1962-0401RESOLUTION NO. 62R -401 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A SEALED PRO- POSAL AND AWARDING A CONTRACT TO THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER FOR THE FURN- ISHING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM OF CHAIRS FOR DELIVERY AT ANAHEIM PUBLIC LIBRARY, BRANCH NO. 1, LOCATED AT 2650 WEST BROADWAY, WORK ORDER NO. 4500b, PART 2. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Anaheim did cause to be published in a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published, and circulated in the City of Anaheim, to wit: The Anaheim Bulletin, on April 7th and 14th, 1962, a notice inviting sealed proposals for furnishing to the City of Anaheim the following approximate quantities and types of chairs for Anaheim Public Library, Branch No. 1, located at 2650 West Broadway, in the City of Anaheim, Work Order No. 4500b: ITEM QUANTITY DESCRIPTION 1. 36 Chairs, 17" in seating height of Northern Hard Rock Maple, Finish No. 824; Sjostrom No. 264 or comparable. 2. 8 Chairs, 16" or 17" in seating height as determined by table heights of Northern Hard Rock Maple, Finish No. 824; Sjostrom No. 264 or comparable. 3. 24 Juvenile Chairs, 14" or 15" in seating height as determined by table heights of Northern Hard Rock Maple, Finish No. 824; Sjostrom No. 264 or comparable. 4. 60 Chairs 18" in seating height, Herman Miller DSS plastic shell chairs. Parch- ment Color. Base with side hooks for ganging. Bright plated tube base. Assembled. AND WHEREAS, such notice inviting proposals for said chairs did provide that said sealed proposals would be received by the City of Anaheim: at the Office of the City Clerk or said City up to the hour of 2 :00 o'clock P.M. on April 19, 1962, for the furnishing to said City of said chairs; and WHEREAS, the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim did receive sealed proposals prior to 2 :00 o'clock P.M. on April 19, 1962, for the furnishing of said chairs, which proposals were opened on said date in public, in the City Council Chambers in the City Hall in the City of Anaheim by the City Clerk and the Purchasing Agent, and duly tabulated by the Purchasing Agent. and the result thereof reported to the City Council at its next regular meeting for action thereon by said City Council. That sealed proposals were received from the following persons, firms, or corporations in the amounts set forth: ITEM CHAIRS NAME NO. (QUANTITY) AMOUNT AMERICAN SEATING COMPANY 1. 36 773.64 2. 8 158.08 3. 60 96 L 4• 4, TOTAL $2,350.24 AUSTIN BENTLEY COMPANY 1. 36 990.00 2. 8 220.00 3. 24 660.00 4. 60 1,173.00 TOTAL $3,043.00 FRANK BROS.,INC. 4. 60 $1,049.40 TOTAL $1,049.40 ANAHEIM OFFICE FURNITURE SUPPLY, INC. 4. 60 $1,340.98 TOTAL $1,340.98 AND WHEREAS, the City Council does find that the sealed proposal of FRANK BROS., INC., 2400 Long Beach Boulevard, Long Beach 6, California, is the lowest responsible bid for the furnishing of Item 4, or Part 2, of said bid for chairs, as specified in the notice inviting sealed proposals and in ac- cordance with the specifications on file in the Office of the Library Director, and that Part 2 (Item 4) of said proposal of FRANK BROS., INC., should be accepted and a contract awarded to said company for the furnishing of said chairs designated in Part 2 of said proposal to the City of Anaheim. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anaheim that Part 2 (Item 4) of said proposal submitted by the FRANK BROS., INC., for the furnishing and deliveiyof chairs for said library, as specified in the notice inviting sealed proposals therefor and in accordance with and in conformity to the specifications for said chairs on file in the Office of the Library Director, be, and the same is hereby, accepted and that a contract for the furnishing and delivery of said chairs be, and the same is hereby, awarded to said FRANK BROS., INC.; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said FRANK BROS., INC., be, and it is hereby, required to execute a contract, in required form satisfactory to the City of Anaheim and upon the terms and conditions specified in the notice inviting sealed proposals and the proposal submitted by it, and in accordance with the specifications for chairs on file in the Office of the Library Director for said chairs, for the approximate quantities and types of chairs hereinafter listed, for delivery at Anaheim Public Library, Branch No. 1, located at 2650 West Broadway, Anaheim, California, at the prices as follows: UNIT ITEM' QUANTITY DESCRIPTION PRICE TOTAL 4. 60 Chairs 18" in seating height, Herman Miller DSS plastic shell chairs. Parchment Color. Base with side hooks for ganging. Bright plated tube base. Assembled. 17.49 1,049.40 TOTAL 1,049.40 AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anaheim that Part 2 of said bid be, and the same is hereby, accepted and said contract awarded for the above prices for said chairs, delivered at said Anaheim Public Library, Branch No. 1, said chairs to be delivered within 90 days after award of contract. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and the City Clerk of the City of. Anaheim be, and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of the City of Anaheim with said FRANK BROS., INC., a written contract for the furn- ishing and delivery of said chairs hereinabove set forth, in accordance with the specifications for said chairs on file in the Office of the Library Director, the notice inviting sealed proposals and the terms of this resolution, and the contract approved by the City Attorney of the City of Anaheim; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said contract shall con- tain a provision that should said FRANK BROS., INC., fail or neg- lect to furnish said chairs in accordance with said specifica- tions and the sealed proposal submitted by it and accepted by the City as herein specified, it shall, in addition to any other penalties provided in the contract documents, be liable to the City of Anaheim for all loss or damage that the latter may suffer on account thereof. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is a..roved and signed by me this 1st day of May, 1962. ATTEST: CLERK HE CI OF ANA EIM OR OF CI Y O F ANAHEIM STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE ss. CITY OF-ANAHEIM (SEAL) I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 62R -401 was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting provided by law, of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the 1st day of May, 1962, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Chandler, Dutton, Krein, Schutte and Coons. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said Re No. 62R -401 on the 1st day of May, 1962. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Anaheim this 1st day of May, 1962. CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM