06-11-24_Action with CommentsANAHEIM CITY COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA JUNE 11, 2024 CITY COUNCIL HOUSING AUTHORITY  ORDER OF BUSINESS: Public sessions of all regular meetings of the City Council/Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency/Housing Authority/Public Financing Authority/Housing and Public Improvements Authority begin at 5:00 P.M. Public hearings begin at 5:30 P.M. unless otherwise noted. Closed sessions begin at 3:00 P.M. or such other time as noted. Closed sessions may be preceded by one or more public workshops. If a workshop is scheduled, the subject and time of the workshop will appear on the agenda. Not all of the above agencies may be meeting on any given date. The agenda will specify which agencies are meeting. All meetings are in the Anaheim City Hall, Council Chamber, 200 S. Anaheim Blvd., Anaheim, CA 92805 or such other location as noted. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54954.2(a)(2), no action or discussion by the City Council shall be undertaken on any item not appearing on the posted agenda, except to briefly provide information, ask for clarification, provide direction to staff, or schedule a matter for a future meeting.  REPORTS: All agenda items and reports are available for review in the City Clerk’s Office and www.anaheim.net/councilagendas. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the City Council regarding any item on this agenda (other than writings legally exempt from public disclosure) are available at the Office of the City Clerk, located at 200 S. Anaheim Blvd., 2nd Floor, Anaheim, CA 92805 and by contacting the office by phone, 714-765-5166, or email to cityclerk@anaheim.net.  PUBLIC COMMENTS: There are two Public Comment periods with speakers having one opportunity to address the City Council, except for scheduled public hearing items. Public comments are limited to three (3) minutes per speaker, unless a different time limit is announced. The City uses speaker cards that must be submitted to the City Clerk in order to address the City Council. Prior to the business portion of the agenda, the City Council and all other related agencies meeting on such date will convene in joint session for the first Public Comment period where speakers will be permitted to speak on specific agenda item(s). This first Public Comment period is limited to 90 minutes or until all agenda item speakers have been heard, whichever is later. Any remaining time shall be provided to non-agenda item speakers until the 90 minute time limitation is exhausted. The second Public Comment period will be opened by the Mayor if any non-agenda item speakers were not called during the first Public Comment period. For public hearings, the Mayor or Chairperson will separately call for testimony at the time of each public hearing. Testimony during public hearings is subject to the following time limits: Project applicant or issue initiator: twenty minutes for initial presentation and ten minutes for rebuttal; Residents within the noticed area of the subject property: ten minutes; All other members of the public: three minutes. Public hearings regarding legislative matters: five minutes. The Mayor or Chairperson may limit the length of comments during public hearings due to the number of persons wishing to speak or if comments become repetitious or irrelevant. Speakers shall refrain from profane language and other disruptive remarks or behavior which disrupts or disturbs the meeting, or risk being removed (AMC 1.12.017). Additionally, members of the public may correspond with the City Council and all other related agencies, on any agenda items or matters within the jurisdiction of such governing bodies, by submitting comments electronically for City Council consideration by sending them to publiccomment@anaheim.net. To ensure distribution to the City Council prior to consideration of the agenda, please submit comments at least 2 hours prior to the scheduled start time of the meeting. Those comments, as well as any comments received after that time, will be distributed to the City Council, posted on the City’s website, and will be made part of the official public record of the meeting. Current and archived public comments are available at www.anaheim.net/publiccomment. Contact the City Clerk’s Office at 714-765-5166 or cityclerk@anaheim.net with any questions.  ADDITIONS/DELETIONS: Items of business may be added to the agenda upon a motion adopted by a minimum 2/3 vote finding that there is a need to take immediate action and that the need for action came to the attention of the City or Agency subsequent to the agenda being posted. Items may be deleted from the agenda upon request of staff or upon action of the Council or Agency.  CONSENT CALENDAR: Consent Calendar items will be acted on by one roll call vote unless a member(s) requests an item(s) be discussed and/or removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action.  SERVICIOS DE TRADUCCION (TRANSLATION SERVICES: SEE LAST PAGE OF AGENDA FOR DESCRIPTION IN ENGLISH): La ciudad provee servicios de interpretación al español en las juntas del Consejo. La interpretación simultánea al español se ofrece por medio del uso de audífonos y la interpretación consecutiva (español a inglés) también está disponible para cualquiera que desee dirigirse al Ayuntamiento, declarando su petición en el podio. No tiene que usar los servicios de interpretación de la Ciudad; las personas pueden proveer su propio intérprete, si lo desean. Debido a que existen muchos dialectos y regionalismos, la Ciudad no puede garantizar que los intérpretes puedan traducir a un dialecto o regionalismo en particular y rehúsa cualquier responsabilidad que surja de tales servicios. Para servicios de interpretación en otros idiomas, comuníquese con la oficina de la Ciudad (City Clerk), cuando menos 48 horas antes de la junta programada. Ashleigh E. Aitken Mayor Norma Campos Kurtz Mayor Pro Tem District 4 Jose Diaz Council Member District 1 Carlos A. Leon Council Member District 2 Natalie Rubalcava Council Member District 3 Stephen Faessel Council Member District 5 Natalie Meeks Council Member District 6 200 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92805 Tel: (714) 765-5166 Fax (714) 765-4105 www.anaheim.net 2 June 11, 2024 ANAHEIM CITY COUNCIL ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA JUNE 11, 2024 1:30 P.M. Call to order the Anaheim City Council. 