1960-5975RE 5O1IYPION NO, 5`'7 A. RE"01?JTION OF THE CITY COUNCIi. OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CALLING A SPECIAL ELECTION ON T.AE, _28th OF JUNE 19 IN A CERTAIN TERRITORY IN THE COUNTY OF ORANGE CONTIGUOUS TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM PROPOSED TO BE ANNEXED TO SAID CITY OF ANAIiEIM PROVIDING FOR THE HOLDING OF SUCH ELECTION AND SUHMIP- "1T fl T'0 THE ELECTORS RESIDING IN SUCH TERRITORY THE QUESTION WHETHER SUCH TERRITORY SHALL., BE ANNEXED TO, I tv'CORFCRA,'P D 1N, AND MADE A. PAR"" OF' SAID C I T Y OF ANAHEIM AND THE PROPERTY IN ITCH TERRiT RY IiE. AFTER SUCH ANNEXATION, SUB JECT" TO TAXATION XUAI.,I,Y WITH PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM T'0 PAY ITS PRO RATA PORTION. BASED UPON ASSESSED VAI.TTA'I'IO,N, OF ALL THE BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF SAII' CITY OF ANAHEIM OUTSTANDING ON THE ,_210 DAY OF _JELL 19 60 0 OR THERETOFORE AUTHOR IZED;, DESCRIBING SAID TERRITORY AND DESIGNATING IT BY THE .NAME OF SIRIUS AND TILLER AVENUE ANNEXATION ESTABLISHING AN ELECTION PRECINCT AND POLLING PLACE IN SAID TERRITORY': APPOINTING THE OFFICERS OF E1.ECT10N FOR 17,AID SPECIAL ELFCTICN„ AND PRO- VIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION OF NOTICE OF SUCH ELECTION:, WHEREAS, the City Co ncil of the C“ .y of Anaheim did on the 15th day of J c 1960„ receivre a written petition asking that certain new territory described in sail poq1tion he annexed to the City of Anaheim: and WHEREAS, said territory so proposed to be annexed to said City of Amaheim s situated In the County' of Orange. State of California, and is contiguous to the City of Anaheim, and ea1d petition contains a description. of said territory in words and figures as hereinafter in thi:e resolution described: and WHEREAS, said petition is signed by not less that one fourth of the q u a l i f i e d electors residing wi thh the territory here r7r f t,er described, as show* by the County Regi.str✓at on of Vetere: and WHEREAS, said new territory proposed. to to annexed to said City of A.naheirr does not form a part of any r e.nic.ipal. corporation., and more than twelves (l12 qu.alif"ied electors resided within. the boundaries of the territory proposed to be annexed at the time of the filln.g of said petition for said annexation, and Bald electors are bona fide residents of geld new territory and said territory is inhabited and WHEREAS, on the 1jthday of March 196, the City Council of the City of Anaheim dial adapt its Resolution No _5890 declaring Its intention to call a special election to he held not sooner than fifty-four (51.) days nor later than seventy -five (75) days after the termination of the hear- ing of protests, and of its intention to submit the question of annexation to the ei.ectoes residing in the territory described in said written petition, which reso- lution did specifically describe the boundaries of the territory proposed to be annexed, and designate the territory by the name of SIRIUS aUD TIIJ.F.R AMENUE._AMIEXAT1C/11 by which it should be referred to upon the ballots used at the election., and did contain a notice of the day, hour and place where any person owning real property within said territory could appear before the legislative body of the City of Anaheim and show cause why such terri- tory should. not be annexed. to the City, not less than fifteen (i5) days nor more than forty (40) days after the passage of said resolution, to wit, on the 19th day of priL jc6; and. the City Council did find and determine that the proponents who filed said petition. for annexation had done and performed �ya all of the things required to be done and performed by the Annexation Ac; of 1913 (Title IV, Division 2, Part 2 Chapter 1, Articles 1 to 4, inclusive, of the Government Code of the State of California) and did further find that all of the provisions of said Annexation Act of 19l3, as amended, required to be complied with before the adoption. of said resolutioe had been complied with prior to the adoption thereof, which resolution was duly eublished once a week for two weeks prior to the hearing in a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Anaheim, there