1939-1117S e W /lac 17 e0" 1 RESOLUTION NO. -1117� RESOLUTION ACCIPTING DEED 01P DIDICATION FOR WIDENING NORTH CITRON MEN HN IT RNSOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anaheim that that certain deed of dedication dated Doember 31 1937. wherein Anaheim Uhlpn High School DistTisat of 'Orange C3c to y , !�aI ii',.Irnia�, grants and dedicates to City of Anaheim, for the widening of North Citron street, a tradt of I=d in Vineyard Lents 007" and OD7 *, in said city, be and the same is hereby approved and a0veptead by said city. The �"t�regOin - eq- 111tion Iras aaddorted by the City Council of the City of Anaheim t A regul.-:r manti ng held on the 10th day of January, 1939, by the fonowing art 3: AYM: O0Un0i.lMen: M n Pearson Yun Muth Martenet Jr. & Sheridan NOICS C:r #M011men: None. AB SIRIT AND Nt'3`J,' VOTING Counc None. and was approved a.nd signed on said date. STAVE OF CALI R COUNTY Or ORAM N NIA SS CITY Or ASARNIU I, Charles E. Griff ith, City Clark of the City of Ansh eim, dot her0y certify fy that the foregoing is a true copy of aa. resolution accepting deed for street wide ing adopted by the City Council of the City of Anaheim at the time and by the vote hersinabova stated. IN WITNEISS `HEREOF I have herrea,7 to not nay hmd' and affixed the 0orporat,e seal of said city . thle,,.W34 day of �....,..._ 1939 - (SEAL z� V"t ► o — Anil 619