1:32 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Pro Tem Kurtz and Council Members Diaz, Leon, Rubalcava, Faessel, and Meeks. Mayor Aitken joined the meeting during Closed Session. 1:30 P.M. - CLOSED SESSION ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO CLOSED SESSION: None PUBLIC COMMENTS ON CLOSED SESSION ITEMS: One (1) in-person speaker; no electronically submitted comments. Recess to closed session. 1:35 p.m. 1. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – EXISTING LITIGATION (Subdivision (d)(1) of Section 54956.9 of the California Government Code) Name of Case: Sanchez v. City of Anaheim et. al., Orange County Superior Court Case No. 30- 2021-01231449 2. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – EXISTING LITIGATION (Subdivision (d)(1) of Section 54956.9 of the California Government Code) Name of Case: Grandma’s House of Hope v. City of Anaheim et al., Orange County Superior Court Case No. 30-2022-01241823 3. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Initiation of litigation pursuant to paragraph (4) of subdivision (d) of California Government Code Section 54956.9: Two potential cases 4. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – ANTICIPATED LITIGATION (Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to paragraph (2) of Subdivision (d) of California Government Code Section 54956.9): One potential case (A copy of the claim against the City is included in the agenda packet and available for review by contacting the City Clerk’s Office and on-line electronically with the agenda at: www.anaheim.net/councilagendas.) Reconvene the Anaheim City Council. 3:06 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Aitken and Council Members Kurtz, Diaz, Leon, Rubalcava, Faessel, and Meeks. 3 June 11, 2024 3:00 P.M. – WORKSHOP 3:06 p.m. WORKSHOP: Proposed Fiscal Year 2024/25 Budget (Citywide Overview; Administrative Support Departments; Police; Fire & Rescue; and Community Services) Introduced by City Manager Vanderpool with presentations by Finance Director/City Treasurer Debbie Moreno, Chief of Police Rick P. Armendariz, Fire Chief Patrick Russell, and Director of Community Services Sjany Larson-Cash. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON WORKSHOP: Five (5) in-person speakers; two (2) public comments were received electronically related to the workshop. Public Comments Submitted – June 11, 2024 City Council Meeting 5:00 P.M. 5:26 p.m. INVOCATION: Preacher Jimmy Gaston, State College Blvd. Church of Christ FLAG SALUTE: Council Member Natalie Meeks PRESENTATIONS: Recognizing Luna Rodriguez for representing Anaheim Ballet at Youth American Grand Prix 25th Gala Accepted by Luna Rodriguez Recognizing Hephatha Lutheran Church 50th Anniversary Accepted by Pastor Arthur Andrews Recognizing Anaheim Public Utilities High School Scholarship Recipients Presented by General Services Officer Melinda Avelino-Walker and Workforce Development Manager Marco Lucero and accepted by Pedro Javier, Yuliana Saaverda, Victoria Rodriguez Cano, and Dylan Phan Presentation by OC Family Justice Center Accepted by Executive Director, Tracy Theodore Presentation by New Poet Laureate Accepted by Poet Laureate, Camille Hernandez ACCEPTANCE OF OTHER RECOGNITIONS (To be presented at a later date): Recognizing June 9 – 15, 2024, as National Flag Week Accepted by Sally Feldhaus, Flag Day Committee Chair Recognizing June 19, 2024, as Juneteenth National Independence Day Accepted by Bobby McDonald, President, CEO, OC Black Chamber June 2024, as Immigrant Heritage Month Accepted by Faby Jacome, Executive Director, OC Justice Fund Recognizing June 2024, as LGBTQ Pride Month Accepted by Peg Corley, Executive Director, LGBTQ Center Orange County Call to order the Anaheim Housing Authority (in joint session with the City Council). 6:02 p.m. ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDAS: City Clerk Bass noted for Item No. 15, staff requested the item be removed from the agenda and will be presented at a later date. 4 June 11, 2024 PUBLIC COMMENTS (all agenda items, except public hearings): Eleven (11) in-person speakers; City Clerk Theresa Bass reported twenty-five (25) public comments were received electronically prior to 2:00 p.m. (Total of twenty-five (25) public comments received via email). Public Comments Submitted – June 11, 2024 City Council Meeting (limited to 90 minutes, or until all agenda item speakers have been heard; any time remaining shall be provided to non-agenda item speakers) COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS: Mayor Pro Tem Kurtz thanked the Economic Development Department for working with the Small Business Development Center (SBDC) to establish SBDC Eats. The six-week program helps individuals learn how to start a food business. The program was offered in Spanish and English. At the end of the six weeks, 30 individuals graduated from the program. There was a woman that sold tamales and others that sold bread, Peruvian cookies, Asian food, Jamaican food, and Indian food. Everyone who graduated from the program