1962-0665RESOLUTION NO. 62R -665 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE PAYMENT TO METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA OF THE SUM OF $700,000.00, REPRESENTING THE PROPORTIONATE SHARE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM OF THE ESTIMATED COST OF CONSTRUCTING STAGE 1 OF THE EAST ORANGE COUNTY FEEDER NO. 2 AND FOR PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS OF THE ENTIRE PROJECT. WHEREAS, the City of Anaheim entered into an agreement dated July 11, 1961, entitled "Agreement for Joint Exercise of Powers for Construction, Operation and h:aintenance of East Orange County Feeder No. 2 between The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, Orange County Municipal Water District, Coastal Municipal Water District, City of Anaheim, City of Santa Ana and WHEREAS, all of the parties to said agreement did approve and agree to the payment of the estimated costs of the respective participating parties in the construction of said East Orange County Feeder No. 2 and of the cost of the actual preparation of the plans, specifications, engineering design and the estimated expense of advertising for bids for said feeder; and WHEREAS, there is attached to this Resolution, marked "Exhibit A, and made a part hereof as if set forth in full herein, said approved Estimated Cost and Financial Obligation of the Participating Parties, indicating a total financial obligation to the City of Anaheim of $700,000.00; and WHEREAS, there is attached to this Resolution, marked "Exhibit B," and made a part hereof as if set forth in full herein, a copy of Invoice Collectible No. 22671, dated July 17, 1962 of The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, indicating an agreed proportionate cost of preparing plans and specifications, engineering design, engineering estimate of cost, and the expense of advertising for bids for the East Orange County Feeder No. 2, allocable to the City of Anaheim in the sum of $9,845.85, together with attachments thereto further indicating the amounts currently to be deposited with saidItropolitan Water District by the City of Anaheim as the "Deposit exclusive of said share of total cost of plans, etc. in the amount of $690,154.15 or a total of $700,000.00; and WHEREAS, pursuant to paragraphs 16 and 17 of said agree- ment dated July 11, 1961, and in response to the letter demand and request of said Metropolitan Water District, undated but received July 17, 1962, it is necessary that said sum of $700,000.00 be received by said Metropolitan Water District prior to July 25, 1962. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anaheim that the Estimated Cost and Financial Obligation of the Participating Parties to the agreement of July 11, 1961, to which reference is made in this Resolution and more particularly identified as"Exhibit A," attached hereto, be and they are hereby approved; and -1- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Invoice Collectible No. 22671, dated July 17, 1962, of said Metropolitan Water District, more particularly identified as "Exhibit B," attached hereto, be and it is hereby approved for payment. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Finance Director be and she is hereby authorized and directed to deliver to Metropolitan Water District of Southern California a check or warrant of the City of Anaheim in the sum of $9,845.85 in payment of the pro- portionate share of the City of Anaheim of the cost of the preparation of plans and specifications, etc. as set forth in said Metropolitan Water Districtts Invoice Collectible No. 22671. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Finance Director be and she is hereby authorized and directed to deposit with The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California the sum of $690,154.15, pursuant to paragraphs 16 and 19 of said agreement of July 11, 1961, to cover the estimated proportionate share of the City of Anaheim of the cost of construction and completion of East Orange County Feeder No. 2. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk be, and she is hereby authorized and directed to certify a copy of this Resolution and forward it to The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is ap.ed and signed by me this 17th day of July, 1962. A TFST CI CLERK OF THE CIT OF ANAHEIM (SEAL) STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM -2- r OR OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM': I, DENE M. WILLIAINiS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting provided by law of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the 17th day of July, 1962, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Dutton, Schutte, Chandler, Krein and Coons. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said resolution on the 17th day of July, 1962. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Anaheim this 17th day of July, 1962. CIT CLER OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM 'AP •-1 0 1 V -11, HI- 1 1 a F-'• H O UD i O Z A) y P l: O tr7 O 00 n n t'' 00 P. w t P. w P. N C") ''i H Wri H A) 'd 1) b O P. H w '-3 1' w a 1 C.' 0 01. 0 G ct t 0� (-I• 0 01(1'1 ct t-. H'-4 1- 1-i 1-'.0 O (r) oq 9 a n ct- 0' r c H `C CA 0 0 0 H c b n L ao M n o 1.i. :y N Halt w l Vr 10 1- 1- ■n 04 ON O i 0 0 0 Y V V Y {-J a) 0 0 0 04 0 0 0 n H. 0 O '1 1- D- =Ct 1-' l N W' Y N J O 0 O 0 O Y Y 1-'• 0-4- 00 O 0 0 m (D 0 P. reDs (D N \n CA Y V Y (XL w N Co. 0 0 0 0 V Y 1-' 000. 