HA1999/03/23ANAHEIM CIVIC CENTER, ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY MARCH 23, 1999 PRESENT: CHAIRMAN : Tom Daly PRESENT: AUTHORITY MEMBERS : Frank Feldhaus, Lucille Kring, Tom Tait, Shirley McCracken, ABSENT AUTHORITY MEMBERS : None PRESENT: CITY MANAGER : James Ruth CI TY ATTORNEY : Jack White SECRETARY: Lee Sohl EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT : Elisa Stipkovich A complete copy of the agenda for the meeting of the Anaheim Authority was posted at 1:55 p.m. on March 19, 1999 at the City Hall Bulletin Board; both inside and outside containing all items as shown herein. Chairman Daly called the regular meeting of the Anaheim Housing Authority to order at 6:20 p.m. FINANCIAL DEMANDS AGAINST THE ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY in the amount of $8,937.08 for the period ending March 23, 1999 in accordance with the 1998-99 Budget, were approved. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA : There were no additions to agenda items. ITEMS OF PUBLIC INTEREST : No items of public interest were addressed. PUBLIC COMMENTS - AGENDA ITEMS : There were no public comments on Housing Authority Agenda items. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS 1-2 : On motion by Chairman Daly, seconded by Authority Member McCracken the following actions were authorized in accordance with the reports and recommendations furnished each Authority Member and as listed on the Consent Calendar Agenda. 1. 177: To consider authorizing an application for $5,000 under the Anaheim Community Foundation’s Helping Hands Grant Program, to pay for the supportive services required by its Section 8 Family-Self Sufficiency Program participants; and authorizing the Executive Director to execute the required certifications and application documents. Authority Member Feldhaus . He would like to continue this item until he gets further information on it since he is not sure the recommendation is what he would consider an authorized expenditure of the Helping Hands Grant Program. He was under the impression that the Helping Hands Program was to assist 501C3 community-wide based organizations and not to assist governmental social programs and has a problem in that regard .; Chairman Daly suggested a continuance but first asked to hear from staff. Lisa Stipkovich , Executive Director of Community Development. If the item is continued it will cause a deadline problem. The Helping Hands Program does not require that an organization be a 501C3. Staff thought it would be a nice addition and enhancement to the Section 8 Program and Family Self- Sufficiency Program; Mr. Feldhaus stated that the Housing Authority has a budget to work under. The Helping Hands Program under the Anaheim Community Foundation was set up totally to be able to help fund 501C3’s. They are community neighborhood organizations that need funding such as the Fall th Festival, the July 4 Program in Anaheim Hills, the West Anaheim Neighborhood Barbecue, etc. That money is voluntarily put into that account through the City’s Utility bills. Lisa Stipkovich . This is a HUD funded program ; Chairman Daly. This particular item is funded through the Utility program. Lauren Lolli , Housing Coordinator. The program was created by the Anaheim Community Foundation to provide grants to agencies that provide services to the community, some of which are youth scholarships. They can provide assistance with utility bills but they also help seniors, youths and various services. They are submitting a grant request for $5,000 to seek supportive services for the Section 8 Family Self-Sufficiency Program. The money would be used to help families with a range of services. ANAHEIM CIVIC CENTER, ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY MARCH 23, 1999 Authority Member Feldhaus . He has a philosophical difference with using money that is contributed to help neighborhood programs throughout the City, voluntarily paid, through a “stuffer” in the Utilities Department bills. Mrs. Stipkovich stated it was her error and she is going to withdraw the item. She was under the impression it was funded from a different source and understands the point Mr. Feldhaus is making ; Chairman Daly. He believes there is some confusion regarding the line stating, “staff is requesting authorization to apply for $5,000 under the Helping Hands Grant Program.” It is a program of the Anaheim Community Foundation. The funds come from proceeds of that utility bill solicitation. The goal is a worthy one. He feels they need more context as well because there are other funds collected by the Helping Hands Program. The $5,000 is just a portion of the money. Chris Jarvi , Community Services Director. There is about $50,000 raised annually under the Helping Hands Program. That money is allocated out under Council direction to non-profits in the community. All projects are looked at and judged by the Foundation Board Members as to their worthiness and funds allocated accordingly. Mrs. Stipkovich reiterated that she did not realize that was the source of the money and that is why she is asking that the item be withdrawn. The Authority determined that the subject item was withdrawn and, therefore, not a part of their consideration today. 2. Approving minutes of t he Anaheim Housing Authority meetings held October 13, 1999, and October 27, 1999. MOTION. Chairman Daly moved to approve the minutes of October 13 and October 27, 1998. Authority Member McCracken seconded. Authority Members Feldhaus and Kring abstained. MOTION CARRIED. End of Consent Calendar. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT: Chairman Daly moved to adjourn, Authority Member McCracken seconded the motion. MOTIONS CARRIED. (6:34 p.m.). LEONORA N. SOHL SECRETARY 2