has a mentor that will guide them as they work their way to establishing their business. She thanked Ponderosa Park Family Resource Center for allowing the program to use their space for classes and the graduation and stated that hopefully some of the residents who graduated from the program will in time, set up a business in Anaheim. Mayor Pro Tem Kurtz shared that many of the students enrolled in the Culinary Arts Program at Cerritos College are from Anaheim. Through the program, students do everything from setting up the room, decorations, setting the table, designing the menu, creating the menu, purchasing the food, cooking the food, serving the food, and cleaning up after the meal. They learn all aspects of the food service industry, and she stated she is hopeful that some of the students will land good jobs in one of the wonderful restaurants in Anaheim. She recommended the Cerritos College Culinary Arts Program for anyone interested in the food service industry. Council Member Faessel requested adjourning the meeting in the memory of Nicole, who was 19 years old and who fought valiantly. He shared that his friend, Yesenia Rojas, was appointed by the Governor of Guanajuato, Mexico as their Migrant Woman Deputy. He stated that Ms. Rojas has been dedicated to helping the migrant community for many years. Council Member Faessel highlighted and shared photographs of events he attended including being invited to be a guest speaker at the Guinn Elementary School sixth grade graduation by Principal Hubbard. The students will now be attending Sycamore Junior High School, and eventually they will attend Anaheim High School or Katella High School. He and his wife Susan attended the Green Expo and thanked Anaheim Public Utilities for the wonderful event. He shared that he didn't drive an electric vehicle, but he did look at the Tesla Cybertruck that was there although he has no interest in purchasing one. He participated in the annual Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Memorial Day event at the Anaheim Cemetery and stated that Anaheim Founders as well as County of Orange Founders are interred there because it is one of oldest cemeteries. The VFW did a wonderful job hosting the event and he thanked the Council colleagues that joined him. Council Member Faessel shared he was a judge for the Anaheim Central Library Villages of California MasterPeace Art Show. He stated that all the participants from kindergarten through eighth grade were amazing and talented. He also attended the 29th Annual Flag Day event and parade at Pearson Park. It was fun to honor the flag and recognize fallen service members. Council Member Rubalcava thanked everyone who participated in the public comment process. She highlighted and shared photographs of events she attended including the Memorial Day event on May 27 at the Anaheim cemetery to honor fallen service members for their ultimate sacrifice to the nation and for representing the City of Anaheim with dignity and valor. She highlighted Anaheim's fallen heroes including Senior Airman Jason Khai Phan who lost his life in Kuwait on September 12, 2020; Zacharias Jonas Elliott who served in the military for 19 years and passed away on June 3, 2017; Chief Petty Officer Jason C. Finan who lost his life in Iraq on October 20, 2016; Christian R. San Nicolas who lost his life on April 28 in Kandahar Province, he was 20 years old; Marines Lance Corporal Norberto Mendez Hernandez who lost his life on July 9, 2011 while serving in Afghanistan, he was 22 years old; Sergeant Jason M. Weaver was 22 years old and passed away March 3 in Afghanistan; Army Staff Sergeant Marc Andrew Arizmendez lost his life on July 6, 2010 while serving in Afghanistan, he attended St. Catherine's 5 June 11, 2024 Military Academy in Anaheim; Marines Lance Corporal Justin Swanson passed away on November 10, 2009 while serving in Afghanistan; U.S. Army Private 1st Class Raymond L. Henry who lost his life on April 25, 2006 while serving in Mosul, Iraq; Marine 1st Sergeant Edward Smith who lost his life on April 5, 2003, while serving in Operation Iraqi Freedom. She thanked the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) and Anaheim American Legion for continuing to coordinate a Memorial Day remembrance ceremony in Anaheim. Council Member Rubalcava stated she had the honor of serving as a co-emcee alongside professional auctioneer David Lopez for the 2024 Orange County March for Babies event. Their mission is to fight for the health of all moms and babies. The United States remains among the most dangerous developed nations for childbirth deaths, especially among women and babies of color. She highlighted the June 6th District 3 community meeting organized by City staff to provide residents with updates. City Clerk Theresa Bass spoke about the November General Election, and Public Utilities, Police Department, Fire and Rescue, and Public Works spoke about neighborhood services. She thanked everyone who attended the event. Council Member Rubalcava stated she had the honor of serving as a panelist alongside Tustin Council Member Letitia Clark for the Girls in Government initiative. The initiative brings young girls into government and gives them access to policymakers and people who are working within government. She also recognized baby Penelope Penaloza from Garden Grove who was an attendee at the event. Council Member Rubalcava announced that she is working with Community Services Director Sjany Larson-Cash and Community Services Manager Anaheim Sporn to launch the Girls in Government initiative in Anaheim in the Fall. She recognized District 3 resident and local artist Oliver, who helped paint the mural at Little People's Park for the wonderful work he is doing