Senior Citizen 2023/11/16MINUTES(AMENDED) SENIOR CITIZEN COMMISSION November 16, 2023 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: STAFF PRESENT: Denise Barnes, Vice-Chair Brian Chwan, Community Services Superintendent Sue Baltazar Maureen Richardson, Community Services Supervisor Kandee Beas Beth Lapkowski, Administrative Assistant Steve Brio Frances Noteboom VISITORS PRESENT: Victor “Vic” Real Council Member Natalie Meeks COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Janet Brown, Chair A G E N D A A C T I O N T A K E N 1. CALL TO ORDER: Vice-Chair Barnes called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Vice-Chair Barnes led the Commission in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. 3. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Vice-Chair Barnes presented the minutes of the September 21, 2023, meeting. Commissioner Real made a motion for approval of the minutes, seconded by Commissioner Noteboom. Minutes were approved unanimously. 4. SCHEDULED PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: A. Anaheim Public Library – Brian Chwan welcomed City Council Member Natalie Meeks to the meeting and introduced Lucky Duran, Senior Librarian for Older Adult Services at Anaheim Public Library. Ms. Duran explained her goals for services for Active Older Adults and explained that she has been working with Alzheimer’s Association of O.C. for some virtual programming, and Access California Services for emergency preparedness programs. She asked for feedback on services the commissioners would like to see, such as healthy living, art programs, driving, etc. Commissioner Noteboom suggested that a program assisting with the DMV would be helpful. Vice- Chair Barnes suggested that they look into the meetings held by the Orange County Office on Aging. Commissioner Real suggested that they provide instructions on computers and technology; Vice-Chair Barnes reported that the County gave away computers during COVID, and they have a program called “Ready Set Go” where they provide a laptop and instruction for seniors. Ms. Duran answered questions from commissioners and provided information on resources. Commissioner Noteboom suggested changing the name of the Commission to Active Older Adult Commission. Brian Chwan noted that since they would need a vote to accomplish that, he will include it for discussion and a possible vote on the January meeting agenda. 5. UNSCHEDULED PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: City Council Member Natalie Meeks discussed the Strategic Plan that the city is working on, and the fact that when bonds are fully paid there will be additional funds available, and the Strategic Plan will address the best ways to use those funds. She discussed some of the priorities for seniors and the ways the city is attempting to get input from residents. They expect to get a preliminary report from the consultant early next year. Commissioner Brio asked where information can be located on the strategic plan; Council Member Meeks stated that they are in the process of collecting information through a survey which can be found on the City’s website. She suggested that it might be a good idea for the consultant to meet with the city Senior Citizen Commission November 16, 2023 Page 2 A G E N D A A C T I O N T A K E N commissions since they have a connection to the community. She appreciated the feedback she received from the commissioners. 6. NEW BUSINESS: A. County of Orange – County’s Older Adults Needs Assessment - Vice-Chair Barnes reported that everyone should have received the online needs assessment and encouraged them to complete it. Commissioner Real asked whether staff have been in communication with Supervisor Chaffee’s Office; Brian Chwan indicated he has not heard back but hopes to have a representative come to the next commission meeting. th B. Senior Centers Presentation – Commissioner Noteboom reported that on October 24 she attended a field trip to senior centers in Buena Park, Huntington Beach, and Newport Beach to gather information regarding stand-alone centers in other cities. She shared a power point and described the facilities and the amenities at each site. 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Senior Services Website Upgrade/Discussion/Expansion – Commissioner Brio updated the commission on the efforts through his collaboration with Community Services staff, IT staff and Irene Rose from the Anaheim Senior Citizens Club, to expand and upgrade information on the City website for senior services. He shared the website and showed some information that’s available there, and he suggested some additional links that may be helpful for seniors, such as the strategic plan survey and volunteer information. Commissioner Noteboom suggested also including information on sites where food is available. B. Anaheim Senior Citizen Strategic Plan – Vice-Chair Barnes reviewed the notes submitted by Chair Brown. C. Senior Center Signage Update – Still in planning stages. D. Blue Zones - Commissioner Real shared some information about Blue Zones. Brian Chwan stated that www.bluezones.com is a site that has information and articles relating to Blue Zones and the Netflix show called Secrets of the Blue. 8. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: A. Status of Active Older Adult Services and Staffing Levels Update – Brian Chwan reported that Maureen’s team is growing with two full-time staff who are currently going through background checks, and three part-time positions have also been filled. 9. ADJOURNMENT: Vice-Chair Barnes adjourned the meeting at 3:58 p.m. NEXT MEETING: The next meetingwill be held on Thursday, January 18, 2024, at 2:00 p.m.