1939-1133RFSOLL7ION NO. 1133 R? 1 . S01,17 M rf " "ATT77 t. 7 Rrl,,QJ.M_�T P�Tl G71-PkJ71. " 7MMS wH,",?YAS, West Center Street between Palm and West Streets, and Lincoln Aveirae, all in the City of Anpaheim, widr-ne(i . ~.nrl improved nrincinally tit "he e:rnense of the owr.erc of V­ rronerty F.buttlr - on. vnd ad, acent to z��ia streetc, and 1 w7j"M!"As, the e t . 1 he ­ L ;sesment , . nronert . . ­ for t - raynent of nrincl an(I inter on 1 111?ln acq bonds issned for said ­idenirp continuo to br, ,..t rt7�,tp hip ' uc propprt-,r 1 able to ana s,^Ad nronerty olrqer-zS ar- ­),ra, ,rinr Ito-1- fu_rt rrlief fro:­i such"'. "Ibl of Sneclal �Issessments; and WI the Sunervisors ,if th Coi=ty of Oran., brave cert.-An 0 Tuni f or is �Alich It Is lawn-0- -or V _i to use In reliein- such distr�sznOL assess,nnnt districts. IT IS T= 1 ,17SOLV7D by V P City Council of tr.O Cit7 0' Anahi7,sin tIv the ntc.,ror city? onn -):" s! city br. an�'l the,' are h re- by anthorI7!ed end directed" to ­ to the Board of Sunervisors of the County of Oran,-e o. request for a rrant of Pp 3700.00 .frog the above-mentionp(I funds, saaift sirr to be used only .'or the relief of th sF,-..Id Acquisition Districts. The foregoin," lleuolution is a- an: zzi�n_ierl ' np, V1 ?_ r7,-ty of July, 1 M.a of the City of Anaheim A t t e 6 t U City Clerk/ STATE, OF CATj,1W0`1NIA) COTINVIT qT1 oRk,"GrIl ss CITY 0 XTAT7'1M I, OITA 7. G-1-7,171, City Cl erk r1c or -1 1 1 e y ,rk o -:' t -, Ojt,r , Awh­ ii. do 1 or b T 6 L certify that the above Resolution -wias duly an'- re larly introduce d xe, t the U re,7e!-, nee tin� of the City Council of the Cit of Analv'im he! ,l. on the n7 e " �E of july lonted by follo-1, � vot, I , . 19' anti a� J107,7 : Councilmen: � councilmen: kIS7,17TT AVID Y(nT VOTI'B'G: �t_e C, ? Oirk, City of AlOffielm