1938-1088-►R S 0 L U T I 0 IT - t• /D '• 1HHEMS, due to the flood occurring on March 3, 1938, an emergency exists in Orange County by reason of the destruction of the Out -fall sewer ormed by the Cities of Santa Ana, Anaheim, Fullerton, Orange and La Habra, and the Sanitary Districts of Garden Grove, Buena Park and Placentia; and M. MUAS,by reason of the said flood a great many streets, water mains, sewers and other public property 131 the aforemention- ed cities eras destroyed, which condition has brought about such a serious drain upon the finances of said cities that their funds are depleted and said cities are not financially abli to make the necessary repairs to said outfall sewer; and nSEREAS by reason of said flood the entire outfall sewer has been damaged; that,in Section 1 thereof, 800 feet of said sewer line has been torn out, 3200 feet thereof has been submerged in mud and the screening plant demolished; and �,MREAS in Section 2, two miles of the sewer line has been completely demolished and two miles badly broken, and the sewage from the several cities and sanitary districts is being discharg- ed in the open and upon property adjacent to said sewer line and upon the public beaches of Orange County, and that the continu- ous discharge of said sewage constitutes a menace to the public health of the people of the State of California; and IRLRE'AS,the expense of repairing said sewer line and recon- structing the portions thereof destroyed by said flood will costt the cities and sanitary districts in said joint outfall sewer project the sum of Three Hundred and Fifteen Thousand ($3150000 Dollars, exclusive of Federal aid applied for; and WHEREAS the State Legislature at its recent special session appropriated Five Million ($5,000,000.00 )Dollars for the relief of such conditions; 5C ,�0?', THLR�YOF�E °, BE IT RISO� LED by the City Council of the Oity of �<</ that sdid oity petition the Department of Finance of the State of Cs1ifornia for the sum of Three Hundred and Fifteen Thousand ($315,000.00) Dollars to be.sallocated by said department for the benefit of the cities and sanitary districts included within the joint outfall sewer project, in reconstruct- ing and repairSng said sewer line. The foregoing Resolution was approved and signed this _..L,f day of 1938 Attest: , v• :.ayor of the Cit of y ver �� STA TE OF CALIFORNIA COUXTY OF O ZA ' $u CITY OF City Clerk of the City of e; u -Zz� hereby ce fy that the above Resolution was duly and regularly introduced at a 64 Meeting of the City Council of said City, held on the day of 1938 and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen:: /. NOES! Councilmen: � - ABSENT: Councilmen: Ci ty / of the City of -2-