ArmstrongVictoria Ticorat From:wbarmstron@sbcglobal.net Sent:10:05 PM To:Nicholas J. Taylor Cc:Natalie Meeks Subject:\[EXTERNAL\] Response to planning commission concerns/comments for SALT Project Warning: This email originated from outside theCity ofAnaheim. Donotclicklinks oropen attachments unless you recognize thesender andareexpecting themessage. Dear Mr. Taylor: Iamwritingtoinquire about response toconcerns Isubmitted about theSALT development proposal. It is my understanding thatthecityisrequired torespond toallcitizen concerns submitted regarding theprojectbefore scheduling themeeting tovote ontheproject. Ihave notreceived anyresponse tomywritten concerns, andonly received acknowledgement thatIhad made asubmission. Is thecityfollowing appropriate policy onthis? Ihave spoken toseveral neighbors whohave alsowritten inresponse tothedraft EIRandtheplanning commission workshop, butnoneofushavereceived anyresponse addressing ourconcerns, beyond acknowledging receipt of thesubmission. Please clarify therequirements. Asyouknow Ihave serious concerns about re safetyandevacuation thatthe EIRandcomments atthe planning commission workshop aswellasthe recent planning commission workshop on resafety have notaddressed. Thank you. BillArmstrong 1