04/16/1934-024r i 1 RES10LUTIO.'N OF Tl e CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEI% DECLARi �G RESULT OF A GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION HELD IAN; T1�l CITY OF AIvAHEIMI 2 0 :fir _�aI) > r , TI. 0TH z s!Y Cl-' ArRIL 1934. 3 'TH .,R:iAS, a. general municipal election ,i7as held and conducted j i 4 in the City of Anaheim on Monday, the 0th day of koril, 1934, as I 5 reaui.red by law, and, 61 ' WHEREAS it appears that notice of said election was duly j 7I and legally given, that voting precincts were properly established' 8 for t.-e said election, that election officers were appointed, and i, 9 election supplies furnished, ana- that in all respects said elec- 10 tion was held and conducted, and the votes cast thereat received I 11� and canvassed, and returns thereof made and declared in the time, 12 form and manner as required by the laws of the State of California, 13 governing elections in cities of the sixth class, and, 14 'WHEREAS, the City Council of said City met at the chamber of I 15 said City Council on _; one -ny, t_ne 16'Gh day of April, 1934, to can - {, 16! va.ss the returns of said election, and install the newly elected i 17I officers, and that said City Council did canvass the said election 18 at said time, in the manner and form required by law, as a result 191 of which, the said City Council finds that the nuu7iber of votes 20 j cast, the names of the persons voted for, and other matters 21 ! required by law, to be as hereinafter stated, h. 22 NO i, TH` REFORE, the City Council of the City of Anaheim 23 do resolve as f ollows: 241 That said regular municipal election was held and conducted 25 !I in the City of naheim or. .a;r, the 9th day of April, 1934, at 26' the time, and in the form and manner, as required by law; I 271, That there were eight voting precincts established for the 28 purpose of holding said election, consisting of a consolidation of 29 the regular election precincts established by order of the Board 30 of Supervisors for holding general state and? county elections, 31 as follows: 32`; Consolidated Voting Precinct "A", comprising state and 1. 1 2 3 4 5f k 6 I E 8 i 9 i 10� 11 12 {: 13 14� 15 16k 17 s 1$ 1 19k 20 i 21! i 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 county precincts, "Anaheim Precincts Nos. 1, 5 and 6." Consolidated Voting Precinct "B ", comprising state and county precincts, "Anaheim Precincts Nos. 2, 3 and 4. Consolidated Voting Precinct "C ", comprising state and county precincts, "Anaheim Precincts Nos. 7, 8 and 10. Consolidated Voting Precinct "D ", comprising state and county precincts, "Anaheim Precincts Dios. 11 , 12 and 14." Consolidated Voting Precinct "E", comprising state and county precincts, "Anaheim Precincts Nos. 15, 16 and 18." Consolidated Voting Precinct "F", comprising state and county precincts, "Anaheim Precincts Nos. 13, 19 and 20." Consolidated Voting Precinct "G", comprising state and county precincts, "Anaheim Precincts Nos. 17, 21 and 22. Consolidated Voting Precinct "1 ", comprising state and county precincts, "Anaheim Precincts Nos. 9, 23 and 24-. That the whole number of votes cast at said election in Consolidated Voting Precinct "All wap 478. That the whole number of votes cast at said election in Consolidated Voting Precinct "B" was 448. That the whole number of votes cast at said election in Consolidated Voting precinct "C" was 473. That the whole number of votes cast at said election in Consolidated Voting Precinct I'D" was 435. That the whole number of votes cast at said election in Consolidated Voting Precinct "Et ' was 485. That the whole number of votes cast at said election in Consolidated Voting Precinct 'IF" was 44 That the whole number of votes cas' Consolidated Voting Precinct "G" was 5" That the whole number of votes ca.s Consolidated Voting Precinct "Hn was 48' 2. 