PollgreenVictoria Ticorat
From:Rick Pollgreen <pollgreen@hotmail.com>
To:Nicholas J. Taylor
Subject:\[EXTERNAL\] Deer canyon opposition
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Good afternoon Nick.
Myname isRichard Pollgreen. Iam ahomeowner in Anaheim Hills.
Myfellow Anaheim residents and Iarevery concerned about theproposed construction ofalarge
apartment complex andmultiple homes near theDeerCanyon Park onSanta Ana Canyon Road.
We understand that itwould benecessary torezone theproperty toallow thisdevelopment.
We strongly object toany rezoning ofthis proposed construction site. Furthermore , weobject tothe
construction oftheapartment complex, theconstruction ofadditional roads in Deer Canyon, and the
installation oftraffic lights onSanta AnaCanyon Road.
Asyou know, adding a500-unit apartment complex would only exacerbate theover-crowded traffic
situation inourcommunity, create additional firehazards, displace precious wildlife from their natural
habitat, and cause water shortages forAnaheim residents.
Evacuation out of this area isalready aproven nightmare, and adding these additional
house/apartments/people would beuntenable imho.
How about you approve, fund andbuild road and infrastructure improvements andmodifications tothat
area FIRST! Then perhaps itcould proceed! This area was specifically planned and zoned aslowdensity
housing bythefounders! Donotjust ignore thatfact and trytoramrod this newdevelopment in! KEEP
Build anything you want within the ground rules inplace today! Please!
Myphone number is (
My email is
Thank you foryour help.
Richard (Rick) Pollgreen