in the City of Anaheim. Council Member Rubalcava attended the 29th Annual Flag Day event and she thanked Sally Feldhaus and the Committee for making sure the City’s wonderful traditions continue. She stated she is lucky that many of the events take place in District 3 which is the heart of the City of Anaheim. Council Member Rubalcava shared that she is partnering with a local car club to host a school supply drive and car show at Pearson Park on July 13 to provide students with the resources that they need to be successful in school. She thanked the Community Services Parks Division for helping with this event. Council Member Rubalcava shared that she is also partnering with Mondragon Family Market for a Backpack and School Supply Drive on July 19. Donations are currently being accepted at Mondragon Family Market which is located at 407 E. North Street. She shared that she has the honor of serving on the Orange County Fair Board and she announced that Anaheim Police Chief Armendariz and Fire and Rescue Chief Russell will be competing against each other in the Orange Crush Demolition Derby on August 1 at the Orange County Fair Event Center at 7:30 p.m. She asked everyone to mark their calendars to witness the Chiefs in action. Council Member Diaz stated that Police Chief Armendariz and his team are doing a tremendous job building relationships with the community and teaching residents how to reduce and prevent crimes. He thanked Police Chief Armendariz for personally attending the Community Policing Team events. Council Member Diaz also thanked Don Churros for donating churros for the event. He encouraged everyone to visit Don Churros at the Anaheim Marketplace. Council Member Diaz congratulated Council Member Rubalcava for beating the unjust recall effort and pointed out that Unite Here Local 11 has cost the City approximately $2 million between the initiative and the recall. He thanked Mayor Aitken for a wonderful State of the City event and noted that the revenues from the event will go to the Anaheim Community Foundation. Council Member Diaz sent heartfelt condolences to the Bartash family for their loss. Council Member Leon shared that he joined Assemblywoman Sharon Quirk-Silva and community leaders to raise awareness and demand action for gun violence prevention. He thanked every community leader who continues to tirelessly advocate for safer communities and Gisela, a mom whose son's life was tragically cut short due to gun violence for sharing her story and for her incredible strength and courage. He joined various elected officials in celebrating the graduating seniors of the Nicholas Academic Center. Over 200 high school students, including some from Anaheim, are moving on to college thanks to the support of the organization and their team. He thanked them for the invitation, as well as for their work in making a huge impact for students across Orange County. He had the opportunity to participate in the annual Flag Day celebration and thanked the Community Services team, all the organizers and volunteers, including Magnolia High School's Key Club Members, who helped 6 June 11, 2024 make the event successful. He also thanked the Anaheim Public Utilities team for organizing the Annual OC Green Expo. Residents got an opportunity to learn about different resources. He noted that he got a chance to test drive one of the electric vehicles, and for the record, he returned it safely without scratches and in one piece. Council Member Leon joined AltaMed Grow Proud for their Out, Loud, and Healthy event that provided free HIV, STI, and Hepatitis C testing as well as education and information. The event celebrated the LGBTQ+ community and it was also a reminder of the work that is still left to do. He thanked AltaMed for hosting the event and everyone who attended. He stated that he looks forward to joining the Orange County Heritage Council for the Juneteenth Festival on Saturday, June 15, 2024 at Pearson Park, from 12:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. He invited everyone to the upcoming Community Health and Resource Fair his office is hosting in collaboration with Senator Umberg’s Office. The event is on Saturday, June 22 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Loara High School. He encouraged everyone to take advantage of a variety of health screening booths featuring local health agencies. Valuable resources and services will be available to support health and wellness goals including health, dental, and asthma screenings, mammograms, vision exams, and there will also be food distribution. To register, call 714-558-3785, or visit Senator Umberg’s website at https://sd34.senate.ca.gov. Council Member Leon congratulated Apollo Printing & Graphics, the District 2 May Business of the Month. Apollo is recognized for their exemplary commitment to excellence in printing and graphic services through their attention to detail. Apollo Graphics & Printing has consistently exceeded expectations and delivers outstanding results to its valued clients. He invited everyone to visit Apollo Printing & Graphics at 2100 West Lincoln Avenue. Council Member Leon shared that the Public Works team was installing over 100 banners across the Little Arabia District over the weekend on 54 light poles between Broadway and Ball Road. He stated that he was proud to have worked with various stakeholders, including a lot of community leaders who have advocated for decades to get the banners in West Anaheim's Little Arabia District. He thanked Mayor Aitken and Mayor Pro Tem Kurtz for their continued work and service on the Ad Hoc Committee. He stated the banners are a small step, but an incredibly important one, to recognize the contributions of so many in the community. He