being no newspaper of general circulation published In the terri- tory proposed to be annexed, and directed the City Clerk to cause written notice of such propoeed ennexelinn Lo be mailed t each owner of an equitable or legal in- tereat in the lad, other thae AP esseement or right of way within the territory to be annexed, who had filed his, her or it were and a general description of such land sefficient to identify it on the last equalized County Assessment Roll or with said Clerk, and further chested that said notice he mailed not less than twenty days before the first public hearing on the proposed annexation and WHEREAS, said City Council did, pursuant to its Resolution No. _5890 hole a public mettleg and hearing or the 19th of April lika at the hour of 2:00_eseclock P,M. ir the City Cott cil Chamber in the City Hall. in the City of Anaheim, the date fixel ir eald reeolutien as the day, hour and place when and he any and ell petiont owrJvig tea] eeoperey withir the bonndaries of the territory 50 propoged to be anneeed end havite nny obeeetee2 to the rropoeed annexatiee, mighe appear befere the Ceity Cneeeil of tht CJ.1 rf ;nahe'151 and ehow cause why such tereitory should rot be zo Annexed, which ai reeeleelon did nctify all peso ee having any objections to mch proeosed arrexation to Rpresr on said date at said hour and pie to show c'A'416 if any they had, Ay such territory shoeld not be anmexed arAd fur-thel' ratIfylne slIch net U1A4, Any protests aga3net the calling of an election to ht to the electres rezielne withiv said territoey the oteeetior of annexation te the City of Anaheim, and ary pretests againet the annexeYee ef zad territoee 014 City of Ataheilm !mot be In witlag and filed with [Lee Ctty Clerk of the CIty of Anaheim not later than the hour and date vet fcrth in euch eesolution for the hearing of objections to said election and the enneeetev of eseA tefritofy tn the City of Anahem which said resolution was duly publiThee once .a week for two veccezeive weeke prior to the date fixed for the hearInr nrote and 041,Z0 4 ,0 said election and annexation of said territory ts Ow Cl rrf Ana:helm, In the AnAheim Gazetti?, a newepapee of general circulation, 7- ).1 11 T, eel eerculated in 'he City of Anah. C-41rIt of Orange, SLate of Calif- WERREAll, at eie hi e heari nee heel el on the I 9 th day the. the City Council of the City t' Anaheim did hold heat to hear all veeeten pretests theretofore filed P)hjttirg 1 (0 th tail•rg of s eeecial eIectiee Of the annexation Of said terri- tory hereinafter described to the Cite of Anaheim, and the City Couneil does here- by find that written. pretest's were not made by the owners of one-half (i) of the value of the territory prepoeed to bt annexed, A3 shown by the last equalized assessment roll, or otherwis% and WHEREAS, said petitioe eonteins a request that the City Councii of the City of Anaheim call a special electice to he held in said territory thereby erepoeed to be annexed to said City of Anaheim aad giving notice thereof as re- qeired by law, and to submit to the electors residing within said territory the question whether said new territory shall be annexed to incorporated in, and made A pftt of the City of Annheire and said petitior also contains a request that the question. to be submitted at such special election. to the electors residing within said new territory shall be whether esid new territory shall be annexed to In- corporated in and made a part of said City of Anaheim, and the property therein he, after such annexation subject to taxatic.n equally with the property within, the City of Anaheim, to pay its pro rata share, based upon assessed valuation of all bonded indebtedness of the City of Anaheim outstanding or authorized seter01ma)4 eta on latmderafillottinglaritreankdopesizitialunaraixot xotic X NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anaheim that a special election be and the same is hereby called to be held on the 28 day of June 19 in. said. new territory mentioned in the petition aforesaid and hereinafter more particularly deecriessi, and proposed to be annexed to the City of Anaheim, for the purpose of