1960-6151RESOLUTION Nfl. 611. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CCU oF THE CITY flF AITAE ACCEPTING A SEALED PROPOSAL AND AWARDING A CONTRACT TO THE LOWFST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER FT. TH FuRNISH1NG OF ALL PLANT, LABOR, SERVICES, EATERIALS AND EQUIFF AND ALL UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION, INCLUDING POWER, FUEL AND WATEP, AND PERFOPYING ALL 'WORK NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT AND 00' :IP1 ETE. THF FOLLOWING PUBLIC IFIRROVEEENT: THE flESIoTNING, CONSTRUCTION AND COFPLETION OF A NEW 66/12 %\r SUBSTATION 2) THE FAST SiDE OF noWLING AVENUE, )160 FEET SOuTH OF CORONADO STPEET: A. NEW 66/12 KV SliTTA,TION AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF CERRITOS AVENUE AND LEWIS STREET; AND CHANGES AND AnDTTIONS TO AN FYISTINCT 66/12 EV SUBSTATION oN THE WEST SIDE OF GILIF.RT STREET, 700 FEET SOUTH oF CREsCENT AVENUE:, AND AN EXiSTING 66/12 KV SUDSTATION ON THE WEST SIDE ni. CLAUDINA STREET, 250 FELT W_TTH‘ OF SANTA ANA STREET, WORK. ORDER 1:HEREAS, the City Council of the City of AnabeiR1 did cause to be published in a newspaper nf ceneral circulation, pT' inted, published and circulated in the City nf Anaheiro, to wit: The Anahein Gazette, on the 10th and 17th days of June, 1960, a notice inviting sealed propesals for furnishinc the fellowinn:: All plant, labor, services, m.aterials and equipment„ and all utilities and transportation,. includino pnwcr, fuel and water, and perforn:ing all wori necessary to construct and complete, in a good. and z(:Yrkmarlie Innner, in strict accordance with the specifications, plans and drawings therefor on file in the Office of the Utilities Director or the City c.ler of the City nf AnabeinH, the followin public imprever)eet to wit: The desieninc, construction and completion. of a new 66/1,7 KV Substation .7 the east spe of 0'1 inc Avenue, 11.60 feet south of Ccr'.nada Street; a new 66/12 KV Substatinn at the southwest corner of Cerritos Avenue and Lewis Street; and chances and additions to, and construction and corpletien of an exIstin 66/12 l',V Hannum Substation on. the west side nf Gilbert Street, 700 feet south of Crescent (Avenue, and an existinc 66/12 7V Auahell Substation. or the west side ef Clandina Street, 2"'0 fcet south of Santa Ana Street, ail]. IP accordance with detailed plans and specifications on file in tho office of tbe City Clerl<. D7. Utilities Director cf the City of Anaheim, ori Order No. ,70. Thc prep)ises e which the abovertioned 5ilh- are te be located or are located are owned by the citw nf PrIqbc and an located ir ti P i'itlf of Anaheim with the execution of the hstation '1: Avnu, scuth 7)f fl,7:rona '1 1 wi)1 Is cituated in tbe County of Oranu, -1- in accordance with. the plans, prbfiles and specifications of said public irproveraent an fi 1' in the office of the City Clerh. of the City of Anaheiw; and LIITT:F.1, said notice invjtinc scaled prorcsals far said public icprovement dd rovide that sealed proposals wbuld he received by the City of AnaheiL 7 tfl( office of the City Cle1' 7-c. of the City of ,Anabeip up to the bc.)1.117 nf 7:00 aiclac. Ti a the 7t1 «f Ji l26n, for the furnishin2 of all plant, labgr, services, .rneterials, and erlripment, all utilities 1, rallsINDru7Ajoh, lucludIflo power, fuel• and wath?r, and 1' In all work. necessar ta canstnhht and cmmplete in a good and wnrhteanlihr. r the public il*praverrent hereihabave wore particularly rentioned and described, and wbich notice did state and declare thaj ursuant t the provisions Ti ct 1770 of the Labor Code, the Cit Council af the Cith/ of .Apeebeir: had 7scertained nrevailinc rate DIT V.TrTS ill the locality in which this type bf labr is to he earforned far each craft ar ty.n2 TA vr,7)17 r merhuic pedded to c.xec1it2 tbe contract and did set forth the prevailing hourly wa+Je scale so ascertained; and be City Clcrh of the City of Anaheir did receive the fallowinc sealed pror,osals rriar to 7:00 o'clock P. on the 7th day lc in response ta the notice aforesaid inviting sealed proposals, to wit: TYLT S. SCHULAN FIECTPTC PECHTEh COICRATION THE FLUOR COPPORATION, LTD. TnTAL PTT‘ (:10,200.00 1,17H000.00 AND WHEREAS, the'. Utilities 1)1rector did exarinc and tabulate said scaled proposals and did report to the City Council the result of his exa21nat1on and tabulation; and lahiY.F.S the City Council finds that the sealed pro- posal sukoitted hy A. S. SCHIThL,(.\N j COhPAT. (.)hl Street, has Anceles 71, California, is the lowest resransible rrarosal suh[litted for the furnisbinh of all rlant laLar, services, raterials and eguip all utilities and trans- portation, includirni power. fuel end water and berforing ell worli necessary to construct and goviplete jn a hood and wort(man- lih.e 2anner, in strict accordance with the snecifications, rlans and drawincs 1 J Ic're47 7:7 on 1112 in the office of the Citv Cler of the City afs Anabei, the rublic hereinabove rientioned and described, toc;ethcr with the appurtenances thereto, and as specified in the notice inviting sealed rrorsals. and that said proposal of said above nared bidder should be accented and a contract awarded to said hidder in accordance therewith, subject to the following Jr 1. The erlployrbent bf A- A. Straub as coordinata'r in full r ,)f this project until gariTletion and acct bnce hy the 01 ty. That enciineerinq arrangements be rade with the Firctric (777mny atisf to the itv of Anabeim. P15.) Connril that th.e above mcntioner sealed nrangsa1 is the lgwest resnonsible rroposal rpec-ived :7“)(1. that '71.