stated that he looks forward to more positive changes across the corridor. Mayor Aitken thanked everyone, especially her Council colleagues, for joining her at the State of the City address on Thursday at the City National Grove of Anaheim. She also thanked the City National Grove of Anaheim for all their hard work. She shared that 52 community members attended the event for free because they were entered into a lottery, and they were able to sit with the Council Member representing their district. An estimated $75,000 was raised for the Anaheim Community Foundation to help with the great work they do. She noted the Savanna High School drumline was an amazing way to kick off the show and then it ended with Don Churros for everyone in attendance. In addition to the community seats, the event was live streamed and is available online at https://anaheim.net/stateofthecity. Mayor Aitken thanked the Anaheim Flag Day Committee, the community groups, the veterans, staff, as well as the supporters that attended the 29th Annual Flag Day Celebration & Parade on Sunday, June 9th. She stated she loves every time Sally Feldhaus reminds everyone why Flag Day is celebrated. Mayor Aitken attended the meet and greet event to welcome the new President and CEO of Visit Anaheim, Mike Waterman. He joins Visit Anaheim from Orange County, Florida and brings a high level of professionalism, and in listening to his vision, he is going to be an amazing partner for the City. She joined the Economic Development Department team at the Disney Aspire graduation at the Grand Californian Hotel. Disney Ambassador, Raul Rojas, was also in attendance to highlight the program. She stated the program allows both part-time and full-time employees to pursue their educational goals. She stated it was fun to speak to the graduates, some of which are first generation college students and a few that obtained their master’s degree. She thanked the Disney Corporation for inviting her to the graduation and for believing in their cast members and helping them with free education. Mayor Aitken invited everyone to the upcoming district meetings. She noted that the District 4 meeting is on Thursday, June 13 at Ponderosa Park. The District 5 meeting is on Wednesday, June 19 at Anaheim United Methodist Church. The District 6 meeting is on Thursday, June 30 at the East Anaheim Community Center. Mayor Aitken stated that by attending the district meetings, residents get a chance to hear about programs throughout the City. 7 June 11, 2024 CITY MANAGER’S UPDATE: City Manager Vanderpool announced that this summer, the Community Services Department is offering free summer lunch programs at key library and family resource center facilities throughout the City. Through an ongoing partnership with Second Harvest Food Bank, the “Kids Café” summer meal program is being offered at the Miraloma Park Family Resource Center and Ponderosa Branch Library. Children 18 years of age and younger can receive a nutritional meal free of charge with no eligibility requirements, Monday through Friday afternoon at each location. In addition, through a California State Library grant, the Anaheim Public Library is once again offering the “Lunch @ the Library” program initiative that provides meals and programming support to summer meal sites. Through this initiative, children and families attending Haskett, and the Ponderosa Branch libraries will be provided with a free meal that is also offered at no cost and is provided Tuesday through Thursday afternoons at each location. He announced that public hearings for the proposed Gypsum Canyon Cemetery Project are beginning next Monday at 5:00 p.m. with the Planning Commission’s consideration of the project. The Orange County Cemetery District seeks approvals for the construction and operation of a public cemetery and in collaboration with the California Department of Veterans Affairs – Orange County’s first and only Veterans Cemetery. The Planning Commission will make a recommendation to the City Council, with Council’s consideration of the project tentatively planned for July. To learn more about the proposed cemetery, project information is available at https://anaheim.net/cemetery. Recess the Anaheim City Council. 7:14 p.m. 5:00 P.M. - HOUSING AUTHORITY 7:14 p.m. MOTION: NK/JD to approve the consent calendar. ROLL CALL VOTE: 7-0. Motion carried. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. Approve minutes of the Housing Authority meetings of November 28, 2023, December 5, 2023, December 12, 2023, January 23, 2024, February 13, 2024, and April 2, 2024. Reconvene the Anaheim City Council (in joint session with the Anaheim Housing Authority). 7:14 p.m. 5:00 P.M. JOINT PUBLIC HEARING 7:15 p.m. 2. This is a Joint Public Hearing of the Anaheim Housing Authority and the Anaheim City Council regarding the proposed disposition of real property pursuant to a proposed Preliminary Award Letter, Ground Lease Option Agreement, and Cooperation Agreement relating to the proposed development and operation of a 47-unit Intergenerational Affordable Rental Housing Project on real property located near the southeast corner of Beach Boulevard and Lincoln Avenue. Item No. 02 Discussion. Mayor Aitken opened the public hearing at 7:37 p.m. One (1) in-person speaker; two (2) electronic public comments submitted. Mayor Aitken closed the public hearing at 7:43 p.m. Public Comments Submitted – June 11, 2024 City Council Meeting 8 June 11, 2024 Housing Authority Action: 2-A. RESOLUTION NO. AHA-2024-004 A RESOLUTION OF THE GOVERNING BOARD OF THE ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY approving a Preliminary Award Letter, Ground Lease Option Agreement, and Cooperation Agreement, in substantial form, regarding the