sebmkttIng to the electors residing in said new territory the question whether the said new territory shall be areiteed to, incorporated in. and made a part of the City of Anaheim and the property therein be, after such annexation, subject to -2- taxation equally with the prorerty withr 1 City of Anaheir, to pay its pro rats share, based upon af valunton, of all of the bonded indebted- of fad City of Anaheim out7Aanding on the 2nd day of June 19 or therfor authorizi The new territory in which such specia] .!.lection is hereby called and shall bf held* is .Tituated in the County of Orange, Otate of Calif- th.e boundartes of which •re decribed 71 fc:11-07:7 That parcel of land located in the County of Orange, State of California, being a portion of the southeast quarter of Section 27, Township 4 South, Range 10 West, San Bernardino Base and Mridian, described as follows: Beginning at a point in the south line of the existing City limit line of the City of Anaheim, as established by the Haster Street Annexation to the City of Anaheim, passed by Ordinance No. 1138, May 1, 1957, and filed with the Secretary of State, June 3, 1957, said point of beginning being the point of intersection of the southerly line of the N2 of the SE4 of said Section 27, with a line parallel with and 50.00 feet west of the east line of Section 27; thence, 1. Westerly along the existing City of Anaheim City limit line being the southerly line of the Ni of the SE4 of said Section 27 and its westerly pro- longation to its intersection with the west line of Tract No. 2520 as shown on a map filed in Book 88, Pages 11 through 15 of Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County, California; thence 2. Southerly along the west line of said Tract No. 2520 to the south- west corner of Lot 27 of said Tract 2520; thence 3. Easterly along the south line of Lots 27 through 35 of Tract No. 2520 to the southwest corner of Lot 11 of Tract 3178, as shown on a map filed in Book 96,pages 13 and 14 of Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County; California, said point also being in the southerly line of said Tract No. 3178; thence, 4. Easterly along the south line of Tract 3178 to the point of intersection with a line parallel with and 50.00 westerly of the east line of Section 27; thence, of beginning. SIRIUS AND TILLER AVENUE ANNEXATION 5. Northerly along the last mentioned parallel line to the true point AND RF IT ""DIRER RESOLVED that the poU s if said slect for shall be opened at 7 :OC o'clock 'L. M. of the day of said election and shall re- main open continuously from safe, time antil 7 :00 o'clock P. M. of the same day, when said polls shall be closed, except as provided in section 5734 of the Elections Code of the State of California. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that at said special election the question whether said new territory shall be annexed to, incorporated in, and made a part of the City of Anaheim, and the property in said new territory be, after such annexation subject to taxation equally with the property within the City of Anaheim, to pay its pro rata portion, based upon assessed valuation, of al] of the bonded indebtedness of said City of Anaheim outstanding on the 2nd day of .Ttt 9 1960 or theretofore authorized, shall be submitted to the electors residing in said new territory so proposed to be annexed to said City of Anaheim. That said new territory hereinbefore and in said petition for annexation described is hereby designated as JRIIJS TIT1.7..$___ AVR Ott T T' ANNEXATION" and said territory shall be indicated and referred to by the name of SIRIUS ADD TILLER AVENUE ANNEXATION upon the ballots to be used at said special election, at which the question of such annexation of said territory to the City of Anaheim is submitted to the electors of said territory, and the name SIRIUS AND TILLER AVENUE ANNEXATION whenever used in the notice of said special election hereby called in said terrotiry, and any and all proceedings for the annexation of said territory to the City of Anaheim shall mean and shall be construed to mean the territory hereinbefore and in said petition described, and so proposed