General (30) Susana Barrios From:Michael Ortega <ortegmichael@icloud.com> Sent:Tuesday, July 16, To:Public Comment Subject:\[EXTERNAL\] Anaheim Ceasefire Resolution \[You don't o?en get email from Learn why this is important at h?ps://aka.ms/LearnAboutSenderIden?fica?on \] Warning: This email originated from outside the City of Anaheim. Do not click links or open a?achments unless you recognize the sender and are expec?ng the message. I am an Anaheim resident, homeowner and voter that is wri?ng to urge you to introduce and support the passage of a Ceasefire Resolu?on in the Anaheim City Council as soon as possible. Anaheim is home to vibrant and diverse communi?es, including Pales?nian and Arab American popula?ons. Li?le Arabia, the first officially recognized Arab-American district in the country, is a dis?nct cultural landmark in the city. Our Pales?nian neighbors and local business owners are mourning as their families and loved ones in Gaza are killed by the Israeli military. In these past nine months, ac?vists and community members have called on the Anaheim City Council to support an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. It is disappoin?ng to see the Anaheim City Council and Mayor remain silent. As your cons?tuent, I will con?nue to advocate for a permanent ceasefire and protest Israel’s atroci?es in Gaza, which are funded by United States taxpayer dollars. We need our taxes to support our communi?es here at home, not destroy communi?es abroad. Since October 7th, over 40,000 Pales?nians, more than 70% women and children, have been killed and over 80,000 wounded. More than 1.5 million people in Gaza are displaced, with no safe refuge from Israel’s con?nued a?acks. This violence must end. I insist that you introduce and ac?vely support the Ceasefire Resolu?on in the Anaheim City Council. I also urge the city of Anaheim to join California ci?es like Richmond and Hayward in showing transparency in its financial investments and dives?ng from companies that profit from war, occupa?on, and apartheid. Anaheim should disclose its investments online, detailing holdings and impacts, allowing residents to see where their tax dollars go. We look forward to quick ac?on from you and your colleagues on the council. Best regards, Michael Ortega 1