affordable rental housing project between the Anaheim Housing Authority and Lincoln Beach LP; approving the grant of an Option to Ground Lease the IG parcel to Lincoln Beach LP pursuant to Health and Safety Code Sections 33433 and 34312.3; authorizing the Executive Director, or her designee, to negotiate the terms of and finalize an Affordable Housing Agreement and Ground Lease of the IG parcel for the IG project; authorizing the Executive Director to implement such agreements and the implementing affordable housing agreement and ground lease; and making certain other findings in connection therewith. Item No. 2-A MOTION: JD/SF ROLL CALL VOTE: 7-0. Motion carried. City Council Action: 2-B. RESOLUTION NO. 2024-046 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM approving a Cooperation Agreement, in substantial form, for the Intergenerational Affordable Rental Housing Development by and between the City of Anaheim and the Anaheim Housing Authority; authorize the Director of Housing and Community Development, or her designee to execute and administer the Cooperation Agreement; authorize approving the Authority’s grant of an Option to Ground Lease and the Ground Lease of the IG parcel to Lincoln Beach LP pursuant to Health and Safety Code Sections 33433 and 34312.3; and, making certain findings in connection with such approvals. Item No. 2-B MOTION: JD/NK ROLL CALL VOTE: 7-0. Motion carried. Adjourn the Anaheim Housing Authority. 7:46 p.m. 5:00 P.M. - CITY COUNCIL 7:46 p.m. Item pulled for discussion: Council Member Meeks: Item No. 12 MOTION: SF/NR to waive reading of all ordinances and resolutions and adopt the balance of the consent calendar. ROLL CALL VOTE: 7-0. Motion carried. CONSENT CALENDAR: 3. Receive and file minutes for the Public Utilities Board meeting of April 24, 2024. 4. Approve recognitions recognizing the Orange County Greek Festival; Anaheim High School Girls Wrestling Coach, Ernesto Vargas, for receiving Coach of the Year; and the Patel Family for 50 years of business in the Anaheim Resort District. 9 June 11, 2024 5. Award the construction contract to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, SDC Engineering, Inc., in the amount of $854,613.56, for the Little Pine Park Project; authorize the Director of Public Works to execute the contract and related documents and to take the necessary actions to implement and administer the contract; and authorize the Finance Director to execute the Escrow Agreement pertaining to contract retentions. 6. Award the construction contract to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, ACCO Engineered Systems, Inc., in the amount of $2,396,425 with a 10% contingency, for the Anaheim West Tower HVAC Rehabilitation Project Phase III Project; authorize the Director of Public Works, to execute the contract and related documents and to take the necessary actions to implement and administer the contract; determine that the project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to Section 15301 of Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations; and authorize the Finance Director to execute the Escrow Agreement pertaining to contract retentions. 7. Approve an Agreement with five consultants, each in the not to exceed amount of $250,000 per Work Order Package with a total not to exceed contract amount of $1,000,000 per contract year per consultant company plus a 15% contingency for as needed extra services, for as-needed right of way acquisition services to support the Design Services Section of the Department of Public Works, each for a three year term with two, one-year optional renewals; authorize the Director of Public Works to execute each agreement and to take the necessary actions to implement and administer the agreements; and authorize de minimis changes that do not substantially change the terms and conditions of the agreements, so long as such changes are determined to be de minimis by the City Attorney’s Office (Overland, Pacific & Cutler, LLC; Monument ROW; Paragon Partners Consultants, Inc.; Epic Land Solutions, Inc.; and Security Land & Right of Way Services, Inc.). 8. Approve an Agreement with four consultants, each in the not to exceed amount of $250,000 per Work Order Package with a total not to exceed contract amount of $1,000,000 per contract year per consultant company plus a 15% contingency for as needed extra services, for as-needed right of way relocation services to support the Design Services Section of the Public Works Department, each for a three year term with two one-year optional renewals; authorize the Director of Public Works to execute each agreement and to take the necessary actions to implement and administer the agreements; and authorize de minimis changes that do not substantially change the terms and conditions of the agreements, so long as such changes are determined to be de minimis by the City Attorney’s Office (Epic Land Solutions, Inc.; Monument ROW; Overland, Pacific & Cutler, LLC; and Paragon Partners Consultants, Inc.). 9. Approve an Agreement with Woodard and Curran, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $675,458, for the Resort Area Sanitary Sewer Study and authorize the Director of Public Works to execute the agreement, and related documents, and to take the necessary actions to implement and administer the agreement. 