General (19) Susana Barrios From:Cherol Katz <profkatzdean@gmail.com> Sent:Tuesday, July To:Public Comment Subject:\[EXTERNAL\] Holocaust Survivor urges NO VOTE on cease-fire resolution \[You don't o?en get email from Learn why this is important at h?ps://aka.ms/LearnAboutSenderIden?fica?on \] Warning: This email originated from outside the City of Anaheim. Do not click links or open a?achments unless you recognize the sender and are expec?ng the message. Dear Esteemed Members of the Anaheim City Council, My name is PIRI KATZ, I am a 64 year resident and original homeowner in Orange County, and am an almost 97-year-old Holocaust survivor. I was originally from Czechoslovakia, coming to the United States, legally in 1950, a?er being in displaced persons camps for five years, where I survived the death camps of Auschwitz, Geislingen, and was liberated by the US Army in Dachau. My husband, a blessed memory was a respected physician and chief of staff at several of the Orange County hospitals. He thought, and was wounded along with the greatest genera?on in World War II, figh?ng in the ba?le of the bulge. I am wri?ng to URGE you to vote NO on any ceasefire resolu?on regarding the war in Gaza. My daughter, Cherol, is a law, professor, a?orney, and former associate Director of the An?-Defama?on League here in Orange County. Sadly, the Anaheim City Council members have allowed themselves to be dragged into a discussion about a ceasefire resolu?on, which is part of Hamas’ global PR campaign to cover up their double war crimes against Israelis and Pales?nians. Make no mistake about it - any par?cipa?on in Hamas’ PR campaign emboldens them to commit further atroci?es against our only democra?c ally in the Middle East, Pales?nians, and increased violence against Jewish people in the world, the U.S., and par?cularly in Anaheim \[1-2\]. My daughter has stated that with regard to foreign policy, there is nothing in the City Chsrter that allows for vo?ng on a ceasefire resolu?on with regard yo a foreign na?on. Israel is and always has been the closest ally of the United States of America. For those who want an end to the war, they should be making their demands of the terrorist group Hamas, whose charter states that its mission is to not only destroy the state of Israel, the to annihilate the Jewish people, just as Hitler tried to annihilate the Jewish people during World War II. I was one of 11 children, and only three of us remain as Hitler murdered the rest of my family. With the exponen?al rise in an?semi?sm council members should work to ensure sure that Anaheim Jewish cons?tuents are kept safe, given the rampant an?semi?sm by pro-Hamas support groups (e.g., CAIR, SJP, AMP) afflic?ng the city \[3-4\]. Israel pulled out of Gaza in 2005 as a gesture towards peace \[5\]. True to form, Hamas took over Gaza (2007) and responded with kidnappings and 30,000 rocket a?acks against Israel for the last few decades \[6-8\]. On October 7, 2023, Hamas a?acked Israel on land that was within the boundaries of the par??on defined in the original UN Par??on Plan – UN Resolu?on 181 (in 1947). There was a ceasefire in place prior to October 7th and Hamas, as usual, broke it. Hamas uses ceasefires for two reasons: to re-supply and to catch Israel off guard – as it did on October 7th. Any ceasefires Hamas has nego?ated with Israel over the years have ALWAYS been broken by… Hamas. Hamas leaders have stated very clearly that when possible, they will commit October 7thover and over again \[9\]. The Hamas Charter states, “Israel will exist un?l Islam obliterates it,” and “The stones and trees will say, ‘O Muslim, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him’” \[10\]. Peace can only exist if Israel is dealing with a legi?mate peace partner, which Hamas is not. 1 As an arm of the notorious Muslim Brotherhood \[11\], Hamas is a barbaric terrorist organiza?on that has taken innocent hostages (Americans, Israelis, and Foreign Na?onals) and boasts of hiding among Pales?nian civilians to increase casual?es as a PR strategy to try and delegi?mize Israel \[12\]. Numerous U.S. military experts have stated that Israel’s record of protec?ng civilians in warfare exceeds that of any other military in the world \[13-15\]. According to interna?onal law and ethics, Israeli and Pales?nian deaths fall squarely on Hamas’ shoulders. The only way for this war to end is for Hamas to uncondi?onally surrender and return the hostages— of which there are human beings from infants to Holocaust survivors, including Americans, who have been taken from their homes, and are being held hostage for the past nine months by these terrorists. For those who are concerned about “innocent civilians” in Gaza, the two should be calling for the uncondi?onal surrender of Hamas. Hamas has used their own people as human shield, and erected terror, tunnels under mosque, schools, and in civilian areas. Israel has done everything in its power to move civilians out of harms way, and yet Egypt, as well as many other of the surrounding Arab na?ons have refused to take in those civilians. The world community has sent in humanitarian aid, which Hamas has con?nually taken for them selves away from any civilians. Also, the US government has discovered that UNWRA, as well as civilians, have been complicit in the kidnappings, rape, pillage, and massacre that took place on October 7 and since. During World War II, there were many civilians were killed. However, the mission of the United States, and the allies was to destroy the Nazis and their evil ideology which side to take over the world. No one should ask any last from Israel who is doing the exact same. Please vote NO on this ceasefire resolu?on, which will do nothing, but Allow the terrorists the ?me to re-arm, regroup, and finish their mission of trying to annihilate the Jewish people and the state of Israel. That should be unacceptable not only to the city of Anaheim by to the world. Please vote NO. It’s never again is to have any meaning then please let it begin now. Respec?ully, PIRI KATZ (almost 97 year old holocaust survivor; 64 year resident Orange County) Professor Cherol B.Katz (professor of law/A?orney At Law/former associate Director of the An?-Defama?on League a Orange County) References: 1 NY Post, Shocking video shows Jewish teen pummeled by a classmate in alleged an?semi?c a?ack, 5-17-24 2 Na?onal Review, An?-Israel mob beats Jewish woman in riot outside Los Angeles synagogue, 6-24-24 3 CAIR is Hamas: How the federal government proved that CAIR is a front for terrorism, Center for Security and Policy, 2016. 4 ISGAP, New comprehensive research reveals Hamas-linked funding to Students for Jus?ce in Pales?ne and groups growing web of influence post October 7th 5 Britannica, Israel’s disengagement from Gaza 6 The Guardian, Hamas officials: We were behind the kidnapping of three Israeli teenagers, 8-21-2014 7 Wikipedia, Pales?nian rocket a?acks on Israel 8 NY Times, Hamas and other militant groups are firing rockets into Israel every day, 12-27-23. 9 Economic Times, Hamas officials vow to ‘repeat’ October 7 a?ack repeatedly to teach Israel a lesson, 11-2-23 10 The Avalon Project, Yale Law School, Hamas Covenant 1988. 11 Muslim Brotherhood: Director of Na?onal Intelligence Counter Terrorism Guide, Terrorist Groups: Hamas 12 Founda?on for Defense of Democracies, Hamas officials admit its strategy is to use Pales?nian civilians as human shields, 11/01/2023 13 JINSA, Updated open le?er from re?red U.S. military leaders in support of a strong U.S.-Israel rela?onship, 5-10-24 14 Sky News, Eren Molan interviews American military expert M. Pregent, 6-16-24 2 15 Times of Israel, Urban warfare expert: ‘Israel is being held to double, triple standards’, 6-30-24 Sent from my iPhone Sent from my iPhone 3