1939-1125RESoLUTIOY No.-U—z"T RESOLTTTIMT ACC ' -Pk ITT P7 FOR "IDEWI!17" 'EST SANTA ANA STR'�ET BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anaheim that that certain - rant deed dated Parch 14, 19 Fluor Cornoration,Ltd., a corroTation, formerly tiara Company a corporation, ._rants to the Cit�,- thp wid.enin of West 3anta Ana Street, a parcel 72, Anaheirc, Extension, in said city, be and the approved and accepted by sai^ city. I -herein The Fluor Construc- of An,­ for of lend- in Lot sw", is hereby The forezoin resolution ­,. adopted. by the City Council L of the City of Anaheim at a. rpg��ular 1 meeting held on the 'I bh day of April , 1 939, JYy= the follo in-, VO-Le: AY' S: Councilmen: Sheridan, _P_ek_rr Martenet - Jr. 'T07,S: COUnCilTnpn: None APSE'ArQ i�'JVD NOT VOT INf Council :en: Mann approved and si.­­n­(`i' on slaid STET', Or C`1LIFORNIA) (' _;72 M* r"r, H, J � ' . )l (DRAT T E SS "'IT" O 7 "YATFEIA* �j L J� the City of A i i alh e i m PRO TRM A t e s t: 00 i t, y 0 - L e r k I, Charles E. Gri City riTerk of 'U!. City of Iina,lae* do herebv certify that the forep is a true cony" of reso- lution acceptin deed, for t;t ��,Tideniyc ­.­)te6 by the City Council of t City of Anebeiryj �7.t the ti ` , . e and 0-,r the vote here- in,;bove Pt,<ted_ IN ­ITIT7ESS 77`7,11 I -cave hereunto set my 1P.n t'Z,ecorrorate seal of said cit-,,T t'hiis --- day of (Seal) C ity _C_l­e k C t y o I k C � f n �ah e, i ymn