JafferVictoria Ticorat
From:Bobby Jaffer <bobby.jaffer@gmail.com>
Sent:Monday, September
To:Nicholas J. Taylor
Subject:\[EXTERNAL\] RESEND: Save Deer Canyon – Opposition to Apartment Complex
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Note: My family lives inthe Anaheim Hills area and Iam vehemently opposed to theapartment complex
Dear Mr./Ms. Taylor,
Iamwriting toexpress mystrong opposition totheproposedapartmentcomplex construction inDeer
Canyon. Ithas come to myattention thatthis project isbeing considered inanarea zoned specifically for
single-family homes, aclearviolation ofourcommunity'splanning andzoning guidelines.
Deer Canyon isatestament to Anaheim'sdedication to preserving itsnatural beauty andmaintaining the
character ofitsresidential neighborhoods. The construction ofanapartmentcomplex will notonly
disrupt theserenity and aesthetic ofthearea butwillalso increase traffic congestion, place strain on
local infrastructure, and potentially harmthe local ecosystem.
Moreover, changing the zoning laws toaccommodate such aproject would set adangerous precedent.
Our zoning regulations areinplace forareason: toensure that thecharacter, safety, and integrity ofour
neighborhoods aremaintained. The proposed construction clearly undermines these principles.
We understand theneed forurban development and growth, butitshould never come attheexpense of
ourtreasured landscapes and thewishes of theresidents who call this place home. Istrongly urgeyou to
reconsider this project and toseek alternative sites that aremore suitable forapartment complex
Please stand with the residents ofAnaheim inourplea tosave Deer Canyon. Let'sworktogether to
ensure that ourcitygrows inharmony with itsenvironment and thevision itsresidents have foritsfuture.
Thank you foryour attention tothis matter. Itrust that you willmake theright decision forour community.
Bobby Jaffer