1960-6347WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Anaheim is desirous of purchasing the hereinafter described real property for municipal purposes, to wit: An easement for road aid public utility purTeoEes and WHEREAS, the owner s of said property have offered to sell and convey the same to the City; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Anaheim finds that it is for the and best interest of the City of Anaheim to accept said offer and purchase said real property. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anaheim that the offer of WILLIAM A— HINKLEY and OLIVE F. HINKLEY, husband and wife to sell to the City of Anaheim the following described real property sit rnia, to i►l and bE of pr RESOLUTION NO. 6347 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASEMENT FOR ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES. of the S2 of the 6 4 of the SW of the SE4 of Section 1 41 Townshi,_ 4 South, Range 11 Test, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, described as follows: PARCEL ONE. Beginning at a point 30.00 feet North of the South line 20.00 feet East of the Wert line of the SE4 of said Section 14, thence Northerly along a line parallel with and 20.00 feet Easterly of the West line of the Slag of said Sect'on 1LL, a distance of 71.91 feet, thence Easterly parallel with the South line of the S 4 of said Section lh, a distance of 20.00 feet, to a L ioint in a line parallel with and 40.00 feet East of the West line of the SE: of said Section 14, thence Southerly along the last mentioned parallel line a distance of 38.00 feet, thence Westerly 6.00 feet to the beginnin`:., of e curve concave Northeasterly having a radius of 23.00 feet, thence Southerly and Eastrly along said curve, through a centr 1 angle of 89 4 7' 41" an ere distance of 36.05 feet, thence Northerly 6.00 feet to a Noint in a line parallel witeL and 51.00 feet Northerly of the South line of the SE* of said Section L.;., thence Easterly alone; the last mentioned parallel line a distance of 36,00 feet, thence Southerly along a line parallel wits the West line of the SE4 of said Section 14., to the intersection of a line parallel with ana 36.00 feet Northerly of the South line of the SE4 of said Section 14, thence Westerly alon the last mentioned p line to the point of beginning. PARCEL TWO. An easement for public utility purposes over, under and across that :arcei of 1-nd described as follows: The Northerly 14.00 feet of the Southerly 4..00 feet of thc; Westerly 170.00 feet of the South half of the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 14 Townshp 4 South, Range 11, West, S Bernardino Base Fnd Meridian.