(7' person. firm or corroration sulgittinq said proposal is a resnonsilole person, firm or corporation and that the proposal submitted is the best suited and fitted for the rnblic improvement to be constructed. TrEREFCRE, RE TT RESOLVE:E. Inf the Citv Council of the Cit of Analleim that tiie sealed proposal subritted 1.)y A. S. S(111 FLFcT'r.1IC 07);.P.AT)TY far the furnishing of all plant, labor, services, materials and equipment, all utilities and transportation, includin power, foci and water, and perform- ing all wor necessary to constroct and complete, in a good and worwan1 i').7e) manner, in strict accordance with the specifi- cations, plans and drawings therefor on file in the office 7f the City clerk of the City of Anahel, and the notice inviting sealed proposals, t h 11 c worL and improveent bereinabove m.ore particularly rentigned and described. together with the appurtenances thereto, be, and the same is hereby, accepted, and that a contract for the construction and corpletion of said public irq)rovement be, and the same is hereby, awarded to the said above na.ed bidder, subject to the following con- ditions: 1. The o)71oyment of Ir. A. Straub as conrdinator in full charge of this project until completion. and accentance hv the City. Tbat enginecrinn arrangements be made witb the Ceneral Electric Cgmpany satisfactory to the City of Anaheim. ATM DE IT PUPTHEP. PYSOLVED that the successful bidder or bidders uron each contract awarded as bereinabove set fort, shall be, and thy are herehy required to execute a contract in. tbe required form with the Ci ty of AnabeiL fl0fl tbe terms and conditions specified in the notice invitina sealed proposals and the proposal submitted by said succes.sful bidder or bidders and in accordance with the plans and snecifications for said ilinroveent hereinabove described, and in accordance with the temps, conditions and provisions of this resolution, and that said successful bidder or bidders to whom each contract Is awarded shall be required to furnish a surety bond in an. ar.ount equal to one buTdred per cent (100:A of the contract price for all labor, materials and lr 10 be furnished and perforred, as set firth in the sealed proposal sWorritted by said bidder for the construction of said public improve7ent, together with the appnrtenances thereto or such portion tbereof as is covered by said contract, as security for the faithful performance of said contract and a separate surety 'hflrri 3n an amount ecual t 0 one hundred per cent (100) of the construction cost of said public improverent covered Iv said contract, as securitu for thc oayrent of all persnns perforring labor and furnishi) material for said project. PND RE TT FTTPTI- RESOLVEfl that said bidder or bidders be, and they are hereby required to furnish to the City of Anaheim in companies satisfactory to the City of Anaheim, public liability, property .damage, corilpensation, and,: insnrance in the amounts and for: the pUrposeslaF set forth and specified in .the notice .1tVitinersealed proposals, and subject tho approVallofAhe City Attorney as to 'form and sufficiency. AIM BF IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the and the City Cler of the City of Anahein be, and they are hereby, authorized. and directed. to ral.ce, execute and enter int, and on behalf 71'" the City of Anaheim, a written. contract with. said successful bidder or bidders for the furnishinc of all plant, labor, materials, and equipment and perforLing all work, s hereinabove Ti.!ore :particularly described, fir the construction, installation and completion. of 'Said. public improver.::entnerein- ahove described upon the terms and conditions as speci in the notice invitine scaled proposals, the detailed plans, profiles,. OrawingS and general specifications and_detailed specjfications and drawings ,...and all addenda. theret6,_and :111 m.odifications incornorated therein nrior to the date of the opening of bids, on file in tbe office of the City Clerl. of the City of Anaheim and in strict accordance with the terns, conditions and provisions cf this resolution, and in accordance with all of the contract documents herein. specified. THE FOREGOINCT RESOLUTION is signed and anprOvedby me this 19th day .,7. Jiily. 1960. ATTEST: fr Cf rj (7. Tiir, CITY OF Plv.AHFTE CI T CF ANAHEE-11 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 6151 was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting provided by law, of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the 19th day of July, 1960, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said Resolution No. 6151 on the 19th day of July, 1960. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Anaheim this 19th day of July, 1960. (SEAL) s CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM