1947-1582RESOLUTION NO 12 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING AGREEMENT FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF STATE HIGH- WAYS TN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. WHEREAS, the State of California, throv2h its Department of Public! Works, Division of Highways, has presented Pn Agreement entitled "AGREEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE OF STATE HIGHWAY IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM", providAnF for the maintenane of StPte Highway Routes 2 and 17"4 by the City, beginninF January 1, 194; and WHEREAS, the City Colman has heard reed said Agreement in full and is fPmiliar with the contents thereof. THEREFORE, 7E TT RESOLVED by the City Coun of the City of Anaheim that said Agreement for the maintenance of Routes 2 and. 178 he and the same ts hereby approved and the ,F,ayor and the City Clerk are aire7ted to 0.7n the same on 1 7)ehalf of said 1ty. ADOPTED this 2 day of Der..emer, 1947. 1 hereby ertify that the foreFoinF Resolution was duly and regularly passed by the City Cour^il of the City of Anaheim at reFular meeting thereof held De2ember 23, 1947. mPvor o the ty of Anaheim-