General (11) Susana Barrios From:Ruben Soto <195619922000rubselnad@gmail.com> Sent:Monday, July To:management@parishiltonentertainment.com; Public Comment; Bruns, Melanie; Tax Warning: This email originated from outside the City of Anaheim. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and are expecting the message. I've been working on God's will for a long time but being kicked out of all places by men so called Bible men you know Brothers but you know what I'm to the point where I know the Bible better than any of these false prophets not tomorrow city council meeting in Anaheim it starts at 5:00 or 5:30 I'm going to be speaking and what I'm going to do every man has done me wrong all my life they ratted on me to my family my mom my dad all these Catholics all these Christians all these moments religion the men are just evil it sticks it in the Bible in Genesis all men are continuously evil in their heart and tomorrow of approve it I've been trying to work on women not to be used as a piece of meat for these double predators that want to destroy your little girls with booze and drugs not tomorrow with patience I'm going to play a song that only celebrities have been listening to me on Facebook and Instagram and with emails it's called it's a woman's world by Katy Perry it's 2 minutes and 56 seconds long 56 is my birthday the year I was born these ladies are finally listening and getting himself together in the Bible says the ones on the bottom will be on top eventually that means the ladies they've been treated like ** forever right with how some good jobs and told wrong in the Bible by man they may God create him with a ribbon of a man so the apartment oh man male female so you listen to song when I play that song I'm will shame every man who messed disrespecting me hit me gave Staples to me stitches attack me but they're silly sense of humor all men will pay the price for what they've done to woman in the past every single one of them I don't care what color you are how big you are what you're going to get yours you first responders what they did to me police and fireman and everywhere else I go pay back is tomorrow and the woman will prevail just like the lieutenant Hines or Fullerton PD told me Ruben you will prevail sexual abuse physical abuse mental abuse financial abuse domestic abuse lying abusing Court like my ex-wife my family and a lot of other people now you get yours so watch TuneIn the ladies are singing about the abuse and all the stupid s*** men do that to them and they keep getting away forever but not no more the time is 1-800 it's time it's a great victim no matter how old you are or how old they are there's no statue of limitations even if you're a little girl and you're 50 years old now you turn that pricking the predator get your money and throw that son of a b**** in jail even if it's your daddy your cousin your uncle your uncle's friend your daddy's friend I don't give a ** 1