General (24) Susana Barrios From:Michelle <mkor55001@gmail.com> Sent:Tuesday, To:Ashleigh Aitken; Anthony Luna; Carlos A. Leon; Dixie Samaniego; Magnolia Moreno Cc:David_montes@padilla.senate.gov; marvin_figueroa@butler.senate.gov; rob.bonta@doj.ca.gov; snewsomjennifer@therepresentationproject.org Subject:\[EXTERNAL\] Resolution to end jihad murder and slavery in Africa \[Some people who received this message don't o?en get email from Learn why this is important at h?ps://aka.ms/LearnAboutSenderIden?fica?on \] Warning: This email originated from outside the City of Anaheim. Do not click links or open a?achments unless you recognize the sender and are expec?ng the message. Honorable Mayor Aitken and Members of the Anaheim City Council, We have heard that as a local city council, you have been deba?ng about an interna?onal resolu?on regarding the Gazan war. It is worrisome when a city council well suited for city leadership is pushed by cons?tuents to delve into interna?onal affairs without proper training and informa?on. Moreover, the resolu?on you are currently considering is flawed in both fact and intent, which you have become aware of through the thousands of comments you have received. We do not think city councils should be addressing interna?onal issues. However, if you insist on doing this, we ask you to instead adopt a resolu?on based on indisputable fact and evidence such as the resolu?on below. It tells the truth about the horrors of Jihadi terrorism on the African people. This type of terrorism has also been inflicted against Israelis since Israel’s incep?on and most horrifically on October 7th. If you insist on being outspoken about an interna?onal story, this is the story that must be told. Please read below. Thank you, Resolu?on for Ending Jihad Murder and Slavery in Africa WHEREAS, all human life is precious, and all people worldwide are worthy of safety, dignity, and freedom, the ongoing enslavement of Africans by Muslim jihadists is a viola?on of interna?onal humanitarian law; and WHEREAS, the City of Anaheim recognizes that black Africans have been enslaved and murdered by jihadists for 14 centuries; the fact that this crime against humanity s?ll exists in this century illustrates the hypocrisy of the U.N. and Western na?ons; and WHEREAS, the City of Anaheim recognizes that the Arab slave trade exported around 25 million slaves from both coasts of Africa between the seventh and nineteenth centuries; 1 WHEREAS, the City of Anaheim recognizes that slavery directed against black Africans is an abomina?on that s?ll exists today across northern Africa and the Middle East that can no longer be tolerated; and WHEREAS, according to the Global Slavery Index, 84,000 Africans are held as slaves in Algeria, 47,000 in Libya, and 149,000 in Mauritania; and, according to Chris?an Solidarity Interna?onal, perhaps 35,000 Africans remain enslaved in Sudan nearly two decades a?er the end of a self-declared jihad which caused the south to secede and cons?tute itself, since 2011, as the world’s newest na?on – South Sudan; and WHEREAS, Arab mili?as equipped and legi?mized by the government of Arab Sudan con?nue to terrorize un-Arabized black Muslims in western Sudan, par?cularly the Darfur province, massacring the men, carrying off the women as cha?el slaves, and rese?ling Arab Muslim nomads on their ethnically cleansed ancestral lands, as they have done intermi?ently since 1995; and WHEREAS, according to research in 2020 by the office of Tolulope Akande-Sadipe, member of the Nigerian House of Representa?ves for Oyo State and Chair of the House Commi?ee on Diaspora Affairs, perhaps 80,000 women from Nigeria alone have been trafficked as sex slaves across Lebanon, Mali, Oman, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates; and WHEREAS, the Islamic terrorist organiza?on Boko Haram along with Fulani Muslim death squads in northern Nigeria have murdered more than 50,000 Chris?ans since 2009 and have enslaved perhaps 4,000 Chris?an children and teenagers, par?cularly young girls, for the purpose of sexual bondage; and WHEREAS, due to the difficulty in obtaining accurate, in-depth informa?on, as well as the mainstream media and human rights groups’ typical disinterest in these atroci?es, it is highly likely that much of the jihad massacres and slave-taking exists in other regions beset by jihadists across North Africa; BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Anaheim stands in solidarity with the vic?ms of jihad slavery and slaughter including the people of South Sudan, Darfur and Nigeria who have endured murder, oppression and enslavement by jihadists. BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Anaheim stands in humanitarian solidarity with all people enslaved and demands their immediate libera?on by all means possible. ==== Organiza?ons who sponsor this resolu?on: American An?-Slavery Group American Veterans of Igbo Descent Damanga Coali?on for Freedom and Democracy (Darfur) Ins?tute for Black Solidarity with Israel (IBSI) Interna?onal Commi?ee on Nigeria (ICON) Jewish Leadership Project LEAH Founda?on Simon Deng, former jihad slave from South Sudan Michelle Koren 92602 Sent from my iPhone 2