by said petition to be annexed to said City of Anaheim. That on the ballots to be used at said special election in addition to any other matters required by law, there shall be printed sub- stantially the following: MARK CROSS ON BALLOT ONLY WITH RUBBER STAMP: Nt;v:E WITH PEN OR PENCIL. (ABSENTEE BALLOTS MAY BE MARKED WITH PEN AND INK OR PENCIL.) INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS To vote on any measure, stamp a cross in the voting square after the word "YES' or after the word "NO". All marks, except the oross are forbidden. All distinguishing marks or era- sures are forbidden and make the ballot void. If you wrongly stamp, tear or deface this ballot, return it to the inspector of election and ob- tain another. On absent voter's ballots mark a cross (4) with pen or pencil. Chtx7.l SIRIUS AND TILLER_AVENUE ANNEXATION: be annexed to the City of Anaheim, California, ac;i the prone sty in said S IRI.I S ..m.T LzR A\ EN1JE_ ANNEXJU'TON be, after such annexation, subject to taxation eqt ally with the property within eai.d City of Anaheim, to pay its pro rata portion, based upon assessed valuation, of all bonded indebtedness of said Cit-v of Anaheim outstanding on June 2 1960, or theretofore authored i A. cross i placed in the voting sau.a:re after the word Y1I i" in the manner hereinbefore provided *hall be counted j n favor of the adoption of the proposition or measure. A cross pieced in the votiree Fqu.are after the word. '"BO' in the manner h"reinbe.fore provided shall be cotinted against the adoption of the proposition. The qualifi ed e1e tore residie in aid new territory so pro posed Le be annexed to said City of Anaheim n -e hereby directed to vote upon the oeest on of the annexation rf said territory to the City of Anaheim and the ,ubject,ion of said territ eeyr after annexation, to taxation eatia. ly with they proeeefy within said Cite of Anaheim, to pay its pro rata portion, baeed upon _asse ee•:i. val.r anti or;:. of al i. bonded i n.dehtedneuc of said City of Anaheim outstanri: en .,,I.1iS1 a 19 60 or theretofore authorized. by st see: craze, in the voting equsre Firer the word "YES on the ballot; ueed it said election, or by stamping a cross in the voting square ter the word "NC' on such ballot e, If an elector :than etamp a cross the voting square after the printed word "YES", the vote of such elector hall be coun in favor of said territory being annexed to, incorporated in, and made a part of the City of Aneheim and the property in said territory be, after such :nunex ti_on, subject to taxation, to pay its rro rata portion, based Capon assessed valuation, of ail bonded indebtedness of said City of Anaheim outstanding on June 2 1 or theretofore authorized; and if an elector shall stamp a erase in tha voting square after the printed word. "NO the vote of such elector shall be counted against such annexation. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that for the purpose of holding said election there shall be, and here is established, one election precinct designated as hereinafter stated. The polling place for said precinct shall be the place hereinafter designated and the persons hereinafter named, being competent and qualified electors and residents of said territory and of said election precinct, are hereby appointed officers of election and they shall hold said election and make return thereof in the manner provided by law. SIRIUS AND TILLER AVENUE ANNEXATION voting precinct shall consist of all of said above described territory proposed to be annexed to the City of Anaheim for the purpose of holding said election. Inspect') Judge Judge MEASURE SUBMITTED TO VOTE OF VOTERS p place The Jack Patterson residence, 12852 Sirius Avenue, Orange County, Anaheim, California. Mrs. Mildred R. Patterson Mrs. Charlene L. Alves Mrs. Estelle E. Sherron -6- YES NO Excett oth,nrw'lon provided. in this resolution., said election. hereby called shall be conducte hs ore-J.1.1nd by ihw for municipal elections in the City of Anaheim and the AnnnnatIon Act of 1913 (,Statutes 1913, Chapter 312, Title 111, Division 2 Fart afIATA In Art innlusAve, of the Govern- ment Code of the State of California) and