General (15) Susana Barrios From:Amir Baum <amir.baum@gmail.com> Sent:Tuesday, July To:Public Comment Subject:\[EXTERNAL\] Vote NO on ceasefire resolution regarding the war in Gaza. You don't often get email from Learn why this is important Warning: This email originated from outside the City of Anaheim. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and are expecting the message. As your constituents and concerned Americans we urge the Anaheim City Council to vote NO on any ceasefire resolution regarding the war in Gaza. Sadly, the Anaheim City Council members have allowed themselves to be dragged into a discussion about a ceasefire resolution, which is part of Hamas’ global PR campaign to cover up their double war crimes against Israelis and Palestinians. Make no mistake about it - any participation in Hamas’ PR campaign emboldens them to commit further atrocities against our only democratic ally in the Middle East, Palestinians, and increased violence against Jewish people in the world, the U.S., and particularly in Anaheim \[1-2\]. Considering you have no authority regarding foreign policy, have you considered that voting on a ceasefire resolution is misguided? Your job as a city council member would be much better served making sure your Jewish constituents are kept safe, given the rampant antisemitism by pro- Hamas support groups (e.g., CAIR, SJP, AMP) afflicting the city \[3-4\]. Israel pulled out of Gaza in 2005 as a gesture towards peace \[5\]. True to form, Hamas took over Gaza (2007) and responded with kidnappings and 30,000 rocket attacks against Israel for the last few decades \[6-8\]. On October 7, 2023, Hamas attacked Israel on land that was within the boundaries of the partition defined in the original UN Partition Plan – UN Resolution 181 (in 1947). There was a ceasefire in place prior to October 7th and Hamas, as usual, broke it. Hamas uses ceasefires for two reasons: to re-supply and to catch Israel off guard – as it did on October 7th. Any ceasefires Hamas has negotiated with Israel over the years have ALWAYS been broken by… Hamas. Who are we kidding here? Hamas leaders have stated very clearly that when possible, they will commit October 7th over and over again \[9\]. The Hamas Charter states, “Israel will exist until Islam obliterates it,” and “The stones and trees will say, ‘O Muslim, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him’” \[10\]. Do you honestly believe Israel is dealing with a legitimate peace partner? As an arm of the notorious Muslim Brotherhood \[11\], Hamas is a barbaric terrorist organization that has taken innocent hostages (Americans, Israelis, and Foreign Nationals) and boasts of hiding among Palestinian civilians to increase casualties as a PR strategy to try and delegitimize Israel \[12\]. Numerous U.S. military experts have stated that Israel’s record of protecting civilians in warfare exceeds that of any other military in the world \[13-15\]. According to international law and ethics, Israeli and Palestinian deaths fall squarely on Hamas’ shoulders. The only way for this war to end is for Hamas to surrender and return the hostages. 1 Please vote NO on this ceasefire resolution and bring a rational approach to a situation that has run amok. As an Israeli American Having lived in this country for 38 years and my mother's family being in Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East, it is shocking and unspeakable to me that people would be calling for ceasefire with hamas when they have broken every single ceasefire with Israel, the past sixteen years, and this time is no different. Time to get educated and learn about Israel's history and not support horrific inhumane, vile, terrorist organizations like hamas that have no place in israel or this world, and israel Being a democracy where arabs have rights to vote and to get a job, including for women must not be vilified anymore, and the truth must be revealed that hamas is the enemy here Being supported by the evil regime of iran, not israel. We will not stop fighting until they are obliterated Whether you like it or not, now is not the time for a ceasefire intil this war is done and all hostilities and violence end from hamas immediately!! Thank you, Amir Baum References: 1 NY Post, Shocking video shows Jewish teen pummeled by a classmate in alleged antisemitic attack, 5- 17-24 2 National Review, Anti-Israel mob beats Jewish woman in riot outside Los Angeles synagogue, 6-24-24 3 CAIR is Hamas: How the federal government proved that CAIR is a front for terrorism, Center for Security and Policy, 2016. 4 ISGAP, New comprehensive research reveals Hamas-linked funding to Students for Justice in Palestine and groups growing web of influence post October 7th 5 Britannica, Israel’s disengagement from Gaza 6 The Guardian, Hamas officials: We were behind the kidnapping of three Israeli teenagers, 8-21-2014 7 Wikipedia, Palestinian rocket attacks on Israel 8 NY Times, Hamas and other militant groups are firing rockets into Israel every day, 12-27-23. 9 Economic Times, Hamas officials vow to ‘repeat’ October 7 attack repeatedly to teach Israel a lesson, 11-2-23 10 The Avalon Project, Yale Law School, Hamas Covenant 1988. 11 Muslim Brotherhood: Director of National Intelligence Counter Terrorism Guide, Terrorist Groups: Hamas 12 Foundation for Defense of Democracies, Hamas officials admit its strategy is to use Palestinian civilians as human shields, 11/01/2023 13 JINSA, Updated open letter from retired U.S. military leaders in support of a strong U.S.-Israel relationship, 5-10-24 14 Sky News, Eren Molan interviews American military expert M. Pregent, 6-16-24 15 Times of Israel, Urban warfare expert: ‘Israel is being held to double, triple standards’, 6-30-24 2