1962-0544BE IT RESOLVED, BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: There is hereby established a basic compensation plan for all officers and employees of the City of Anaheim who are now employed or will in the future be employed in any of the classifications of employment listed in Section 3 of this resolution. SECTION 2: The following salary and wage schedules shall constitute the basic compensation plan consisting of five (5) steps or rates of pay in each schedule. The monthly, bi- weekly, and hourly rates are established. The respective schedules shall be identified by number and the steps by the letter "A" through "E" inclusive. The columnar headings at the top of each column shall establish the time differential of each step and the minimum length of service required for advancement to the next higher step. Schedule Number 1 MONTHLY BI -WKLY HOURLY 2 MONTHLY BI -WKLY HOURLY 3 MONTHLY BI -WKLY HOURLY 4 MONTHLY BI -WKLY HOURLY 5 MONTHLY BI -WKLY HOURLY 6 MONTHLY BI -WKLY HOURLY 7 MONTHLY BI -WKLY HOURLY 8 MONTHLY BI -WKLY HOURLY 9 MONTHLY BI -WKLY HOURLY A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CREATING VARIOUS CLASSES OF EMPLOYMENT AND PROVIDING FOR THE RATE OF COMPENSATION THEREFOR AND RESCINDING RESOLUTIONS NUMBERS 6148 AND 7016. Beginning Rate A $220.00 101.54 1.27 225.00 103.85 1.30 231.00 106.62 1.33 237.00 109.38 1.37 243.00 112.15 1.40 249.00 114.92 1.44 255.00 117.69 1.47 261.00 120.46 1.51 268.00 123.69 1.55 RESOLUTION N0. 62R 544 After 6 mos. in next lower step B $231.00 106.62 1.33 237.00 109.38 1.37 243. 112.15 1.40 249.00 114.92 1.44 255.00 117.69 1.47 261.00 120.46 1.51 268.00 123.69 1.55 274.00 126.46 1.58 281.00 129.69 1.62 After 6 mos. After 1 yr. After 1 yr. in next in next in next lower step lower step lower step C D E $243.00 112.15 1.40 249.00 114.92 1.44 255.00 117.69 1.47 261.00 120.46 1.51 268.00 123.69 1.55 274.00 126.46 1.58 281.00 129.69 1.62 288.00 132.92 1.66 295.00 136.15 1.70 $255.00 117.69 1.47 261.00 120.46 1.51 268.00 123.69 1.55 274.00 126.46 1.58 281.00 129.69 1.62 288.00 132.92 1.66 295.00 136.15 1.70 302.00 139.38 1.74 310.00 143.08 1.79 $268.00 123.69 1.55 274.00 126.46 1.58 281.00 129.69 1.62 288.00 132.92 1.66 295.00 136.15 1.70 302.00 139.38 1.74 310.00 143.08 1.79 317.00 146.31 1.83 325.00 150.00 1.88 A B C D E 10 MONTHLY $274.00 $288.00 $302.00 $317.00 $333.00 BI -WKLY 126.46 132.92 139.38 146.31 153.69 HOURLY 1.58 1.66 1.74 1.83 1.92 11 MONTHLY 281.00 295.00 310.00 325.00 341.00 BI -WKLY 129.69 136.15 143.08 150.00 157.38 HOURLY 1.62 1.70 1.79 1.88 1.97 12 MONTHLY 288.00 302.00 317.00 333.00 349.00 BI -WKLY 132.92 139.38 146.31 153.69 161.08 HOURLY 1.66 1.74 1.83 1.92 2.01 13 MONTHLY 295.00 310.00 325.00 341.00 358.00 BI -WKLY 136.15 143.08 150.00 157.38 165.23 HOURLY 1.70 1.79 1.88 1.97 2.07 14 MONTHLY 302.00 317.00 333.00 349.00 367.00 BI -WKLY 139.38 146.31 153.69 161.08 169.38 HOURLY 1.74 1.83 1.92 2.01 2.12 15 MONTHLY 310.00 325.00 341.00 358.00 376.00 BI -WKLY 143.08 150.00 157.38 165.23 173.54 HOURLY 1.79 1.88 1.97 2.07 2.17 16 MONTHLY 317.00 333.00 349.00 367.00 385.00 BI -WKLY 146.31 153.69 161.08 169.38 177.69 HOURLY 1.83 1.92 2.01 2.12 2.22 17 MONTHLY 325.00 341.00 358.00 376.00 395.00 B1-WKLY 150.00 157.38 165.23 173.54 182.31 HOURLY 1.88 1.97 2.07 2.17 2.28 18 MONTHLY 333.00 349.00 367.00 385.00 405.00 BI-WKLY 153.69 161.08 169.38 177.69 186.92 HOURLY 1.92 2.01 2.12 2.22 2.34 19 MONTHLY 341.00 358.00 376.00 395.00 415.00 BI -WKLY 157.38 165.23 173.54 182.31 191.54 HOURLY 1.97 2.07 2.17 2.28 2.39 20 MONTHLY 349.00 367.00 385.00 405.00 435.00 BI -WKLY 161.08 169.38 177.69 186.92 196.15 HOURLY 2.01 2.12 2.22 2.34 2.45 21 MONTHLY 358.00 376.00 395.00 415.00 436.00 BI -WKLY 165.23 173.54 182.31 191.54 201.23 HOURLY 2.07 2.17 2.28 2.39 2.52 22 MONTHLY 367.00 385.00 405.00 425.00 447.00 BI -WKLY 169.38 177.69 186.92 196.15 206.31 HOURLY 2.12 2.22 2.34 2.45 2.58 23 MONTHLY 376.00 395.00 415.00 436.00 458.00 BI -WKLY 173.54 182.31 191.54 201.33 211.38 HOURLY 2.17 2.28 2.39 2.52 2.64 24 MONTHLY 385.00 405.00 425.00 447.00 469.00 BI -WKLY 177.69 186.92 196.15 206.31 216.46 HOURLY 2.22 2.34 2.45 2.58 2.71 25 MONTHLY 395.00 415.00 436.00 458.00 481.00 BI -WKLY 182.31 191.54 201.33 211.38 222.00 HOURLY 2.28 2.39 2.52 2.64 2.78 A B C D E 26 MONTHLY $405.00 $425.00 $447.00 $469.00 $493.00 BI -WKLY 186.92 196.15 206.31 216.46 227.54 HOURLY 2.34 2.45 2.58 2.71 2.84 27 MONTHLY 415.00 436.00 458.00 481.0o 505.00 BI -WKLY 191.54 201.23 211.38 222.00 233.08 HOURLY 2.39 2.52 2.64 2.78 2.91 28 MONTHLY 425.00 447.00 469.00 493.00 517.00 BI -WKLY 196.15 206.31 216.46 227.54 238.62 HOURLY 2.45 2.58 2.71 2.84 2.98 29 MONTHLY 436.00 458.00 481.00 505.00 530.0o BI -WKLY 201.23 211.38 222.00 233.08 244.62 HOURLY 2.52 2.64 2.78 2.91 3.06 3o MONTHLY 447.00 469.00 493.00 517.00 543.00 BI -WKLY 206.31 216.46 227.54 238.62 250.62 HOURLY 2.58 2.71 2.84 2.98 3.13 31 MONTHLY 458.00 481.00 505.00 530.00 556.00 BI -WKLY 211.38 222.00 233.08 244.62 256.62 HOURLY 2.64 2.78 2.91 3.06 3.21 32 MONTHLY 469.00 493.00 517.00 543.00 570.00 BI -WKLY 216.46 227.54 238.62 250.62 263.08 HOURLY 2.71 2.84 2.98 3.13 3.29 33 MONTHLY 481.00 505.00 530.00 556.00 584.00 BI -WKLY 222.00 233.08 244.62 256.62 269.54 HOURLY 2.78 2.91 3.06 3.21 3.37 34 MONTHLY 493.00 517.00 543.00 570.00 598.00 BI -WKLY 227.54 238.62 250.62 263.08 276.00 HOURLY 2.84 2.98 3.13 3.29 3.45 35 MONTHLY 505.00 530.00 556.00 584.00 613.00 BI -WKLY 233.08 244.62 256.62 269.54 282.92 HOURLY 2.91 3.06 3.21 3.37 3.54 36 MONTHLY 517.0o 543.0o 570.00 5.00 628.00 BI -WKLY 238.62 250.62 263.08 276 289.85 HOURLY 2.98 3.13 3.29 3.45 3.62 37 MONTHLY 530.00 556.00 584.00 613.00 644.00 BI -WKLY 244.62 256.62 269.54 282.92 297.23 HOURLY 3.06 3.21 3.37 3.54 3.72 38 MONTHLY 543.00 570.00 598.00 628.00 660.00 BI -WKLY 250.62 263.08 276.0o 289.85 304.62 HOURLY 3.13 3.29 3.45 3.62 3.81 39 MONTHLY 556.00 584.00 613.00 644.00 676.00 BI -WKLY 256.62 269.54 282.92 297.23 312.0o HOURLY 3.21 3.37 3.54 3.72 3.90 40 MONTHLY 570.00 598.00 628.00 660.00 693.00 BI -WKLY 263.08 276.0o 289.85 304.62 319.85 HOURLY 3.29 3.45 3.62 3.81 4.00 41 MONTHLY BI -WKLY 584.00 613.00 644.00 676.00 710.00 269.54 282.92 2 97. 2 3 312.00 327.69 r A B C D E 42 MONTHLY $598.00 $628.00 $660.00 $693.00 $727.00 BI -WKLY 276.00 289.85 304.62 319.85 335.54 43 MONTHLY BI -WKLY 44 MONTHLY BI -WKLY 45 MONTHLY BI -WKLY 46 MONTHLY BI -WKLY 47 MONTHLY BI -WKLY 48 MONTHLY BI -WKLY 49 MONTHLY BI -WKLY 50 MONTHLY BI -WKLY 51 MONTHLY BI-WKLY 52 MONTHLY BI -WKLY 53 MONTHLY BI -WKLY 54 MONTHLY BI -WKLY 55 MONTHLY BI -WKLY 56 MONTHLY BI -WKLY 57 MONTHLY BI -WKLY 58 MONTHLY BI -WKLY 59 MONTHLY BI -WKLY 60 MONTHLY BI -WKLY 61 MONTHLY BI -WKLY 62 MONTHLY BI -WKLY 613.00 644.00 676.00 710.00 282.92 297.23 312.00 327.69 745.00 343.85 628.0o 660.00 693.00 727.00 763.00 289.85 304.62 319.85 335.54 352.15 644.00 676.00 710.00 745.00 782.00 297.23 312.00 327.69 343.85 360.92 660.00 693.00 727.00 763.00 801.00 304.62 319.85 335.54 352.15 369.69 676.00 710.00 745.00 782.00 821.00 312.00 327.69 343.85 360.92 378.92 693.00 727.00 763.00 801.00 841.00 319.85 335.54 352.15 369.69 388.15 710.00 745.00 782.00 821.00 862.00 327.69 343.85 360.92 378.92 397.85 727.00 763.00 801.00 841.00 883.0o 335.54 352.15 369.69 388.15 407.54 745.00 782.00 821.00 862.00 905.00 343.85 360.92 378.92 397.85 417.69 763.00 801.00 841.00 883.00 927.00 352.15 369.69 388.15 407.54 427.85 782.00 821.0o 862.00 905.00 950.00 360.92 378.92 397.85 417.69 438.46 801.00 841.00 883.00 927.00 974.00 369.69 388.15 407.54 427.85 449.54 821.00 862.00 905.00 950.00 998.00 378.92 397.85 417.69 438.46 460.62 841.00 883.00 927.00 974.00 1023.00 388.15 407.54 427.85 449.54 472.15 862.00 905.00 950.00 998.00 1048.00 397.85 417.69 438.46 460.62 483.69 883.00 927.0o 974.00 1023.00 1074.00 407.54 427.85 449.54 472.15 495.69 905.00 950.00 998.00 1048.00 1100.00 417.69 438.46 460.62 483.69 507.69 927.00 974.00 1023.00 1074.00 1127.00 427.85 449.54 472.15 495.69 520.15 950.00 998.00 1048.00 1100.00 1155.00 438.46 460.62 483.69 507.69 533.08 974.00 1023.00 1074.00 1127.0o 1184.00 449.54 472.15 495.69 520.15 546.46 1 63 MONTHLY $998.00 $1048.00 $1100.00 $1155.00 $1213.00 BI -WKLY 460.62 483.69 507.69 533.08 559.85 64 MONTHLY BI -WKLY 65 MONTHLY BI -WKLY 66 MONTHLY BI -WKLY 67 MONTHLY BI -WKLY 68 MONTHLY BI -WKLY 69 MONTHLY BI -WKLY 70 MONTHLY B1 -WKLY 71 MONTHLY BI -WKLY 72 MONTHLY BI -WKLY 73 MONTHLY BI -WKLY 74 MONTHLY BI -WKLY 75 MONTHLY BI -WKLY 76 MONTHLY BI -WKLY 77 MONTHLY BI -WKLY 78 MONTHLY BI -WKLY 79 MONTHLY BI -WKLY 80 MONTHLY BI -WKLY 81 MONTHLY BI -WKLY 82 MONTHLY BI -WKLY 83 MONTHLY BI -WKLY A B C D E 1023.00 1074.00 1127.00 1184.00 1243.00 472.15 495.69 520.15 546.46 573.69 1048.00 1100.00 1155.00 1213.00 1274.00 483.69 507.69 533.08 559.85 588.00 1074.00 1127.00 1184.00 1243.00 1306.00 495.69 520.15 546.46 573.69 602.77 1100.00 1155.00 1213.00 1274.00 1338.00 507.69 533.08 559.85 588.00 617.54 1127.00 1184.00 1243.00 1306.00 1371.00 520.15 546.46 573.69 602.77 632.77 1155.00 1213.00 1274.00 1338.00 1405.00 533.08 559.85 588.00 617.54 648.46 1184.00 1243.00 1306.00 1371.00 1440.00 546.46 573.69 602.77 632.77 664.62 1213.00 1274.00 1338.00 1405.00 1475.00 559.85 588.00 617.54 648.46 680.77 1243.00 1306.00 1371.00 1440.00 1512.00 573.69 602.77 632.77 664.62 697.85 1274.00 1338.00 1405.00 1475.00 1549.00 588.00 617.54 648.46 680.77 714.92 1306.00 1371.00 1440.00 1512.00 1587.00 602.77 632.77 664.62 697.85 732.46 1338.00 1405.00 1475.00 1549.00 1626.00 617.54 648.46 680.77 714.92 750.46 1371.00 1440.00 1512.00 1587.00 1666.00 632.77 664.62 697.85 732.46 768.92 1405.00 1475.00 1549.00 1626.00 1707.00 648.46 680.77 714.92 750.46 787.85 1440.00 1512.00 1587.00 1666.00 1749.00 664.62 697.85 732.46 768.92 807.23 1475.00 1549.00 1626.00 1707.00 1792.00 680.77 714.92 750.46 787.85 827.08 1512.00 1587.00 1666.00 1749.00 1837.00 697.85 732.46 768.92 807.23 847.85 1549.00 1626.00 1707.00 1792.00 1882.00 714.92 750.46 787.85 827.08 868.62 1587.00 1666.00 1749.00 1837.00 1929.00 732.46 768.92 807.23 847.85 890.31 1626.00 1707.00 1792.00 1882.00 1976.00 750.46 787.85 827.08 868.62 912.00 84 MONTHLY BI -WKLY 85 MONTHLY BI -WKLY 86 MONTHLY BI -WKLY 87 MONTHLY BI -WKLY 88 MONTHLY BI -WKLY 89 MONTHLY BI-WKLY 90 MONTHLY BI -WKLY SECTION 3: All classes of employment shall be allocated to compensation schedules as follows: Classification A B C D E $1666.00 $1749.00 $1837.00 $1929.00 $2025.00 768.92 807.23 847.85 890.31 934.62 1707.00 1792.00 1882.00 1976.00 2075.00 787.85 827.08 868.62 912.00 957.69 1749.00 1837.00 1929.00 2025.00 2127.00 897.23 847.31 890.31 934.62 981.69 1792.00 1882.00 1976.00 2075.00 2179.00 827.08 868.62 912.00 957.69 1005.69 1837.00 1929.00 2025.00 2127.00 2233.00 847.85 890.31 934.62 981.69 1030.62 1882.00 1976.00 2075.00 2179.00 2288.00 868.62 912.00 957.69 1005.69 1056.00 1929.00 2025.00 2127.00 2233.00 2345.00 890.31 934.62 981.69 1030.62 1082.31 Schedule Number Accountant Accounting Officer Administrative Aide Administrative Analyst Administrative Assistant Administrative Intern Administrative Secretary Appliance Repairman Area Distribution Operator Assistant Chief Building Inspector Assistant City Attorney Assistant City Engineer Assistant City Manager Asst. Data Processing Supervisor Asst. Electrical Superintendent Assistant Fire Chief Assistant Planner Assistant Rate Analyst Assistant Water Superintendent Automotive Mechanic Automotive Serviceman Body and Fender Repairman Building Inspector Buyer Chief Building Inspector Chief Clerk Chief Distribution Operator Chief of Parties City Attorney City Engineer City Manager Civil Defense Coordinator Civil Engineering Assistant Civil Engineering Associate Clerk 40 52 36 44 51 21 33 34 30 52 62 60 66 42 50 55 44 36 48 34 24 34 40 44 58 44 46 46 $20,000 per yr. 66 88 47 46 54 9 Classification Clerk- Dispatcher Collection Officer Construction and Maintenance Construction Inspector Credit Representative Crossing Guard Custodial Leadman Custodian Data Processing Supervisor Deputy City Attorney Deputy City Clerk Duplicating Machine Operator Electric Meter Tester Electrical Engineering Aide Electrical Estimator Electrical General Foreman Electrical Inspector Electrical Superintendent Engineering Aide Engineering Representative Equipment Operator Examination Proctor Extra Policeman Finance Director Fire Battalion Chief Fire Captain Fire Chief Fire Dispatcher Fire Engineer Fire Hydrant Maintenanceman Fire Inspector Fireman Fireman (Fire Prevention) Gardener Golf Course Maintenance Schedule Number 24 26 Man 34 40 30 9 29 19 52 48 34 22 30 30 42 46 40 56 30 42 30 21 35A 64 49 43 64 26 39 26 39 35 37 24 Leadman 34 Classification Water Water Water Water Water Construction Foreman Division Representative Maintenance Helper Maintenance Leadman Maintenanceman Schedule Number SECTION 4: SPECIAL SERVICES: For special services listed below the following compensation shall be paid: (a) Recreation Specialist (Prevailing hourly rate for qualified arts, crafts, or cultural specialist) $2.50 -$6.00 per hour (b) Stand -by pay $5.00 per week (c) Athletic Official $4.00 per game SECTION 5: EFFECTIVE DATE: The effective date of this resolution shall be June 29, 1962. SECTION 6: Resolutions Numbers 6148 and 7016 and amendments thereto are hereby rescinded. ATTEST: THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION IS approved and 6th day of June CITINCLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM 43 32 26 38 32 Classification Water Meter Repairman Water Service Foreman Water Superintendent Welder- Mechanic MAYOR OF THE CITY signed by me this 1962. F ANAHEIM Schedule Number 28 42 54 34 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. (SEAL) I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 62R -544 was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting provided by law, of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the 6th day of June, 1962, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Chandler, Dutton, Krein, Schutte and Coons. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said resolution on the 6th day of June, 1962. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Anaheim this 6th day of June, 1962. CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM Schedule Classification Number Classification Parkway Parkway Parkway Parkway Personnel Analyst Personnel Director Photo-Lithographer Plan Check Engineer Planning Aide Planning Director Police Captain Police Chief Police Lieutenant Police Patrolman Police Patrolman Police Patrolman Police Sergeant Police Sergeant Police Sergeant Policewoman Poundman Principal Principal Project Engineer Property and Supply Property Maintenance Property Maintenance 25 54 19 24 Operator 34 21 Sergeant 43 34 Clerk 20 17 Clerk 21 17 19 22 26 38 33 27 22 32 42 36 28 Foreman 42 Supt. 52 26 24 30 Coordinator 52 42 Park Groundsman 28 Park Maintenance Leadman 34 Park Maintenance Superintendent 46 Park Maintenanceman 31 Parking Meter Repairman 28 Parks and Recreation Director 63 Maintenance Foreman 40 Maintenance Leadman 34 Maintenance Superintendent 50 Maintenanceman 28 44 62 32 46 36 64 52 65 47 35 (Detective) 37 (Hazard) 37 43 (Detective) 45 (Hazard) 45 35 28 Engineering Aide 40 Recreation Leader 29 52 Clerk 24 Foreman 44 Leadman 38 Golf Course Maintenanceman Golf Course Superintendent Golf Starter Groundman Heavy Equipment Hostess Identification Instrumentman Intermediate Account Intermediate Clerk Intermediate Stenographer Intermediate Typist -Clerk Key Punch Operator Laborer Laborer Leadman Landscape Technician Legal Secretary Legal Stenographer License Collector License Inspector Line Crew Foreman Lineman Mechanic Helper Mechanical Maintenance Mechanical Maintenance Meter Reader Mower Operator Nurseryman Park Development Park Foreman Property Maintenance Supt. Public Works Director Pump Repairman Purchasing Agent Radio Technician Rate Analyst Recreation Attendant Recreation Leader Recreation Superintendent Recreation Supervisor Refreshment Stand Operator Right -of -Way Agent Right -of -Way Assistant Right -of -Way Representative Rodman and Chainman Sanitation Inspector Secretary Senior Account Clerk Senior Civil Engineering Assistant Senior Clerk Senior Construction Inspector Senior Distribution Operator Senior Electric Meter Tester Senior Electrical Estimator Senior Electrical Inspector Senior Engineering Aide Senior Mower Operator Senior Personnel Analyst Senior Planner Senior Poundman Senior Recreation Leader Senior Secretary Senior Tabulating Equip. Operator Senior Typist -Clerk Senior Water Meter Repairman Service Crew Foreman Stenographer -Clerk Steno Matron Storekeeper Stores Supervisor Street Maintenance Foreman Street Maintenance Leadman Street Maintenance Superintendent Street Maintenanceman Sub Station and Meter Shop Supv. Sub Station Electrician Sub Station Maintenance Foreman Sub Station Test Technician Survey Party Chief Tabulating Equipment Operator Telephone Operator Tool Room Attendant Traffic Engineer Traffic Engineering Aide Traffic Engineering Assistant Tree Trimmer Tree Trimmer Leadman Typist -Clerk Utilities Director Utility Accounts Manager Utility Billing Supervisor Utility Services Supervisor Utility Serviceman Varitype Operator Schedule Number 54 76 34 52 36 42 6 16 52 40 13 48 30 38 30 32 23 24 50 21 46 37 36 46 42 34 28 51 52 30 21 26 30 21 34 38 15 23 24 30 42 36 52 28 46 36 42 36 42 24 17 24 52 30 38 30 34 13 70 46 30 34 28 22