1953-2285RESOIUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NA HEI.',. f T I T1.T. TH EMPLOYMENT ''F Tr S?\ r• STRIPING SERVICE, t,� SAFETY �TRII A LIMITED COPARTNERSHIP, 1C DO PAVEMENT PAINTING SERVICE 1 .ri. -iE CITY i ANAHEIM, r D AUTHORIZING Tj1 MAYOR AND IN jx._. �IT4 V'� .....V 1...:1 il. ,�.YJ.I :iJ 1. s CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE CONTRACT FOR AND N BEHALF T?1: X UR .'�.Li L1. .F ��i' CITY. WHEREAS, the Safety Striping Service, a Limited Co- Partnership, operates a complete pavement painting service including, but not limited to, the painting of street line rip ti zone markers, cross walks, directional sty its% reflector pain tine, zane murk cross a' anal and warning signs and such other activities as may be necessary or Incidental there- to, and 'fE!=R AS, the City is desirous of employing said Safety St ripi_no Service, a Limited Co- Partnership for the painting of such markings o:ri its streets and curbs. N0';1, THEREFOR'~, E IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL, that Safety Striping Service, a I..irnited -Co Partnership be, and it is hereby employed to paint upon the streets and curbs within the City Limits in the City of Anaheim such markings as shall be designated and directed by the City Engineer of the City of Anaheim at the unit prices set forth in that certain '.creement dated the 8th day of September, 1953, which .Agreement is hereby approved, and 3E IT FURT? T'. RESOLVED that said painting shall greet or exceed the specifications contained in Chapter XXI of the current volume of "Maintenance Manual" issued by the Division of Highways, Department of Public ':"forks of the `_.Tate of California, except that the paint used in said work shall meet the specifications of the County of Los Angeles for performance. AND _E IT MRTH:2 RESOLVED that said employment shall be for a term on one year from date hereof upon the terms and conditions set forth in said Agreement. F3�E IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said afet Stri inc, c Limited Co- y p ervice, a Partnership, shall be compensated In the manner and to the extent set forth In said Agreement provided however that such 10-1artnership shall not be paid in excess of $4200.00 during the life of said .`greement. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Nayor and the City Clerk be, and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute said Agreement dated November 24, 1953 hereby submitted to the City Council and this day approved by it. November, 1953. i The foregoing Resolution signed and approved by me this 24th day of City Clerk of t. e City of Anai STATE OF CALIFORNIA) CUNTY OF ORANGE ss. CITY OF ANirHE1. ^:1 A.Y iS RESOLUTION ION MCr *X x** e- ?Mayor of the City of naheim 1, CHARLES E. GRIFFITH, City Clerk of the City of ",nahelm, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a Recular Meeting of the City council of the City of ',naheiu, held on the :4th day of November, 1953, by the following vote of the members tnereof: C'! UNCIL, N: Pearson, Schutte, riser, `leyino and Van eagoner. CCUN`...ILi.f,EN: 'one. COUNCILMEN: None. AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said resolution on the 24th day of November, 1953. IN 'WITNESS `;'[HEREOF, I have hereunto Wit. y( and fixed the seal of the City of Anaheim this 24th day of November,