66-505i E OLUTION NO. 66a-505 A RESOLUTION OF `1I CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF A AELIL TER Ii ATI G ALL P aOCEa U°-- INGS Iid CONr'ECTIOu WITH RECLASSIFICATION NO. 65- 66 -65. WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim raid hold a public hearing in Reclassification Proceedings No. 65 -66 -65 to consider an amendment to Title 18 of the Anaheim iunicipal Code relating to zoning, and to con sider a change in the boundaries of the zone hereinafter mentioned and described, an& at said hearing did receive evidence and reports from persons interested therein and from its staff and WHEREAS, within a period of forty days following said hearing thereon the Planning Commission did duly adopt Resolu- tion No. 1910, Series 1965 -1966, containing a report of its findings, a summary of the evidence presented at said hearing, and a recommendation that a certain zone be changed as Iiiore particularly set forth in said resolution; and WHEREAS, upon receipt of said resolution, summary of evidence, report of findings, and recommendation of the City Planning Commission, the City Council did fix the 23rd day of February, 1966, as the time and the City Council Chambers in the City Hall of the City of Anaheim as the place for a public nearing upon said proposed amendment to Title 18 of the Anaheim Municipal Code, and the exclusion of the property, hereinafter described, from the zone in which it is now situ- ated, and the incorporation thereof in the zone set forth in said proposed amendment; and aia give notice thereof in the manner and form as provided in said Title 18 of the Anaheim Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, at the time and place fixed for said public hearing the City Council aid hold and conduct such public hear- ing, and aid give all persons interested therein an opportunity to be heard, and did receive evidence and reports, and did thereupon consider the summary of evidence presented at said public hearing before the Planning Commission, its report of findings, and recommendation, and did continue said hearing to iiay 24, 1966, to permit the filing of an application for the specific use proposed; and WHEREAS, on lay 24, 1966, the City Council did find that on or about iiay 21, 1966 an application for a specific use of subject property had been filed under Reclassification No. 65 -66 -121, and the City Council did thereupon continue said hearing on Reclassification No. 65 -66 -65 to July 19, 1966 to be considered in conjunction with Reclassification No. 65 -66 -121; and WHEREAS, the City Council noes find that the property proposed to be changed to a different zone in Reclassification Proceedings No. 65 -66 -65 is the property described in Reclassification No. 65 -66 -121, and that all proceedings should, therefore, be terminated in connection with Reclassification No. 65- 66 -65. -1- NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anaheim that all proceedings in connection with Reclassification No. 65- 66 -65, proposing to reclassify the following described property: The Northerly 250 feet of the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 12, Township 4 South, Range 10 West, and the Southerly 30 feet of the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 1, Township 4 South, :Range 10 West, in the Rancho San Juan Cajon Cie Santa Ana, City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, as shown on aap recorded in Book 51, page 10 of Miscellaneous Maps, records of said Orange County. Excepting therefrom the Westerly 20 feet of the Northeast quarter of said Section 12 and the Westerly 20 feet of the Southeast quarter of said Section 1. from R -A, AGRICULTURAL ZONE, to C -1, GENERAL COILIERCIAL ZONE, be, and the same are hereby terminated. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and signed by me this 19th day of July, 1966. ATTES Y CLERK OF THE CITY OF AsAEI STATL OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF 01 i\NGL s s CITY OF AITAH:i I %i (SEAL) NOES: COUNCI LiiE one ABSENT: CODUCILE_:d None -2- MAYOR OF THE CITY' 4.F ANAHEI'i I, DENE M. WILL IAN'S, CITY CLERK OF THE C!T'r' '?F ?•',!?r!s1 DO HEREBY Cr I "II-Y THAT THE FOREGOING 16 1 iw AL OF RESOLUTION NO. 66R -505 DULY PAS: Ai AD ED BY THE ANAHEIM CITY COUNCIL ON 7 -19 -1966 I, LENS i_. WILLIAiS, City Clerk of the City of Z�naheirT, coo hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 19th day of July, 1966, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUNCI,IEN: Dutton, Pebley, Schutte, Chandler and i:rein AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the i ayor of the City of Anaheim approves and signed said resolution on the 19th day of July, 1966. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the City of Anaheim this 19th day of July, 1966. CI`iY CLERK OF Th CITY OF ANAHEIM CITY CLEMK