01- O \n 01 0-r 00 0-r 0-r 0 0 0 0 O 0 04 N ,eft. 0 N 0 0 0 O M O H ON 0 0 O 0 00 00 0\n 0 0 0 1- 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 CD 1- ri y L=1 t1 0 tzi t Oro H Z pox rnu,wH•cD0cD ct c+' W -.0 w a w s. td H•1 -'•w nQG (D H• H 0 c1 H 0 0 00 y w w H•ct H• H. w Z H' 0 C 0 '-4 ''1 D w CD 1 'h w •v m 'd a a ct '1 so- 0 0 1-' w 1-' w 7 H. O C CI' Vi c~* 0 0 0 `‹t'< 00 1-'• 1-0-4 w m cn ;D" h'• H• act Ox) -.2.' 10'• ro. m c ,.7--4 cr c+ '1 0 0 0 .00 'S CT O 2V 0' ci) (0 N ct CD N n ct O O (-4.1 O N O N O 0 0m m w •f# Z 0 0 n ON O N 04 004 H 1-' H O 0 O O 0 0 0 0 0 n N rU w (D w 0 '-3 0 d- o) 1-' •may H. w N D Y H• i =Ow O' R' 4 1' -�0 NF 0 0 0 ►J H. w c H. 0 N 0 0)-N ---.1 ct Y 1-' 04\D N \O '3' -.1 00 F (D 0 0 0 0 \C) MM Y \n .J.• z 0) w \..J (D 0 0 V V -Jam4 W NON. 00 4' N 0 0 N rr �y (f v (D N�)�04w n NO Y 1- N0\n0 4 004 w w 0 0 N N Pi cry (D N 0 \o rn w \O O N \n T 04 \n 0 Y Y .4 ON ON 0 .7 00� 4 00 1-' N 0 EXHIBIT "A" (Page I) (D w 0 1-' '-3 O ct v 1-' Cr.: 1 O METROPOLITAN WATER DISTI. ;T OF SOUTHERN CALIFOF:NIA. East Orange County Feeder No. 2 Statement of cost of preparing plans and specifications, engineering design, engineering estimate of cost, and the expense of advertising for bids for the feeder, pursuant to Agreement for Joint Exercise of Powers dated July 11, 1961, and statement of deposits to be made for Stage 1 of construction. Total of direct costs incurre4 by 1'D under above captioned categories to June 30, 1962 Administrative services and overhead expense at 7% Total of such costs to be paid by contracting parties under Paragraph 15 of Agreement Proportionate shares of foregoing total cost to be paid by respective parties to contract: City of Anaheim: City of Santa Ana: Orange County MWD: Coastal MWD: Metropolitan W.D.: Total Proportionate shares of foregoing total cost corresponding to Stage 1 of construction (Reaches 1 and 2): City of Anaheim: $313,660.73 700,000) (22,300,000) City of Santa Ana: 33,660.73 2,400,000) (22,300,000) Orange County MWD: 313,660.73 Coastal MWD: 313,660.73 Metropolitan W.D.: 313,660.73 $313,660.73 (22,300,000 1,410,000) (22,300,000) (12,050,000) (22,300,000) 1,000 (22,300,000) 7,140,000) (22,300,000) 31 313,660.73 313,660.73 313,660.73 700, (12,050,000) (22,300,000) 1,000,000) (22,300,000) 7,140,000) (22,300,000) 9,270,000) (12,050,000) 590,000) 1,000,000) 4,930,000) 7,140,000) EXHIBIT "A" (Page 2) $293,140.$7 20,519.86 $313,660.73 9,845.85 19,832.36 169,489.32 14,065.50 100,427.70 $3135660.73 9,845.85 19,832.36 130,387.2' 8,29 &.64 69,342.94 Amounts currently to be paid to Metropolitan W.D. as shares of cost of preparation of plans and specifi- cations, etc., and as deposits for Stage 1 of construction: City of Anaheim: Total estimated financial participation, Stage 1: 700,000.00 :1hare of total cost of plans, etc., to 6/30/62: 9.845.85 Deposit exclusive of share of total cost of plans, etc.: 690,1 '`otal amount due, this statement: 700,000.00 City of Santa Ana: Total estimated financial participation Stage 1: 1,410,000.00 Share of total cost of plans, etc., to 6/30/62: 19,8 2.36 Deposit exclusive of share of total cost of plans, etc.:1,390,167.64 Total amount due, this statement: 1,410,000.00 Orange County MUD: Total estimated financial participation, Stage 1: 9,270,000.00 Share of cost of plans, etc., corresponding to Stage 1: 130,387.22 Deposit exclusive of share of cost of plans, etc.: 9,139,612.78 Share of total cost of plans, etc., to 6/30/62: 169,489.32 Total amount due, this statement: 9,309,102.10 Coastal MUD: Total estimated financial participation, Stage 1: Share of cost of plans, etc., corresponding to Stage 1: Deposit exclusive of share of cost of plans, etc.: 'hare of total cost of plans, eta., to 6/30/62: Total amount due, this statement: 590,000.00 8,298.64 581,701.36 14,065.50 595,766.86 etropolitan W.D.: `total estimated financial participation, Stage 1: 4,930,000.00 Jhare of cost of plans, etc., corresponding to Stage 1: 69 ,342.94 Deposit exclusive of share of cost of pla etc.: 4,860,657.06 Share of total cost of plans, etc., to 6/30/62: 100,427.70 Total amount due, this statement: 4,961,084.76 7-17-62 EXHIBIT "A" (Page 3) FORM 5 2500 SETS 8.60 PO 89716 Q THE,AETROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT )F SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 3. Sold To PAYMENT NOT RECEIVED Invoice In Duplicate GENERAL Fund I. C. No 226 Third St. Los Angeles 13, Calif. CITY OF ANAHEIM CITY AUDITOR CITY HALL ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA Proportionate cost of preparing plans and specifications, engineering design, engineering estimate of cost, and the expense of advertising for bids for the East Orange County Feeder #2. CERTIFICATE I certify that the above bill is correct and just; that payment therefor has not been re eived; that all statutory requirements as to American production and labor stand and all conditions of purchase applicable to the transaction have been complied and that state or local sales taxes are not included in the amounts billed. THE METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA INVOICE COLLECTIBLE Date Jul, 17, 1962 By EXHIBIT "B" Termination Date Reference No. 22671 Customer's Date District Reference Agrnt. #503 7/11/61 NET CASH NO DISCOUNT $9,845.85 COMPUT'NS.' ENTERED CHECKED CORRECT APPROVED FOR CONTROLLER