63-0836RESOLUTION NO. 63R -836 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING. THE RESULTS OF THE CANVASS OF ELECTION RETURNS OF SPECIAL BOND ELECTION HELD IN SAID CITY ON OCTOBER 8, 1963. The City Council of the City of Anaheim, California, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER as follows: Section 1. That a special bond election was duly called and regularly held in said city on the 8th day of October, 1963, at which election there were submitted to the qualified voters of said city the following propositions, to wit: PROPOSITION W WATER WORKS BOND PROPOSITION: Shall the City of Anaheim incur a bonded indebtedness in the prin- cipal amount of $4,900 000 for the purpose of the acquisition and construction by said City of a certain municipal improvement, to wit: water storage reservoirs and access roadways, filtration plant, telemeter control building and system, utilities yard and buildings, water wells, water transmission mains, water distribution lines, pumping stations, vaults and for the foregoing, appurtenances and appurtenant works including the acquisition and improvement of any real property, easements, rights of way, pipe, pumps, valves, fittings, meters, machinery, apparatus and other property neces- sary therefor? PROPOSITION E ELECTRIC BOND PROPOSITION: Shall the City of Anaheim incur a bonded indebtedness in the principal amount of $750,000 for the acquisition and construction by said City of a certain municipal improvement, to wit: additions to, replacements of parts of, and improvements (not including repairs) of the electric works of the City of Anaheim including construction of substations, transmission lines and facilities for the transmission and distribution of electric energy and power (including the replacement of transmission lines and facilities) and including the acquisition and improvement of a utilities yard and buildings, and including the acquisition of any real property necessary therefor, and the acquisition of easements, rights of way, apparatus, equipment and other property necessary therefor? PROPOSITION C CITY HALL AND ADMINISTRATION BUILDING BOND PROPOSITION: Shall the City of Anaheim incur a bonded indebtedness in the principal amount of $3,000,000 for the purpose of the acquisition and construction by said City of a certain municipal improvement, to wit: a city hall and administration building together with landscaping and off street parking facilities therefor, and including the acquisi- tion of furniture, furnishings, apparatus, equipment and other property necessary therefor? PROPOSITION L_- .LIBRARY BOND PROPOSITION: Shall the City of Anaheim incur a bonded indebtedness in the principal amount of $500 ;000 for the acquisition and construction by said City of a certain municipal improvement, to wit: the construction of two branch public libraries with vehicle parking therefor, and the planting and landscaping of the library grounds includ- ing the acquisition of any real property necessary therefor, and the acquisition of initial book stock, furniture, furnishings, fixtures, equipment and other property necessary therefor, and the acquisition of real property necessary for a site for an additional future branch library PROPOSITION D STORM DRAIN BOND PROPOSITION; Shall the City of Anaheim incur a bonded indebtedness in the principal amount of $2,500,000 for the acquisition and construction by said City of a certain municipal improvement, to wit: storm drains with appurtenances and appurtenant work including the acquisition of all real property, easements, rights of way, apparatus, equipment and other property necessary therefor? PROPOSITION S SEWER BOND PROPOSITION: Shall the City of Anaheim incur a bonded indebtedness in the principal amount of $750,000 for the purpose of the acquisition and construction by said city of a certain municipal improvement, to wit: collecting trunk and sub -trunk sewers including the acquisition and improve- ment of all lands, easements, rights of way, pipe, pumps, equipment, apparatus and other property nec- essary therefor? Section 2. That the returns of said election have been duly and regularly canvassed by this City Council as provided by law, and all absentee ballots received have been counted and canvassed as pro- vided by law. Section 3. That the votes cast in the precincts established for said election upon said propositions and for and against said propositions, the absentee votes cast upon said propositions and for and against said propositions, and the total votes cast at said elec- tion for and against said propositions and upon said propositions are as follows: 12 INIPS Ell 41 Iffil a 71 Ell /5,3 13 WIWI/ /of 1 V ti /0 WA1 //0 Firi /ti, 14 FliM WI 14 1 1,1121111/111Z1 02 /i 15 iliffilrillrfil 1 /10. ©2► I 6 /71 4.5" 144 16 //O /0 d� �O-� ag Iffil /a8 lo'/ ro /4 -0 17 /f o /02. liffil 7 Egi 1 18 r foe.. I 18 /3 /04 111111Elliffirlien //o Irl /a/ Jo 1.34 19 1121 IPI Mini /o,. /04 /4/E 20 Min BEM iv WZMITI .7 1 a *et 1 //i Eill edl 21 /AS /0s"' 6 /3- fi'/ 12111511ffil .9/ //9'/ 80 /yeti 22 7 Jet BEIVI 1 /dam .23 /!O i111101111131 EZIEWAIrfill JoA -I'. '24 1171MICIEZIVIIIMIWZIESIZAEMIZZIE2 0* riMISIMIESIZEJ /tot /gip '0" 444 MEASURES SUBMITTED 'TO VOTE ,01 TERS C�y3 .i PROPOSITION C CITY HALL ADM. BLDG. BONDS PROPOSITION L LIBRARY BONDS PROPOSITION STORM DRAIN BONDS PROPOSITION S SEWER tt31OA SIOTIYB TY1OL IS NO El N N N O i N O Eli NO Y YES. N NO i ios" f f Z, 4 4101 &'3. 112 ff 20 1 9 91 r rta /Az 2 .1: W WIWI do I INIVIIIMORMIlliffilM1311 9 94 3 11111111111311111 04* 1 1 Are 11122211151211111/1 /16 4 rill 9 9 ffillfa /03 E EU 71 Ellffn 1 OMNI /J`/ 5 0 REIRMA.26 W /63 V 6 1 0 Wil V VIVI r rips 4 4igt I Iffi VIM! F FR W WA 1 1 8 ,o3 m ma 7ferim 7 70 I IFIMEICII 1 /11 r 1 /o2, /i /a fa 9 f fit 1 10 //f a a 7 /07 m mi 't' E El 1 I 11 J J. f L. j j$' y y/' 1 111111MUI s s 9/ V VI r ril .04:54 MEASURES SUBMITTED 'TO VOTE ,01 TERS 'ON X3NI Id ILLY CITIOSNO3 .�..r.... saNOH 010010^111 VS?? 1.111/ wrr. W SUNOS rIVx ux 3 3 140IIISOdOEd s ABYSM 1 NDIIISOdOIId SOWS Kona MIS t�iDISI SOd011d PROPOSITItI S BONDS axon s1.OTnve TdiaL YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO 2. 1- P°s'' 7I z 4 y 01 ,.Z I d d //a 27 9'O /14 a/ *9/ f 43 as ly 60 4 /12 6 .3' 7 X03 d o d �s3 I 13 s3 Al /1 28 29 7.r /o 44 1f 47 at 6 i S $5' 30 f .7s shi e 7/ 4Ia /o4,0 31 /0/ /4/ f4 19 g 0 79 34 /op /o,t 13 ifs 32 74S e° ►a, /7 4 ir 4 #23 7/ /1 70 /7 17 33 12 a'' 3: l o 0 j 7 a 6 3" 1 3 1 f wt' 34 U$ /7 74, Ay i4 L 3 9 to s Pd .•14"' 7 coy: /o` re AO 8/ .2 st 77 So 4 4 9`1 'a /1 /07 36 /7 7 .2.3 i I „i.4. 4 Ar Is /4 g2. ./9 ,ro,z 37 73 6 g oil' 41 •..r6 7/ /7 73 71 /4 cfr 38 7b /9 P7 016 11 5/ As 30 91 fo• .2 o /s'" 39 7f 9 t f /s' ,r9 14 4.3 .2/ d d /b 4' 7 R+' 40 7/ o f O .2«2 "'1 4• 6 7 d 6 r4 492. 