CoronadoVictoria Ticorat From:Kristina Coronado <kcoronado7@yahoo.com> Sent:Friday, September To:Nicholas J. Taylor Subject:\[EXTERNAL\] Application No. 2021-00137- Public Comment Youdon'toftengetemailfrom Learnwhy thisisimportant Warning: This email originated from outside theCity ofAnaheim. Donotclicklinks oropen attachments unless you recognize thesender andareexpecting themessage. Hello, I desperately URGE the Planning Commission to DENY this project going forward. I live in the neighborhood at the intersection of Festival Dr. and Roosevelt Blvd. My neighborhood will be DIRECTLY impacted by this project. I outline some concerns below. Evacuation concerns: Adding more vehicles on the road causes aSEVERE danger to current residents. During the devastating fire evacuation in Anaheim Hills not long ago, it took us several hours to navigate away from our neighborhood. Adding more vehicles on this road will significantly impact our ability to safely and efficiently evacuate from our homes. Speeding: Festival Drive has a serious speeding issue. Although speed bumps were installed to slow the traffic, they still come flying around the bend at the intersection of Roosevelt and Festival Drive. I live off of Bauer Road, and I can't tell you how many times I have almost been T-boned by vehicles soaring right in front of me as they try to avoid the traffic on Santa Ana Canyon and head down Monte Vista Rd as an alternative. I am a mother of 3 children. My life and my children's lives will be in further danger of collisions should this project go forward. Congestion: During the morning rush hour, vehicles are backed up tremendously trying to get on to the 91 fwy. This project is near the heart of that congestion. Adding more vehicles to the morning commute will be even more disruptive to the current situation. Us parents have enough trouble getting our children to school on time. Please don't make us suffer more! The evening rush hour is even worse! School Overcrowding: Our local schools are already operating at capacity. This project advertises that it is trying to market young couples with no children. However, our community is afamily community. Those couples married with no children, will eventually have children. Those future children will need a school to attend. Our Orange Unified School District is already struggling financially and won't be able to support an influx of more children. Aesthetics: Anaheim hills is a beautiful community with no high rise buildings, other than a little cluster near the freeway. We pay a lot to live in Anaheim Hills to get away from the high rise buildings and concrete jungle neighborhoods. We love our parks, our hiking trails and our natural environment. Please don't take that away from us. Rumored Additional Complex: There are rumors of the local Cinema, just across this street from this project, also being turned into an apartment complex. If that rumor is true, then the congestion and safety concerns will be even more devastating. 1 Please STOP allowing these million dollar investors destroy Anaheim Hills. Thank you for your time. Kristina Coronado A concerned neighbor 2