1 That the whole number of votes cast at said election in 2 said ci ty wa's J 3I That the names of the persons voted for, and the offices f 4f to fill which they were voted for, were respectively as follows: 5 i J . D. Eger, f or member of the City Council Frederick %7. Jeffray, It " " If It 6 j Edward Z. Long, it it rr It if Morris 1 artenet, Jr.., " ° it " ° It 7 ( Carl Pressel, It It n if ' Leo J . Sheridan, " If " it " it ,8 F. A. Yungbluth, n It it n tr If 9 Evan S. Alsip, for City Clerk Charles E. Griffith, if " tt u lo� Herbert H. Oelke, It R. A. Patrick, 11 �, John 77. Price, 12 That the number of votes given in Consolidated Voting 131 Precinct "A" for each of said persons for the office to fill 1 14 which they were voted for, are respectively as follows, to —wit: 15 For member of the City Council: i 161 J. D. Eger, 47 1 Frederick W. Jeffray, 137 17{ Edward E. Long, 134 Morris V1. Yartenet, Jr.,296 181 Carl Pressel, 184 I Leo J. Sheridan, 325 19 F. A. Yungbluth, 295 20 For City Clerk: 21 1 Evan S. Alsip, 101 Charles E. Griffith, 149 22 Herbert Fl. Oelke, 17 R. A. Patrick, 22 23 John yr. Price, 184 24 That the number of votes given in Consolidated Voting 251 Precinct "E" for each of said persons for the office to fill i 26 which they were voted for, are respectively as follows, to —wit: 271 For member of the City Council: 281 J. D. Eger, 44 Frederick W. Jeffray, 161 291 , Edward E. Long, 165 uiiorris W. lvic r.tenet, Jr.,245 30 Carl Pressel" 182 Leo J. Sheridan, 262 31 F. A. Yungbluth, 243 321 3. 4 I� J 1 For City Clerk: 1 2 Evan S.Alsip, 49 Charles E. Griffith, 191 3 Herbert H. Oelke, 42 t R. A. Patrick, 28 4 1 John W. Price, 130 5f That the number of votes given in Consolidated Voting 6 I � Precinct "C" for each of said persons for . the office to fill 7 which they were voted for, are respectively as follotis, to -wit: 8 For member of the City Council: g f J. D. Eger, 64 Frederick W. Jeffray, 110 10 Edrard E. Long, 114 Norris Vii. kartenet, Jr., 265 11� Carl Pressel, 146 y Leo J. Sheridan, 315 12 i F. A. Yungbluth, 275 l,3 i For City Clerk: 14 Evan S. Alsip, 79 Charles E. Griffith, 130 15 Herbert H. Oelke, 21 R. A. Patrick, 15 16 John W. Price, 182 17! That the number of votes given in Consolidated Voting I 181 Precinct "D" for each of said persons for the office to fill 19j which trey were voted for, are respectively as follows, to -wit: 20 For member of the City Council: i 211 J. D. 'Eger, 37 Frederick W. Jef�ray, 142 22; Edward E. Long, 144 yorris U. ka,rtenet, Jr., 241 23 Carl P ressel, 185 Leo J. Sheridan, 286 241 A. Yungbluth, 251 25'i For City Clerk: 26 '� Evan S. Alsip, 93 Charles E. Griffith, 161 27 Herbert H. Oelke, 24 R. A. Patrick, 18 28 ohn W. Price, 135 29 That the number of votes given in Consolidated Voting 30 I Precinct "E" for each of said persons for the office to fill 31 j which they vere voted for, are respectively as follows, to -wit: 32 I 4 ' 11 2 i 3� 41 5� 6 7 $ 9I i 10� 11� 12 13 14 15� 16 17 18 i 19 20 j 21 E 22 23 24 I I 25 26 27 28 29 j 30 1 31j 32 For member of the City Council: J. D. Eger, 49 Frederick W. Jeffray, 220 .Edward E. Long, 227 lfiorris r. Martenet, Jr. , 210 Carl Pressel, 243 Leo J. Sheridan, 251 F. A. Yungbluth, 195 For City Clerk: E ven S. Alsip, 78 Charles E. Griffith, 237 Herbert H. Oelke, 38 R. A. Patrick, 18 John 'ff. Price, 108 That the number of votes given in Consolidated Voting Precinct "F" for each of said persons for the office to fill which they were voted for, are respectively as follows, to -wit: For member of the City Council: J. D. Eger, 48 Frederick G;. Jeffray, 156 Edward E. Long, 161 Morris 1 �. lviartenet, Jr. , 234 Carl Pressel, 206 Leo J. Sheridan, 262 F. A. Yungbluth, 228 For City Clerk: Evan S. Alsip, 67 Charles E. Griffith, 186 Herbert H. Oelke, 16 R.A. Patrick, 13 John W. Price, 154 That the number of votes given in Co3 Precinct "G't for each of said persons for which they were voted for, are respective: For member of the City Council: J. D. Eger, 51 Frederick Uy. Jeffray, 158 Edward E. Long, 168 Morris W. Martenet, Jr. , 278 Carl Pressel, 228 Leo J. Sheridan, 322 F. A. Yungbluth, 281 For City Clerk: Evan S. Alsip, 71 Charles E. Griffith, 224 Herbert h. Oelke, 24 R. A. Patrick, 10 John W. Price, 168 5. 