10 June 11, 2024 10. RESOLUTION NO. 2024-047 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM for the purpose of creating, deleting and/or modifying certain classifications represented by the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, Local 2002, General Management Unit, adjusting the range of compensation, and approving a related Letter of Understanding between the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, Local 2002, General Management Unit and the City of Anaheim [Operations Supervisor; Facility Maintenance Manager; Electric Field & Operations Superintendent; Chief Utilities Systems Operator; Engineering Manager; Electric Systems Planning Manager; Street Maintenance and Sanitation Administrator; Principal Electrical Engineer; Electric Operations Manager]. RESOLUTION NO. 2024-048 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM for the purpose of creating, deleting and/or modifying certain classifications represented by the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, Local 2002, Professional/Technical Management Unit, adjusting the range of compensation, and approving a related Letter of Understanding between the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, Local 2002, Professional/Technical Management Unit and the City of Anaheim [Senior Electrical Engineer; Senior Utilities Systems Scheduler; Electrical Capital Projects Manager]. RESOLUTION NO. 2024-049 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM creating a classification represented by the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, Local 2002, General Management Unit, assigning the range of compensation and pay policy, and approving a related Letter of Understanding between the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, Local 2002, General Management Unit and the City of Anaheim [Electric Field Services Superintendent]. 11. RESOLUTION NO. 2024-050 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM calling and giving notice of a General Municipal Election to be held on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, for the election of certain officers as required by the provisions of Article XIII, Section 1300, of the Charter of the City of Anaheim. RESOLUTION NO. 2024-051 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM requesting the Board of Supervisors of the County of Orange to consolidate a General Municipal Election to be held on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, with the Statewide General Election to be held on that date pursuant to Sections 10403 and 10418 of the Elections Code. RESOLUTION NO. 2024-052 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM adopting regulations for candidates for elective office pertaining to candidate statements submitted to the voters at an election to be held on Tuesday, November 5, 2024. 12. ORDINANCE NO. 6581 (INTRODUCTION) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM amending Chapter 14.40 of Title 14 of the Anaheim Municipal Code relating to speed limits on city streets. Item No. 12 Discussion. MOTION: JD/NM ROLL CALL VOTE: 7-0. Motion carried. 11 June 11, 2024 13. ORDINANCE NO. 6578 (ADOPTION) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM amending a portion of Ordinance No. 6570, nunc pro tunc, to correct clerical drafting errors pertaining to the amendment of a certain section the Anaheim Municipal Code [Chapter 18.14 (Public and Special-Purpose Zones) of Title 18 (Zoning); introduced at the Council meeting of May 21, 2024, Item No. 27]. 14. ORDINANCE NO. 6579 (ADOPTION) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM amending Chapter 17.37 (Public Art) of Title 17 (Land Development and Resources) of the Anaheim Municipal Code for the purpose of promoting the installation, maintenance, and restoration of public art and determining that this ordinance is exempt from the requirements to prepare additional environmental documentation per California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, Sections 15060(c)(2), 15060(c)(3) and 15061(b)(3) because it will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment (introduced at the Council meeting of May 21, 2024, Item No. 28). ORDINANCE NO. 6580 (ADOPTION) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM amending Chapters 18.06 (Multi-Family Residential Zones); 18.08 (Commercial Zones); 18.10 (Industrial Zone); 18.14 (Public and Special-Purpose Zones); 18.20 (Platinum Triangle Mixed Use (PTMU) Overlay Zone); 18.30 (Downtown Mixed Use (DMU) Overlay Zone); 18.32 (Mixed Use (MU) Overlay Zone); 18.36 (Types of Uses); 18.44 (Signs); 18.62 (Administrative Reviews); 18.120 (Anaheim Canyon Specific Plan No. 2015-01 (SP 2015-1) Zoning and Development Standards); and 18.122 (Beach Boulevard Specific Plan No. 2017-1 (SP 2017-1) Zoning and Development Standards) of Title 18 (Zoning) of the Anaheim Municipal Code; Adjustment No. 14 to the Anaheim Canyon Specific Plan No. 2015-1 (SP 2015-1) Zoning and Development Standards; Adjustment No. 8 to the Beach Boulevard Specific Plan No. 2017-1 (SP 2017-1) Zoning and Development Standards; and finding and determining that this ordinance is not subject to the requirements to prepare additional environmental documentation per California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, Section 15061(b)(3) because it will not have a significant effect on the environment [Development Application No. 2023-00037, introduced at the Council meeting of May 21, 2024, Item No. 28]. BUSINESS CALENDAR: 8:23 p.m. 15. RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM forming the Anaheim Tourism Improvement District Advisory Board [approval of the Advisory Board Bylaws that set forth the purpose, composition, appointment, and meeting requirements for the Advisory Board; and direct staff to coordinate with the Anaheim/Orange County Hotel & Lodging Association to obtain recommendations for the hotel representative Advisory Board member positions for consideration by the City Council]. Item No. 15 Discussion. MOTION: SF/NM to continue to a later date. ROLL CALL VOTE: 7-0. 12 June 11, 2024 5:30 P.M. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 8:23 p.m. 16. Public hearing to consider the sale of portion of real property generally located at 777 West Convention Way in the City of Anaheim, California, specifically Parcel 3 of Parcel Map No. 88- 251, which is proposed to be sold by the City of Anaheim to HHC HA TRS, Inc. (Car Park 2). RESOLUTION NO. 2024-053 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM approving a Real Estate Sale Agreement with HHC HA TRS, Inc.; authorizing the Executive Director of Convention, Sports and Entertainment to execute and finalize such Real Estate Sale Agreement; authorizing the Executive Director of Convention, Sports and Entertainment to implement such Real Estate Sale Agreement; determining that the purchase and sale of the property is exempt from CEQA pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3); and making certain other findings in connection therewith. Item No. 16 Discussion. Mayor Aitken opened the public hearing at 8:30 p.m. One (1) in-person speaker; no electronic public comments submitted. Mayor Aitken closed the public hearing at 8:36 p.m. MOTION: NR/NM ROLL CALL VOTE: 7-0. Motion carried. 17. DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT NO. 2010-00002 OWNER: Irvine Company, 550 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660 APPLICANT: Shawn D. Monterastelli, Irvine Company, 550 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660 PROJECT LOCATION: The approximately 3,001-acre property is generally located in Gypsum Canyon, south of the Riverside (SR-91) Freeway and east and west of the Eastern Transportation Corridor (SR-241). REQUEST: Pursuant to Resolution No. 82R-565, governing the consideration of development agreements, the City Council will consider repealing Ordinance No. 6186, and canceling Development Agreement No. 2010-00002 based on mutual consent. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: The City Council will consider whether to find and determine that the proposed termination is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines under Section 15060(c)(2) of Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations. ORDINANCE NO. 6582 (INTRODUCTION) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM repealing Ordinance No. 6186 and with mutual consent canceling Development Agreement No. 2010-00002 by and between the City of Anaheim and The Irvine Land Company LLC and The Irvine Company LLC and determining that this ordinance is exempt from the requirements to prepare additional environmental documentation per California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15060(c)(2) because it will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment. Item No. 17 Discussion. Mayor Aitken opened the public hearing at 8:41 p.m. One (1) in-person speaker; no electronic public comments submitted. Mayor Aitken closed the public hearing at 8:44 p.m. MOTION: SF/NM ROLL CALL VOTE: 7-0. Motion carried. REPORT ON CLOSED SESSION ACTIONS: None PUBLIC COMMENTS (non-agenda items): None (opened only if any remaining non-agenda speakers were not called to speak during the first Public Comment period) 13 June 11, 2024 COUNCIL AGENDA SETTING: None ADJOURNMENT: 8:45 p.m. in memory of Nicole. Next regular City Council meeting is scheduled for June 18, 2024. All agenda items and reports are available for review in the City Clerk’s Office and www.anaheim.net/councilagendas, and the Central Library. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the City Council regarding any item on this agenda (other than writings legally exempt from public disclosure) will be available at the Office of the City Clerk, located at 200 S. Anaheim Blvd., 2nd Floor, Anaheim, CA 92805 during regular business hours and by contacting the office by phone, 714-765-5166, or email to cityclerk@anaheim.net. If requested, the agenda and backup materials will be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with a disability, as required by Section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. Sec. 12132), and the federal rules and regulations adopted in implementation thereof. Any person who requires a disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, in order to participate in the public meeting may request such reasonable modification, accommodation, aid, or service by contacting the City Clerk’s Office either in person at 200 South Anaheim Boulevard, Anaheim, California, by telephone at (714) 765-5166, or via email to cityclerk@anaheim.net, no later than 8:00 AM on the day of the scheduled meeting. TRANSLATION SERVICES: Spanish interpreting services are provided at City Council meetings. Simultaneous Spanish interpretation is provided through the use of headsets and consecutive interpretation (Spanish-to-English) is also available to anyone addressing the Council by stating your request at the podium. The use of city provided interpreters is not required and persons are welcome to use their own interpreter. Because many dialects and regionalisms exist, the City cannot guarantee that interpreters will be able to interpret into a particular dialect or regionalism, and disclaims any liability alleged to arise from such services. For translation services in other languages, contact the City Clerk’s office no later than 48 hours prior to the scheduled meeting. VIEW CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS LIVE AND ARCHIVED: Anaheim City Council meeting videos can be viewed live on the City’s website at www.anaheim.net/councilvideos. POSTING STATEMENT: On June 6, 2024, a true and correct copy of this agenda was posted on the kiosk outside City Hall, 200 S. Anaheim Blvd., Anaheim, CA. Internet Access to City Council, Agency, and Authority agendas and related material is available prior to meetings at www.anaheim.net.