Senior Citizen 2023/09/21MINUTES SENIOR CITIZEN COMMISSION September 21, 2023 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: STAFF PRESENT: Janet Brown, Chair Brian Chwan, Community Services Superintendent Denise Barnes, Vice-Chair Maureen Richardson, Community Services Supervisor Sue Baltazar Beth Lapkowski, Administrative Assistant Kandee Beas Steve Brio VISITORS PRESENT: Frances Noteboom Joe Pak Victor “Vic” Real A G E N D A A C T I O N T A K E N 1.CALL TO ORDER: Chair Browncalled the meeting to orderat2:02p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Chair Brown led the Commission in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. 3. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Chair Brown presented the minutes of the August 17, 2023,meeting. Commissioner Noteboom made a motion for approval of the minutes, seconded by Vice-Chair Barnes. Minutes were approved unanimously. 4. SCHEDULED PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: A. AARP Presentation – Leigh Broadway, AARP Legislative Liaison, is a caregiver representative and legislative liaison for AARP in District 46 with 29,000 AARP members. She described programs and services provided by AARP, answered questions from commissioners, and provided information on resources. 5. UNSCHEDULED PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: Joe Pak from Assemblywoman Sharon Quirk-Silva’s office reintroduced himself and invited commissioners to contact him with any senior citizen concerns. Commissioner Beas joined the meeting. 6. NEW BUSINESS: A. Disasters Expo USA: Vice-Chair Barnes provided information about this event being held at the Anaheim Convention Center. Chair Brown will be attending the event and Commissioner Beas would like to attend as well. B. Blue Zone Status: Commissioner Real asked if the City of Anaheim has any plan relating to Blue Zone status. Brian Chwan indicated the city is committed to enhancing and promoting senior services. Commissioner Real reported there is a current show on Netflix called Secrets of the Blue Zone. He described the definition of Blue Zones and shared the areas in the world identified as such and the commonalities identified as the “power nine.” Chair Brown announced that Commissioner Real went to Washington D.C. for the Honor Flight and he shared pictures with the commissioners. He was also selected to present the wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier. 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Senior Citizen Commission September 21, 2023 Page 2 A G E N D A A C T I O N T A K E N A. Senior Services Website Upgrade/Discussion/Expansion – Commissioner Brio reported that the meeting with the City IT Department had been postponed and Maureen Richardson stated it’s been rescheduled for Friday, September 29 at 10:00 a.m. B. Anaheim Senior Citizen Strategic Plan – Chair Brown noted that a survey is being conducted for the County’s Strategic Plan and she encouraged all commissioners to complete it. Representatives will be at Brookhurst Community Center on Monday, September 25, from Noon to 2:00 p.m. Brian Chwan shared that he and Maureen Richardson are working on a grant application through the California Department of Aging. He thanked Chair Brown and Vice-Chair Barnes for the information they sent to him and noted that the City is leveraging resources the best possible to be ready for the strategic plan. C. Senior Center Signage Update – Maureen Richardson reported that they have been in meetings to work out the plans for the signage. 8. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: A. Status of Active Older Adult Services and Staffing Levels Update – Brian Chwan announced that they received a great response to the Community Services Coordinator recruitments. There are five 30-hour position recruitments that are moving forward as well. B. Anaheim Public Library – Older Adult Services – Chair Brown announced that Lucky Duran is the new senior librarian for senior services, and they are working together to assist with teaching technology to seniors. Maureen Richardson stated that two computers have been purchased for the senior center that will be available for seniors to use so they won’t need to go to the library to use the public computers. Lucky will come to the next meeting to discuss their programs. C. Fall Festival Parade Participation – Brian Chwan shared opportunities to the commissioners if they th would like to participate in the 100year parade on Saturday, October 28, as well as a booth at the nd Day of the Dead event at Pearson Park on November 2. D. Commissioner Noteboom announced that she saw Congressman Correa’s interview with Merrick Garland about Fentanyl and found it very interesting. 9. ADJOURNMENT: Chair Brown adjourned the meeting at 3:00 p.m. NEXT MEETING: The next meetingwill be held on Thursday, October 19, 2023, at 2:00 p.m.