05/08/1934-021RESOLIMION ACCEPTIM DZIED FOR rIDENING NORTY T'AIJ,,' MEET Y, V.," RMISOLV"ED by the City Council of the City of Anaheim that that certain grant deed dated June 9, 1933, wherein Frances It. Clough grants to City of Anaheim, for the widening of North Palm Street, a tract of land in Lot 13, miles Rancho, In said city, be and the same is hereby accepted by said city; and IM IT rMTWM RROOLVED that the partial r000nveyanee of the same property, executed Ma) Z, 15 3 4 by Title Guarmtee and Trust compwW, an Trustee under Deed of Trust, also be and the same, is hereby weepted by said city. The foregoing resolution was adopted by the City Council of the City of Anaheim at a regular meeting held on the Stb day of May _ 1934, by the following vote: AY'98-. Coumilrian . ' ,,,, iaiin,.Yungbluth ; Sheridap,Iv.artinet, Cook. WOF,S: Councilmen None. ABSMM Councilmen "'One. and was approved and signed on said date* myor of the City of Anaheim. Attest: City Clerf(.' 0 0 0 41, a; Ai