Joel RobinsonVictoria Ticorat
From:Joel Robinson <>
Sent:Monday, September
To:Planning Commission
Follow Up Flag:Follow up
Flag Status:Flagged
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Dear Anaheim Planning Commission,
Please deny theDEVELOPMENT APPLICATION NO. 2021-00137. The impacts of theproposed development cannot be properly
mitigated. Significant impacts include:
Disrupt and displace wildlife, including mountain lion, intermediate mariposa lily and other special status species.
Increased fire risk and evacuation concerns in aVery High Fire Severity Zone.
Change the natural beauty and character of the community with a 24-hour shopping mall style lighting
Create greater traffic and gridlock on an already congested street
Overcrowding of schools
Psomas failed to conduct adequate biological surveys, which prevented observations of species that are known to occur on the
property, including mountain lion, a candidate species under the California Endangered Species Act. The proposed project would
substantially increase traffic on Santa Ana Canyon Road and dramatically increase the risk of wildfires in the area. Further, the
additional cars will create anew hazard in the event of an evacuation as more than 1,000 additional vehicles attempt to exit the area.
This project will also drive away the diverse wildlife in ourcommunity and permanently change the character of neighborhoods
surrounding the project site.
Joel Robinson
Orange, CA 92869