05/24/1932-009I.' 1 �' RESOLUTI011 OF THE CITY COM�r(')IL OF T_F., CITY OF ANIA_L J7 AUTHOR LJPJ' THE STRE'ETT STJPFFI""r ",= !T TO CAUSE THE REA KOVAL OF ' AND RAY h ",7RO' T P. Vti '_ THE Q� A 8 Na on the 26th day of April, 1 the City Ccuncil of the City of Anaheim passed a. resolution de- claring that certain weeds and rank gxowt�:is were growing upon certain lots, `;rounds r..nd real pro,)erty within said. City; and xt ZHEP±A -j6sbjutj dirOcte6. the 'Street 'Superin- ,d tendpat- of . said 91ty" to,. notify the owners 9f,,siA,ch pxope r 1 'r vve �r e t':�o*rIn" 1 in upon *hicb� such w6'eds and ran 0 v r t ., accoxd,ance,. 4e pro, isi=s of Ordinance '�To. 488 and Wji4PXA$ spid $t;ree,t Supe t ,rinendent. has., cau's,ed, a notice We entitled �Notice b6BtT6y'.,N6ds" to be , josted tp6n'eaCh ' " or parcel ;0;r� real orcperty uoon,,which weeds and rank posting viae- completed on growths Were­ wliich Said CD the Zath Oay of Anxil 10,32; and WHEREAS,, b� more t.n,' ten dr. have �elap.s,�po ri - sice,.the U completion o " s d � p os-tj-ng, and ce rt6,in omners of pr" have failed. .to,,x0mQ:Vex „ §aid reeds and 711=k -, rov�'ths in Znl,cc,ordance witil said i�tice - 0 - '�2 fife in the shown on 4 map ex�titled_ PV.e.ed 1: ' j oa Office of the City Rnvine'6r 00 oil of 'P,7 IT R F IS 0 L V by the City ty un TO _t�FF 11 ow TH 6R!� the City, of Anv�s,im, the-t the Strept S 4 4endent,of said Ci ty be nc. t1he' I Ise ij be '­ E� ' E , r I ebv ei.�horiz by the, jjVnjLcjpa.j of tale weeds apd. rank - rrov�jths front said 7L'cyts--Ernd 1. rratcels - of real ProPetty the ownerc of which have failed to 00mPlY With said",Noti'p t T) s t ' r o y ',rVeeds” and s u h BE IT VTJRT4 'of temovin., 0 1�ttOLV'FD that the needs 7..Y'id :=1� S;,0T.-thS, with. the cost ..0 such in- eTij e ase 1 - rp pply thereto, c i d e t P_ 1 se an� Glerice, cork -as m ay a shall become a lien upon such _ 7.ot-c anc forcels of real -, roperty, and shall ' co as rDrovided in Ordinance No. 488; S The f 5 si-ned t-i- )i. re�; is approved anc ,.. -�4 d of a 19 ',:, . ei � y o r i �e ity 0 An ATTEST: 0 1! C yvy 40ler of the City of - na.heim N Vj