MobayedVictoria Ticorat From:George Mobayed <georgem@icicorporate.com> Sent:Monday, September To:Nicholas J. Taylor; Ashleigh Aitken; Norma C. Kurtz; Jose Diaz; Carlos A. Leon; Natalie Rubalcava; Stephen Faessel; Natalie Meeks Cc:A-Cariann New (cariann4title@yahoo.com); cwalkeranaheimplanning@gmail.com; Lucille Kring; Lieberman; Luis Andres Perez; Commissioneracastro@gmail.com; commissionerdeirdrekelly@gmail.com Subject:\[EXTERNAL\] The Hills Preserve Project, Salt Development, LLC Importance:High Some people who receivedthis message don'toftengetemail fromgeorgem@icicorporate.com. Learnwhythis isimportant Warning: This email originated from outside theCity ofAnaheim. Donotclicklinks oropen attachments unless you recognize thesender andareexpecting themessage. Hi Nicholas Taylor, City Council Members, & City Planning Commission Members Iam writing to STRONGLY APPOSE Development Application NO. 2021-00137, which consists of a 498 Unit Multi-family development, 6 Single Family Lots and 80,000 sq ft of commercial uses. Ireside in the community off Eucalyptus & Santa Ana Canyon Road, and for the record am a Land Developer as well. The EIR is absolutely incorrect and should be revised by a neutral party: Year 2029 Plus Project Recommended Improvements 13.3.1 Intersections The results of the intersection capacity analysis presented previously in Table 9-1 show that the proposed Project will not cause unacceptable operational LOS conditions at any of the twenty-one (21) key study intersections under the Year 2029 Plus Project traffic scenario. As such, no improvements are required under this traffic scenario.” First and foremost; the existing infrastructure of roads cannot possibly handle what will be a minimum of 3,000+ additional trips per day on Santa Ana Canyon Road. We are already enduring a daily influx of traffic caused by vehicles by passing thru caused by traffic on the 91fwy in both directions. There have been too many accidents, near misses and pedestrian vs vehicle incidents on Santa Ana Canyon Road already. It is almost impossible to turn left on to Santa Ana Canyon Rd. most of the day, and there will be increased danger for the children crossing after school from El Rancho Middle School, Haphatha Lutheran School, and Canyon High School. 1 That being said, none of the residents from Eucalyptus to Imperial Hwy. would ever be in favor of widening Santa Ana Canyon Road, which is exactly what it would take in order to handle the increased traffic load. Also, it is hard to believe that many other negative impacts would not systematically come into play with a large development like this in the foothills. The increased demand on the Electrical Grid, Sewer, Water, Storm Runoff, etc. will absolutely have an adverse effect caused by this development. Also, what about Police and Fire protection? With the addition of some 500+ residents will the city be building another Fire Station or reopening the East Anaheim Office of Anaheim P.D.? Iam confident that all that live in this canyon are completely against this development. The city needs to heed the wishes of its residents, and not focus on the potential for additional fee and tax revenue income! Sincerely Mr. GeorgeS. Mobayed, CPM President & C.O.O. 2 3