1947-15451 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 n 7TCT7.77:-.7r 151E5 7" CT '177, C7TY CT A7AHE7.7.:, 7" SC:: OrTTAYY E271777. (50) ""ITCT'ciiT 7 '.7 F)) C=3 7 TJT q 77 777. CI.T CT 777 77^ 7 EXET7 AC 7EREAS, t 7.1..1rod. Coa of ti mte of Cdifs 77:7 it Crder dste Ju27 7 Th. 77'F771) nd the loslEnce there& resold 7 07 the •c!., reent ,nd fturc Oublic c=entence necesSity relaire tae E,s7thern Edicon ..fcrTny Ltd. t:) fl7rnieh altornFtin T=rent electric serYice to er-ch of its consuers system-wiCe st:drd. frelecoy of —_-roxictly slYty (0) cycles :,nd. o:rs-Jited r to n: Id rnony to proceed t- c crer itc 2rent fifty (50) cycle system Tr10. to °Pace furn' fift f 5( S) cvcle s.ervioe t o t•Lale Es ,ixty (SC)) cycle sel iE 77AS, the outhern CtTlifcrni Edison Ocmrsnv Ltd. urnishin 70-cycle electric eirersy :and :dervice to the City of ei oursunt to ccntrot th ted July 10, 124.7 F:fl(7„ rtzed. Order of the Rc,ilrod Ccramiosion the Stte r ted P..7.aust 78, 1245 (Decider: 7c. 7.,1C777,7, kr Yo. ?CrTc71), *oortion of 7:hic1: is utilised by the Cit7 Taf .77 of Ariben distribu- e' t7 the City over its. distribution 7stem., na .TEREAS, the City of Ar:foreirrl. (Cesires to 7;ro 7it the .onvere•ton of its -cycle syster ar:d the adot[;tri.00 of frey_lency ensttive ec cfl77cted: thereto for aE§ervice Ft uniforrn frec'.7,ency of s':_: siy.ty (60) cycles., ':7 the 2ty of Arn desires thct the :buthern 7r.cIieon C=Toany Ltd. Ott c_er f- enc7s 3enE:itive ec connected 4, 7, c:11 eer7;:e t'ne Ot7,7 nclaPir..1 sh117 'cre. r±eJ 7cy 1 1 2 3 26 the Southern Onlifornia 7:din Comm= Ltd. •c,d the „ity of AriTheim; nd 7171EREAS, the Soutfnern C-p.liforroia. Edison Com:cony 7:td. is 4 'silTinL..; to oerfor7 freouency ci vie orl..T horeinofter cj- 5 3 1_1 the terms snd coniton hereinsfter 6 7 sublritte to the City Co'mcil of the City of Anheim pr0000ed 8 writter reement s)rovidir for the reconversion by the Southern ';7.7.EREAS, the Southern Col if Edison Copy Ltd. hs.s 9 -Tiforrie Edison. Comcsny Lt. 10 ycles t 60-cycles cnd onro,. for the cooletion o sid 11 reconversion with..in Jefinite oe:sio of time snd 'orovidin 12 the pavrIent by the City of Anhe im of c. oorticn of the cost of 13 such reconversion sole r,-7 the revenue derive d.. fro the ors- 14 tion ord mintenEnoe of the lioht ond no7-Ter oTEnt orovidin 15 for the et of the remoind..er of the cost cuch. reconversion 16 py the Southern 71Tiorhi,E Ed.ison Ltd; vn d 17 "77:PEAS, it Lo to the 17Yty Co=ciT thot sold 18 creemnt ond resonoble •nd one ThiO t Co7.1nci1 19 fr1;7L, 20 T777a7C77, 77 7:777 PY THE C7Ty 0 777C1L 7 7.7: 21 14 thc.t )rohsed crocclent 22 nerehy ceoroved. 23 'BE LT 7 7 7 :TT 24 Terk of the City An, be :=,nd they s,re here"ov authori,L.ed. to 25 ey.ecnte e reement for ;r,CL on be If of the City of Anribeim. .A.DOM'ED this 13th de ..:of TIA.ay, 10t7, t re.oc...11 r meetoi 27 of the City Council of the City of Anaheim. 28 29 30 31 AAP i .05 9,51 1 of 32 of the eity electric,o1 system from 7 7.1SCI= t talc liCyur snd the 7Jity 1 1.e C of Anhe4L..1. r' 7 oAm7707:TA 77TY C RANGTY C.7 ANAHEIM 11 Griffith, City Clerk 0 ity of n.ahein,, Jo hereby certify tht, the fore:oin Resolution was ohied adopted a,t reua feetins of the city Countil of the City ssF Anaheim, held on 7,ay /0, 1947, by the folloin;z Yote CES re members tl)ereof: COUNCIL LTEIT: 0O7NCTL 7 COUNCTL SS Pearson, Pace, Heying, Boney and Tan Wagoner. None. None. Al I f'sirther certify tht the. Mayor of the City of Anaheim siL7,ed FA:1.(1. 7„ecolution on the r rey, 147, T7 'IT= '77T7.(2, 1 hLve hereunto set mv hE!nc.7.. the seal, ii. Cit7 f bei this/d day f 71y, 1947. ■Ae.k../ IIP City Clerk of th ty of Anaheim