11 2 3 41 5 61 7 8 9 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 16 19 20 i 21 22 P. 23 24 1 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 That the of votes given in Consolidated Voting Precinct IIHII for each of said - persons for the office to fill which they were voted for, are respectively as follows, to-wit'. For member of the City Council: j. D. Eger, 84 Frederick Iii. Jeffray, 157 Edward E. Long, 167 Morris W. Martenet, jr*) 239 Carl Pressel, 201 Leo J. Sheridan, 310 F. A. Yungbluth, 272 For City Clerk: Evan S. Alsip, 68 Charles E. Griffith 221 Herbert H. Oelke, 16 R. A. Patrick, 30 John I.W. Price, 144 That a,t said time the City Council duly and regularly can- vassed all the votes in said city cast by absent voters, found that the absentee vote cast at said. election was o balloVi tliali the persons voted for and the number of votes received by said is absentee ballotswere as follows: City Council: J. D. Eger, Frederick W. Jeffray, Edward E. Long, Morris N. Martenet, Jr*, Carl Pressel, Leo J. Sheridan, F. A. Yungbluth, City Clerk: Evan S. Alsip, Charles E. Griffith, Herbert H. Oelke, R. A. Patrick, John 'V'V*. Price, 6 . 1 1 2 3 44 5� 6 7 8 .9 10 1 11 12 �. 13' 14 151 16 17 18 � I: 19 �I 20 21' l 22 23 24 25 26 27 �, 28 29 30 31 32 That the total number of votes received by each of said can- didates in said city are as follows: City Counci J . D. Eger, Lj Q --.._ _ I Frederick 4'd. Jeffrey, j Edward E. Long, korris U. iiartenet, Jr., rr-37 i Carl Pressel, 5 �- Leo J. Sheridan, F . A. YunL;b lu th , City Clerk Ev- --n S. Alsip, 6 I Charles E. Grif f ith, Herbert H. Oelke, 1 R. A. Patrick, f John ff. Price, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that at said general municipal elec- tion, korris 41. Ma,rtenet, Jr., Leo J. Sheridan and F. A. Yungblut4 received the highest number of votes given for the office of mem-1 ber of the City Council, and that Charles E. Griffith received I the highest number of votes given for the office of City Clerk, ,and they are hereby severally declared elected to such office, respectively. The City Clerk of the City of Anaheim shall, and he is hereby, directed to, enter upon the records of the City Council of said City a stateihent of the result of said election, showing: 1. The whole number of votes cast in said city. 2. The names of the persons voted for. 3. The office to fill which each of said persons were voted for. 4. The number of votes given at each of said precincts for each of such persons. 7 . (1 -. . 1 � 2 j 3 4t 5 6 7 I 8 9 10 11 12 13� 14 I 15 16 17 f 18 5-The number of votes given in said city for each of said persons. 6.The number of ballots received as the absentee votes I was 1 The City Clerk of the City of Anaheim shall immediately i make out and deliver to eF.ch of such persons elected a certificate' of election, signed by him, and duly authenticated; he shall also impose the constitutional oath of office, and have them subscribe thereto, whereupon they shall be inducted into the office to z hich they have been elected. j The foregoing resolution is approved, signed and attested this 16th day of April, 1934. Attest: y Clerk of the City of Anaheim. Mayor of the City of Anaheim. I. S'L'ATE OF CALIFORNIA, } :� COUNTY OF ORANGE, ( SS. CITY OF AN_L"HEII. ) j' I, J.. '* PRICE, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was introduced and adopted at a: regular meeting provided by lam of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the 16th day of April, 1934 by the following vote: 19 20 21 22 23 241 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 AYES: Councilmen AYES: Councilmen ABSENT AND NOT VOTII Councilmen AED I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim 8 approved and signed said resolution on the 16th day of April, 1934. IN WITNESS 1 MiER' OF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed y the official seal of the City of Anaheim this 16th day of April, 1934. ity Clerk of the City of Anaheim. 8.