06/29/1934-014RESOLUTION IN THE IMTTER OF APPLICATIONS FOR APPROVAL OF PROJECTS UNDER STATE E1MGENCy RMIEF ADIINISTBATIOY. BE IT BF -SULVED by the City Council of the City of Amhed►m that the mayor and city engineer of said city be and they are hereby auth- orized to make and file applications with the State Emergency Belief ,Administration for approval of the following projects under the Professional, Teohnical and 'Jomens' Work Division, the city to fur- nish material, equiplient and supervision in each case: p pgOGRM; a series of entertainments consisting of music, vaudeville, and drama, to be held in the open air auditorium in the city park* PLAYGROUND progr pioni CITY ORDIZA ordix The forego] of July, 19340 PERVISION; supervisors for a well- rounded of playground activities, and for the grounds. .:5; copying, codifying and indexing the city iceso r resolution is approved and signed this 5th day the City of Anaheim City Clerk STATE OF CtLLii�i. ^:: COUNTY OF ORANGE, CITY OF gl ?AHED I, Cha: hereby certify th city Council of V on the 5th day of AYE3s C NOES: C ,,BSENT And I approved and Big IN DTI T� V�OF, I have hereunto set W hand and affixed seal of the City of Anaheim this 5th day of July, 1934. Gi Clerk oft a Ci Anaheim. the ( SS. es E. Griffith, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do the foeim passed and adopted by the meeting held City of f Anah gash uly, 1934, by the following vote. , '? /„ Lrther certify that the mayor of the City of Anaheim l said resolution on the 5th day of July, 1934+ as OMA 2- Ca $us am "Y at JVNO U44, 0: OA ss i Amaum I CUXW 26 ORUM14 City OU& ot tM MW ot AR%Wd^ do bmaw, owtw oat A" to"$"" ""I%tift V" Aut a000w Ixg at the CtW Oeasil ot t)w City of AUbda &W at Am tutouoWlas veto$ ASE Comudbon appv"WL axd sips& MU I emax"Ma an the asth day of boo, M4, us offlow oftl of 00 city of Amok*% tus a" &W of Ams, U", (ffm)