1960-6357RESOLUTION NO. 6357 P. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY ANAHEI ASCERTAINING AND TFRi Ti PRVAILINO PATE Of WAGES T( RF PAID FOR EACH CRAFT, OP. TYPE OF WOPKFAN OR P NEEDED FOR PIL2LIC WORKS CONTRACTS FOR THE FURNISHING OF ALL I.ATEEIALS, PLANT, LABOR AND SERVICFS FCR THE. CONSTRUCTION AND COI'TLETION OF i FE- 1NFDRCED GROUTED BRICK 1"1ASONRY l';1 TER AT 518 SOUTH LOS ANOELFS STREET, IT THE CITY OF AN/HEE1, OR ORDER NO. 283)1. ):JIEREA.S, the City Council of the City of Anaheim does find and determine that public convenience and necessity require the acquisition. of materials, plant, labor ard services for a pub- lic inTrovement consist of the construction and completion of a reinforced grouted brick masonry meter building at 518 South Los Angeles Street, in the City of Anaheim, Work Order No. 24.; and l'jiEREAS, Section 1770 of the Labor Code of the State of California requires that the City Council ascertain and determine the general prevailing rate of hourly wages and rates for legal holidays and overtiffe work on public works and improvements in the locality in which the work, is to be performed, for each craft or type of workman, laborer or mechanic needed for the execution of such. pulAic contracts and the marling of such public improvements, and for the furnishing of all plant, labor, services, materials and equipment and perforing all work necessary for tbe execution and completion of such public contracts «r ilprovements; Nfl, THFREFORE, RE IT RESC)1; by the City Council f the City of Anaheim that, in accnrdance with the provisions of Section. 1770 rlf the Labor Code of the State of California the City Council has ascertained and does hereby determine the gener- al prevailinc rate of hourly iaces and rates for legal holidays and overtime worb on public works, and the public improvement consisting of the construction and completion of a reinforced grouted bric maFonry THeter building at 518 South LOS Anoeles Street, in the City of Anaheim, 1HOrk Order No. ;78M, in the local- ity in whica such wor is to be performed, and each craft or type of labore, workman or mechanic needed for the execution of pub- lic works contracts for furnishine all plant, materials, labor, services and equipmenl. for the public improvement consistinc of the construction. and completion of said reinforced cruted brick masonry meter building at i0 South Le,s Angeles Street, in the City of Anaheim, lfJork. Order No. and that said prevailing rates so determined are as fOlinWF: CLASSIFICATION RATE PER HOUR Carpenters: Carpenter 3.825 Hardwood Floor Worker 4.025 Table Power Saw Operator 3.925 Millwright 4. Saw Filer 3.905 Cement Masons: Cement Mason (Magnesite, Magnesite- Terrazzo and Mastic Composition) 3.97 Cement Mason 3.85 Cement Floating and Finishing Machine Operator 4.10 Iron Workers: Reinforcing Iron Worker 4.025 Structural Iron Worker 4.275 Fence Erector 4.075 Welder: Same wage scale as craft to which welding is incidental Laborers: Laborers, General or Construction 2.88 Operators and Tenders of Pneumatic and Electric Tools, Vibrating Machines and similar Mechanical Tools, not separately classified herein 3.09 Asphalt Raker and Ironer 3.09 Asphalt Shoveler 2.98 Concrete Curer, Impervious Membrane Form Oiler 3.07 Watchman 2.50 Laying of all non- metallic pipe, including Sewer Pipe, Drain Pipe and Underground Tile 3.19 Window Cleaner 2.88 Tarman and Mortarman 2.93 Operating Engineers: Asphalt Plant Fireman 3.81 Asphalt or Crushing Plant Engineer 4.11 Boring Machine Operator 3.92 Trenching Machine Operator (up to 7 -ft. depth capacity) 3.92 Asphalt or Concrete Spreading, Mechanical Tamping or Finishing Machine Operator 4.11 Roller Operator 3.92 Bricklayers: Bricklayer and Stone Mason 4.18 Bricktender 3.13 Glazier 3.595 Tile: Tile Setter 3.90 Tile Setter Helper 3.06 Electricians: Electrician Wireman 4.40 Cable Splicer 4.7 Lather 4.125 Painter: Brush 3.65 Spray Gun or Sandblaster 3.90 Sign Journeyman 3.50 Plasterers: Foreman 4.375 Plasterer 4.125 Plaster Tender 4. Roofers: Roofer Foreman 3.95 Journeyman 3.60 -2- All foremen, unless separately' classified, shall he paid as provided in the September, 1 revision of the A. G. C., C. A•, H. 3. T•, E- O.C. A-, A. F. L. C. I. O. Southern Cal- ifornia haster Labor 4-1reet:pent and sil.pplernt The foregoinc wage scale and rates are for an eight-hnur day, forty-hur Wee, time and one-half for overtimd and double tiTe Sundays and holidays, excent as otherwis provided in the Sept ember, 199 revision of the A- G. C., C.. A., N. H. 1•, E. G. C. A. A. F. L. C. 1. 0. Southern California Plaster Labor Agr- ment and Supplements, .which shall govern for such overtime and double time pay; and for the wage scale for foremen not ot.herwis0 listed. above. Nolldays as herein referred to shall b deemed to be New Yearts Day, 'Lemorial flay, independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans' Day, Thankisgiving Day, and Christras Day. If any the above-mentioned holidays, other than Labor Day and Thanks- giving Day, falls on Sunday, the 1 followinc shall be con- sidered a lecal holiday. The T vertiLe rule establishinn tbe rates of overtime and holiday wor shall he in accordance with the following: Yhere a single shift 5s worked, eight hours of continiv7us epployrent, ex- cept for lunch Imeriods, shall constitute a dayts worl heeinnind on Eonday and continuinc through Friday each weel Vbere warL is reouired in excess of eiCh.t hours in any one day or during the interval of time fr fl) P. Friday and 1%7:00 nicht Saturday nicht such 'vIFL shall he paid for at the minimum rate TJ.' ,e and one-half (1.fl times the basic rate of wages, and on Sundays and holidays such work shall be paid for at the mini- mu rn rate of double the hasic rate of wages except as other pr,7)vided in the September, 1959, revjsin. of the A. C.T. C., 1.., H. 5. 1., F. 0. C. A-, A. F. L. C. 1. fl. Southern C;71ifornia 1ster Labc 1:,71reement and Supplements. Fr.uerly indentured apprentices t any of the trades listed above Lay he erLployed upon such public i! with skilled wornen, suhject to the provisions of Rection 1777. of the Labor Code cf the St.t.e of California, the wade ratds for such apprentices L be determined s 17,r-IviCed in said sedtin 1777.. TH7. FORT1TA:i RFSCILJTIO is apDroved and signed by an thjs 4th day cf October 1TTEST: (TIT' ('LLO H flF TNT r •T rt7, p fl 1 01777777777777 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 6357 was introduced and adopted at an adjourned regular meeting provided by law, of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the 4th day of October, 1960; by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Chandler, Coons, Thompson and Schutte NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Fry AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said Resolution No. 6357 on the 4th day of October, 1960. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Anaheim this 4th day of October, 1960. (SEAL) CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM