1947-15491 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16, 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 RELUTIO UP TE ITY COUNCIL OF THE OITY Tjr OF A.N:,,R7T' T A F 1 UP- PLEY_ENTL AC IT ,7 ;OUTHERY OATTFOPIJI EDI 30N (7IANY, LUDIFYINC CONT DATED JULY 10, 17/4E, 1- R.CTIT'TYC. FOR FURNTSHTNC TO T CTrnY 2F ATAH7T11 'F. ELECTRIC ENERY AND .14.17T0RII7c T-T' LY0R AND THF CITY CL: C' THE CITY 17 ANHFII:. TO -CUTCH: AGREEr 77HEREAS, Cliforcia 7Ciscn. Comnahy furnishinE 0 cycle electric eery ant:'; to the City of h.naei.:11 oureuant to a contract jate(.:1 July 10, I94F, hereinfter ealleH the ',iervice Agreement), i'utho7717.:F by crer of the Tu.lAc ComrLiee of the te C1i fQrn forFr1 CcmmjHcien cf the '5tate of d August ?3, .745 (DeciCion N 7 1 Ho. cry,..R c oortior) of Eaid. eneroy i tile City of thereof recold by tl City by e (7 1..r':2FIFT i ver itF 73'7. cycle 'lietribution nypteal; annl WH777AS, th e Commisnin of the 7tto 0 1 iTrI1J. .fc of the 7:,tate T)f 0:I1 foroir y it (J± J••' 27, 19 (flciio o. )T1Ic. ti Nu fo' t the cresent con ar.H. renuire the outber: 0rL. f Eeion r.1 too fur nin )1.tp current electric of itc cuncumeT ifor rta fr of onoxitely nol.%ty (Ffl) cycles atncl. grante authority C,irccte I the L otrn Ci foo fl' to orocced to out over lte nTecert fi fty (50) cycle systr aof t:u ce.sa furni5zhir fifty (50) cycl.e r7t suchtties crc o iC e WHER.F.S, 1:on enter nt,7 1. c:',11ed Lc 7.-1.7ecuenoy Areerent) wherein the Snnthern lrni 7dison 7',omoany egrees to adant TLChO of Anaheimls, .ne City of Anshei7t cons.lrers' frecuency sensiti ecninnent connected to end served by the City of Ansheir'.. 70 cycle distribution, y rqt n,c shall. be nreed ur)on by the Southern .'.:Ialifornia Edispn Conneny end the City of Anahei so thnt the FTiLe ""17. pnerate E.t a frecJency 0 cvc7es; and 7:7EREAS, it is antimated that :jouthern CE;Lifornia Edion ComPahy will P7 snoroxi7stely ,i158,000.00 tc adapt the City of Anaheil, and the City of T,nahelp concerct frecuency ceostiv dcnioment so tht the nnte will )-Przt et freolJennY annroxi— mate7y cycles; end 7HEREAS, the Southern Californi- Edison COMP has determine that it costs for f deliyerino 60 cycle e7ectric enerF.y and service t the City f Anaheim will be increesed; and WHEREAS, rnithern California Edison Company 1 777 9 edyised the City of Anah.ei. that iic rates a,nd cherE:es furrishins7 end deliverin 60 cycle eneinoy and service to the City of 4rnbeim chold he increeced in the Pn:iouht en cet forth in the crroFed ('Iontherr California: Edicon Compan, end ERs, the (.!ity of Ansheim desires that the Southern C1iforni7H 7dison Comnany sunnly it with 60 cycle enery pervice e.t the :tee erd iron the terms and conditions set forth in nronosed AEreement, and, HEREAS, it eonearinn to the City Council that acid nr000ced .ALrecent is fe.ir nnd reaeoha'cle a that seid service contrect Bated July 10, 1945 should he modified as.: nr000sed kresi6ent submitted by the Sonthern Californin Edison THE FORE, BE TT RESOLVED PY THE CITY CnI7Nrc7L T7E CITY AT! that csid 7nro.ncsed :'„areeet be en tme FoAxle 1 f= hereby ;rove' end BE IT FURT-TEP RTnOL.717D that the ::Ln,yor c City 7TE,7K 2f the ty of Ane,heim be .Tid• they eTt7: nereby authorize t execute sRid Agreerrant for and on beh;-lf of the City of AneLeim. foreFcin eolutior 27th )f '4?“ STAT7 F CALIFO7YIA CO7NTY OF CiRAN:GE ItTy OF ANAT-TET End donted at a Q 0 1,1 City of Ariehein. T, Cher1e5 T. Griffith. City Clerk of tile City of AnPbeito, do herby certify tht the 1ore:,7oinz•Resolution wes nassed reu1r meetinE of the City Council of the City of AneheiT. held on the 27th day of May, 1947, by the followinE vote of t .fle:nbers thereof; AYE: COUNCILY77: Pearson, Pace, Heying, Honey and Van Wagoner. NOE C0 None. ARSEN17: 00.T.NOTT None. T further certify thtt the levor of the City of Anehei%1 cij:ned ST.d aprove id esol on the 27thdey of TIF,y,1947.