that drive machinery of such a nature that the machinery itself, or the product it handles will not permit the motor to resume normal speed upon the restoration of normal supply voltage shall be equipped with devices that will disconnect them from the line upon failure of supply voltage and that will prevent the automatic reconnection of the motors upon restoration of normal supply voltage. 2. All motors of 1 HP or larger shall be equipped with thermal relays, fuses, or other automatic overcurrent interrupting devices to disconnect completely such motors from the line as a protection against damage due to overheating. 3. Three -phase motors driving elevators, hoists, tramways, cranes, conveyers, or other equipment, which would create hazard to life in the event of uncontrolled reversal of motor rotation, shall be provided with reverse phase and open -phase protection to disconnect completely the motors from the line in the event of phase reversal or loss of one phase. C. SERVICE AGREEMENTS 4. Wind machines thermostatically controlled with auto- matic reclosing switches must be equipped with suitable time -delay devices, as hereinafter specified, at the customer's expense, to permit the required adjustment of the time of reclosure after interruption of service. A suitable time -delay device, within the meaning of this rule, is a relay or other type of equipment that can be preset to delay with various time intervals the reclosing of the automatic switches (and the consequent starting up of the electric motors on the wind machines) and to stagger the reconnection of the load on the City's system, and such device must be constructed so as to permit effectively a variable over -all time interval of not less than five minutes with adjustable time increments of not greater than ten seconds. The particular setting to be utilized for each separate installation is to be determined by the City from time to time in accordance with its operating requirements, and the customer is to obtain from the City the setting for each installation as thus determined. 1. Normal Facilities a. Minimum and maximum load requirements will be as provided for in rates,rules and regulations. b. The City, at its own expense, will furnish and install an overhead service to the first point of attachment to the customer's building or other terminal structure, such point to be approved by the Utilities Department. c. Each normal installation shall include, where necessary, facilities for one standard transformation. d. The City will furnish as a normal metering instal- lation, meters adequate to measure at a single point of delivery the demand and energy consumption, the type of such meters to be determined by the City. Provision must be made for installing a kilovar- hour meter on all installations requiring a main switch of 600 amperes at 240 Volts for 400 amperes at 480 Volts. 2. Excess Facilities a. In the event service facilities in excess of a normal installation are requested by the Customer or are required to serve the Customer's load, the City shall furnish, install, and maintain such facilities subject to the following conditions: (1) The customer shall pay the City prior to the time of installation, the estimated cost of the installation and removal, and be governed by the Agreement for the installation of Electric Facilities entered into at that time. (2) Customers requiring an initial period for development of load during which it is expected that the demand initially will be less than 50% of the demand expected at the end of the development period, will be billed in accordance with the applicable rate. 3. Standby Service a. Customers requesting added line facilities and /or standby service shall be required to pay prior to the installation, the entire cost of installing and removing all equipment, and in addition for standby service, shall be billed a monthly charge of $1.50 per KVA of such standby facilities. Regular schedule charges to be added to standby charges. 4. Where any applicant or customer desires new or increased distribution facilities for temporary service, the City shall require such person to pay to the Utility, in advance, the estimated cost installed, plus the estimated cost of removal of the facilities necessary for furnishing service. E. SERVICE CONNECTIONS AND FACILITIES ON CUSTOMER'S PREMISES 1. Overhead Service: a. All extensions of distribution lines will be over- head, and will be built along public roads and highways and upon private property where satis- factory rights -of -way may be obtained without cost to the City. 2. Underground Service Connection from Overhead Source a. Any customer desiring the service conductors to be installed underground shall furnish, install and maintain, at his expense, conduit or duct from a terminating pull box to the pole, designated by the City on which connection is to be made. The customer shall also furnish at his expense, and convey to the City the necessary material to reach the service arm of the designated pole. The City will thereafter own, erect and maintain this material. Material furnished by the customer and its installation shall be as specified by the City. b. The size of conductors to be furnished or paid for by the customer will be determined by the City and the City will assist on installation at its expense. The customer shall pay the cost of conductors for the entire distance. The customer shall furnish and install, at his expense, a pull wire as specified by the City. c. Where customer desires total underground facili- ties, the customer shall pay prior to the time of installation the difference in cost between an equivalent overhead system and the underground system, as determined by the Utilities Department. 