YuenVictoria Ticorat
From:Hoku2 <mydoghoku@yahoo.com>
Sent:Saturday, AM
To:Nicholas J. Taylor
Subject:\[EXTERNAL\] Opposed toAnaheim Hills project
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Iamasenior who haslivedin Anaheim Hills forthepast 30 years. Iamunable toattend the9/30meeting butwish
toexpress myopposition tothisproject -screen shot below. I haveseen aterrible increase incongestion through
ourstreets ( including people trying tocircumvent the91freeway) resulting inmore traffic, airpollution andcrime.
Ihave hadtoevacuate 3times duetowildfires -lastbeing in2018 when there wasalready traffic backup back then
with less people living here. Weneed more thoughtful development-notjustgreed formore money -especially into
thepockets ofpoliticians who vote based onpersonal gain andnotrepresenting theconstituents best interests. I
willcastmyfuture votes based onthis -myfuture wellbeing isatstake.
Lenora Yuen
Anaheim Hills, CA92808