41 /1 /26 ,4 4f sD6 .3 /01 4 /.r If 4, say 42 /11 2 /(9 J/ Aro ..er.i ,i0 44 I7,t+ ...911 /7, 49 .o1 43 ad* /2. /.fib 30 //f z /17 10 /4 7 02/ /.i 44 /V! 44 /2s" .2 0 11' 31 /0 4 0 /..4 1.t0 .4 3 114"' 30 i y7 45 66 4.3 S1 sJ 4 f 46 !z 73 46 /4--4 /7 /.77 7 1/7 1/ //0 s7 /14. .1 ye' /1.t. .14 /70 47 0.o4 /1 A ad 17 34 71 J1 j 91 21 /00 .x.2 i.. 48 77 zo 4$ 1 .o-, Aver 40 I$"' 7/ /S. 41 A 7 7, 49 i.L 411 If s"•t 1 l .11r 6e if PF 50 3,1 .22,_,.. :at.Z t 0 1.I x :7 '7 03 4 ttr. MEASURES stnammED TO VOTE OF VOTERS PROPOSITION W- WATER WORKS BENDS MOH OI �1L O3'II -3 NOI1ISOdOlfd PROPOSITION C- CITY HALL ADM. BLDG. BONDS PROPOSITION L- LIBRARY BONDS PROPOS D- STORM DRAIN BONDS YES NO PROPOSITrCN S- SEWER c BONDS TOTAL BALLOTS I VOTED YES NO YES I NO YES NO YES ,NO YES NO 51 t 3 ‘rO 4/ ..4`o 42 a 41/ 4 6 4<e` ,/3 52 //7 /09 .07 94 12 /06 3 o //3 P3 //I/ .24 /Jd 53 d r r r a 4,1 G/ .24.. r 4 4 4 4 9 /7 P 54 /13 /3 I °/03 P4t I $2. 13 16 410 ,/D$ .2 /o4 J z /.2' 55 /Ao /9 '99 4'0 IN s,3 74 d L /ell .29 /oL 33 i ,3 56 /7 33 •11 41/ 4 412. /4 4(3 4 $.z 4 3,7 I,9 57 04 3i 36 C 3L '/6 1 _1 1 31 1 i2, 14 7 !c i 58 4 3 d 36 4 i 32 4 I .,i 8 3 9 ,3 1.3 Id/ 59 4 o ..."1"' Jo 4y 31 .1.f d O 44 ...4-:7 8 14 60 .4yr z 37 .29 3y' .11 i 3I Pp Ail 016 4s 4.2 47 61 /0$ 82 47 Is 70 83 4 4 /0G .5 1o2 4-'7 /6/ 62 re 33 49 Is to If 1 efis Po 1 ,r 39 f's 63 ito- '/Z 4 i3 4 /1 4 /.Z 4 /.3' t a20 64 .7 4 if 4 4.2. 30 I SD .10 ,6 .24 31 42 65 94 17 g2 7 2' 9f 90 .I4. .9Q .2 9/ I3 R 66 f o 0' 7 i 7 r d d 6" d VOTE N i 34' !.'S H .4 6 so TOTAL YES NO igs.rr a /A t.i. 9' a g'' 41 0. 1 744 3 •M.AL VOTES P `�i 930.1 X MEASURES stnammED TO VOTE OF VOTERS Section 4. That the votes of more than two-thirds of ail the voters voting at said election upon bond propositions A, B, C and D were cast in favor of the adoption of said bond propositions, and each of said bond propositions is hereby declared to be carried, and this City Council is authorized to issue bonds for the purposes stated therein, as provided by law, and that Propositions C and L, and each of them, did not receive the favorable votes of two-thirds of all the voters voting upon said propositions and are hereby declared to have failed: Section 5. That the City Clerk of this City is hereby directed to enter this resolution in fuil in the minutes of this City Council. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is adopted, approved and signed by me this 15th day of October, 1963. ATTEST: CLERK OF THE CirY OF ANAHEIM STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE as CITY OF ANAHEIM AYOR OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM 1, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 63R-836 was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting provided by law, of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the 15th day of October, 1963, by the follow ng vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Dutton, Chandler, Krein and Coons, NOES t COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT t COUNCILMAN: Schutte. AND 1 FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said Resolution No. 63R-836 on the 15th day of October, 193, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Anaheim this 15th day of October, 1963. (SEAL) CIT CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM