ClarkVictoria Ticorat From:Rick Clark <baradam@aol.com> Sent:Wednesday, 4:22 PM To:Nicholas J. Taylor Subject:\[EXTERNAL\] Salt Project You don'toftengetemailfrom Learnwhy thisisimportant Warning: This email originated from outside theCity ofAnaheim. Donotclicklinks oropen attachments unless you recognize thesender andareexpecting themessage. This will be my third email to you and Isincerely hope it is my last. Iwas up on Serrano today going West and Anaheim Hills Road coming East. One thing Iwas reminded of was that both fit the Anaheim Hills plan,no multi story apartments. Ialso thought that ifthey are built and there is a fire they will be stuck with no escape route may die On a historical note ,in 1940 a man in Norway named Vidkun Quisling decide to help the German army walk into his country.,He helped outsiders invade. Since then the word for collaborator or traitor is a quisling. Ihope that we don'thave any Quislings in our midst,itwould be heartbreaking. Most of the people affected have never been through anything like this so we don'tknow ifthe commission follows your lead or independently decide..Idon'tknow ifyou share emails with them,either way Ihope to get to speak again Monday and will reiterate what Ihave offered here. I'm a 64 year resident of Anaheim and have always been proud of it.Ihope Ican still be one after this is over. Rick Clark. 1