05/31/1934-0161 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 WMMU the City of Axaahesim is now 048MVd In the 000. struOtian Mid repair of the AnAheim arty Oleotrioal distributing system auud is obtaining fi4ancaial Usist8aft In said project from the United states oovern pursuant to contract between said city and the United States of Amertoa, pursuant to the Pu'bl is Wo Administration, which Project is knownas project number 2859, deeb 503, axed, 1 i AB, Afte wok required in the GonstTa and re of said distr lm ttjng systems consists in tke Oonstruo %ioa of ,,OOTe k* Lain undargarp►mad eelsotri"I distributing wires and the ereeotion of pales and Ifte coastrucation of elecstT1001 linens theere on the excavation for said underground distributing system, an eze ► vating for said poles,, and such other labor as Is incident to the repair and construction of an electrical distributing system and WHEMS 'the amount of pay roll expanded by the City of Anaheim for later on said project amounts approximately Seven Hundred Fifty ($750.00) Dollars per week, and 8, the State Compensation. Insurance P bas requested as agreeme ua the part of the Ci ty of Anaheim to pay premium to said Mate Comp ensaat io 14suranoe ltd, Used on the peer arell of said project, NOW f8 MSg HE IT' RESOLVED BY TIM CITY COUNCIL OF Tax CITY OF ANAUXX that the City of AVAhe:im . oe tee,' and it does hereby agates, I* :pay premiums to the State 0*aa ensat ca Insuran y�und, on pali#y issued by said State Compeex"t on Xnauranos e which peliay isooaxee effective can November 29,1833, and expirb,s November 29 pursuant to the terms of said policy,, and that the pay roll an the sf`srr+esaid construction and repair of said electrical distributing system, in conjunction with the public Works Administration, be included in the pay roll to be covered ••1«. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12' 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 UY 00 UMS Of said palloy and th4t said City of Anahelo pay the Premixas *A said pay voll as provided J"*&jd pollay e 0 * 0 to s ,« T he foregoi i r esolution and +ret s- 4 a me th M day Of J=9 0 1934 * � IT 1177= STATE OF CALIFORNIA STATE COMPENSATION INSURANCE FUND 450 MC ALLISTER STREET SAN FRANCISCO No. X- 10959 -33 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the State Compensation Insurance Fund, of the State of California, has issued an Insurance Policy Covering the entire liability of CITY OF ANAHEIM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . as an employer, under the laws of the State of California, including the Workmen's Com- pensation Insurance and Safety Act, for injuries or death suffered by any employee or employees other than Martin Fisher and/or his employees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . except that the Policy does not extend to or cover the operation of aircraft nor the operation of any ocean -going or coastwise vessel. This Policy became effective __.- NOT,____2!$,_ expires- Nov _•_ _29 - : - -- 1934 ------- The STATE COMPENSATION INSURANCE FUND has made special provisions for prompt notice to Mr. F. E. Trask, Engineer, P.W.A. at Room 305 - 6 State Bldg., Los Angeles, California in the event of cancellation of the above policy prior to its normal expiration, but undertakes no responsibility for any failure to do so. STATE COMPENSATIO INSURANCE FUND, By - - - -- OOPITTM&N -fan== - - -- ---- --- -- -------------------------- ------------ ------ '- - yl. Asst. Branch Manager Dated 'at �elc California, this__3191 --- day of_ - - -_ ---- -------------------- --- - - - - -- 193..4 No ge es FORM 252 IM 1-84