all acts amendatory thereof and sur, plementary therett, AIZ BE IT FURTHER RES0hVED that the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim Pe, and she is hereby, authorised and Airected to give notice of said onecial election by causinga notice thereof to be published once a week for four (4) successive weeks prior to the 28ta_ day of h ,lune 4 In the Plq_c_ent ia Courier a newspaper of general circulation printed and published ontside of the City of Anaheim, bnt In the County of Orange. in which the territory GO proposod to be annexed to the City of Anaheim is situated, Snob notice shall distinctly at:ate ths date of such special election, the measare cr prohosition to be submitted at such. special election, to wit That it proposed to an to, incorporate in and make e part of said City of Anaheim the aforesaid territory sought t• be annexed and shall apecifinally describe the boundaries, thereof, and that after such annexation, such territory shall br!, tO taxation. equally with the prop- erty within. said City of Anaheir, to pay Its pro rata portion, based. upon. assessed valuation, of all bonded indentndn of said. City of Ano.heim outstanding on the hhh 2rIl1 hh day of June i9Q or theretofore authorized. Ouch notice shall distinctly nesignate said territory proposed to be annexed to said City of Anaheim as IRIVS _AND_ TILLER _AVENUE_ANNEXAT ION as the nAme by whinh such territory shall be indicated upon the election ballots that sueh notice shall. Instruct the electors how to Ve,6 et SI1 mpecial elec- tionn that with respect to the assumption of bonded. Indebtedness said notice shall 1, State diatinstly the proposition to be submitted, Snenify the improvement or improvements for which. the indebtedness was incurred or authorized. 3. State t r amounts of such indebtedness outstanding at the date of the first publication of the net inn, 4. State. the onn thorized to be repreeented by bonds to be issued, 5. State the .V. of interest payable or to be payable on the indebtedness„ Such notinn shall designate the election precinct, the place ziilt which the polls wili be oren, and th e hours at which such nells will be open for such election in said new territory an established. by this resolution, In such notice, the analified elactoro residing in said. new territory so pronosed to be annexed shall b directed to vote upon tha qtestion. o annexalOon. as herelnabove pro- ided, AND FE pp FURTHER RESCW/ED that immediatnly upon the closing of the polln, the election officers for sail election rrecitct heir denigated shall count the balIoto, make np, certify, and seal. the ballots and tajIy sheets of the ballots naot, and doliver them, with the returnn, to the City Clerk of the. City of Anahelm that at its next regular meeting held not lens than oia 6 days nor more than. seven. (7) days from and after the date of the election, the City Conncil. shal1 canvass the returns. The canvass shall be completed. at the meeting, Alf practicable, or as soon as possible, avoiding !adjournments, immediately upon lir.mktle on of th4, camn:!:, the 7ogi body shall cause a record to re eetered nror mciblJtes stating the !1rot- ton aubmitted9 t of votes cast and the number of voten cant fne and. against anne at ion and thereafter the Ci ty Council shall take and nonduct such further pmqseeedings as are provided for in the Annexation Act of 1 and act B. amendatory hereof ani EVarr e'rn thereto, herninabove referred to. 'PHE FOREGOING FIESOI,I.ri'iON ap!nroved. and signed by me ;his ard_. day of AVITOT.: Cfy 11,:e;RE OF THE, 'CITY OF ANAHEIm STATE OF CALIFORNIA. COON 11 OF ORANGE C1T1 OF MAY 1..._ MAYOR F ,IT? O F ttNAHFIM Clerk of the cf Am:1:1ru-lfr, do hern T0fy that the fcreriPg *ms rLrp and adopte:1 at a regular provided by 15w of the City Ceuncl 'Of th,7:. liLy Arym h on thc _ad or may 6o hy tthe vot, COO %T.0),A5 Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. CCi.JINCII None. AR0Fhir, CC;UNC 1,MFN None. AND 1 FOHTHER ',1F,7 that the MayoT of the 7 Anaheim p w and Alpod ad 'INi 011 the _3rd dAy tyr. IN WI TNE33 WHERWY, I have hereuvio set my hand and affixed the the Ci ty of All this aY 9 CITY CLERIC 0 TliE CITY OF ANAHEIM