3. Number of Services to be Installed: a. The City will not install more than one service for the same voltage and phase classification for any one building or group of buildings on a single premises, except as separate services may be installed for separate building or groups of buildings, where necessary for the operating convenience of the City. 4. Transformer Installation on Customer's Premises: a. In cases where the City desires to install trans- formers on Customer's premises, the customer shall provide adequate space for the transformer instal- lation and furnish a satisfactory right -of -way for the service conductors. (1) The City will erect pole type transformer structures at its expense. (2) Where the customer has provided a fireproof room or vault at his expense, in which City owned transformers and switching may be installed, the City will complete the instal- lation consisting of protective equipment, primary and secondary bus, and necessary grounding. (3) Where the customer has provided a concrete pad or foundation within an approved enclosure, located outdoors, he shall also furnish and install, at his expense, all secondary equip- ment and material necessary to receive service at the secondaries of the transformers or the secondary bus. The City will, at its expense, complete the installation. (4) The City reserves the right to specify the type of transformer installation to be used. 5. Meter Installation: a. Location. All meters installed by the City shall be at some convenient place, approved by the City, upon the customer's premises, and so placed as to be at all times accessible for inspection, reading, and testing. b. Multiple- Occupancy Buildings. All meters are re- quired to be installed at one central point and shall be clearly marked by the building owner to indicate the particular location supplied by it. F. METER TESTS AND ADJUSTMENT OF BILLS FOR METER ERROR 1. Tests. Every meter will be tested prior to time of installation and will not be installed if found to register more than 2 /10ths of 1% slow or fast. 2. Adjustment of bills for meter error. a. When upon test a meter is found to be in error in the amount of 3% fast or slow, a correction based on meter readings over a period of the six preceding months will be made and the customer will be given a credit or billed for the amount of the undercharge. b. When upon test a meter is found to be not register- ing, the customer will be sent an estimated bill based upon prior use. c. When it is found that the error in the meter is due to causes, the date of which can be reliably established, the overcharge or undercharge will be computed back to that date. G. BILLING PERIODS Bills for metered service will be based on meter registration. Normal billing periods for monthly accounts will be on a 30 -day basis; bimonthly periods on 60 -day basis. No pro rata computation will be made unless there is a permanent change in reading dates. No more than 12 bills on a monthly basis, or 6 bills on a bi- monthly basis will be made in any 12 -month period. H. PRO RATA COMPUTATION 1. Closing bills, opening bills, and special billings only will be computed in accordance with the applicable rate schedule, but the size of the energy blocks and the amount of minimum charge or service charge speci- fied will be prorated on the basis of the ratio of the number of days in the period to 30 days on monthly, or 60 days on bimonthly, or as otherwise stated in rate schedule. 2. When the total period of service is less than 30 days, no prorations will be made, and the bill shall not be less than the monthly minimum. If the starting current for a single motor exceeds the value stated in the following tables, reduced voltage starting or other suitable means must be employed, at the customer's expense, to limit the current to the value specified: TABLE 1 Alternating Current Single -phase Motors Allowable Locked Rotor Currents Rated Size 120 Volts 240 Volts 1/2 hp and less 40 amperes 20 amperes 3/4 hp 46 is 27 1 hp 46 36 1 1/2 hp 44 2 hp 50 3 hp 60 5 hp 100 7 1/2 hp 110 10 hp 147 TABLE 2 Alternating Current Three -phase Motors Allowable Locked Rotor Currents Rated Size 240 Volts 480 Volts 2400 Volts 3 hp 60 amperes 30 amperes 5 90 45 7 1/2 120 60 is 10 is 150 75 15 220 110 is 20 250 125 is 25 is 304 is 152 30 is 360 is 180 40 11 380 Is 190 50 si 400 i s 200 40•amperes 60 is 240 is 48 is 75 300 60 is 100 is 400 n 80 is 125 500 100 is 150 is 600 is 120 is 200 hp and over 4 amperes 0.8 amperes per hp per hp Reduced- voltage starters may be omitted on any motor of a group installation provided that its starting current does not exceed the allowable starting current of the largest motor of the group or on a group installation provided its starting current does not exceed three times the maximum demand in amperes of the entire installation. The City may at any time require starting current lower than stated if its system requires such reduction to avoid interference with service. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and signed by me this 2nd day of August 19 66 ATTEST: C2 ERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE CITY OF ANAHEIM (SEAL) s s. MAYOR OF THE CITY OF I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution adopted at a regular meeting of held on the 2nd day of August 19 following vote of the members thereof: A AHEIM City of Anaheim, was passed and the City Council 66 by the AYES: COUNCILMEN :Dutton, Pebley, Schutte, and Krein NOES: COUNCILMEN:None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN Chandler AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said resolution on the 2nd day of August 19 66 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the City of Anaheim this 2nd day of August 19 66 C I Y CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing is the original of Resolution No. 66R -531 duly passed and adopted by the Anaheim City Council on August 2, 1966.