12/26/1917-0051 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 II 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ~-- r3~-~ ~ ~, ~"IH.~i+:,~S, Va11ey t age Zine, a eopartn~rshig consisting of F. i'. Ogden and Francis r~ilson, has filed with and presented to the Board of Truste®s of the City of ~~naheim, its petition, gray- ing for a permit or license to operate a certain automobile stake line for the transportation of gersons, as a common carrier, and good cause apgearing therefor, IT IS '' T Y i~=SODV:~1 ~T~D fli~DLx by the Board of irustaes of the City of Anaheim, that the said petition be and the same is hereby set for hearing, at the chamber of the Board ofTrustees of the City of Anaheim, in the City Hall in the said city, on Thugs, day the 27th day of December, ~. D. 1917, at the hour of eight o~clock F. P.i. The foregoing resolution signed, a1~~proved and attested by me this 17th day of December, ~~.. D. 1917. ~, en o e oar o Trus ees o e City of ~,naheim. Otte st y 1e r o e C i y o Axle le im. - 1 ~y1~ ~. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ST,1~T~ O~' C~T,I~'ORISIA, ) COUNTY 0~ 0 x~i,td G.`:,~ j S S. CITY Oy ~SJ~~:~~:IIt~. ) I, ~:dward ~. I~.ierritt, City Clerk of the City of .rinaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution Baas passed and adopt- ed at a regular .adjourned meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of ~~naheim, held on the 17th day of December, ;.. D. 1917, by the following vots; Eyes, Trustees ~e ~-~,.1~~ . ~~~~ ~ ~,~,~~,~~-[-~, ~ T T4oes, .'rustees ~~.- nb se nt un d not voting , Trustees ~~ ~G ~`'`~- oC~ ~~ .end I further certify that the president of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim signed G.nd approved. saidresolu- tion on the s~~,id 17th day of December, ~, D. 1917, IP? ~~'ITTy:~Cw ~~'~H~R~O~ I have hereunto sat my hand and ~.ffixed the official Baal of said city this l7th day of December, ~,. D. 1917. ~ v Cher o e i v o - ~ - SEALED PROPOSALS OR ~;OTICE INVITING BIDS. ' -.~-" Deals fop the Sale -Notice Inciting Sealed Piop Equipment oY of Certain MachineoiyAnaheim• Deals the City hat sealed Prop of iven t by the Board Notice is hereby received at the office or bids will be of Anaheim, gall Truatees of C1erK of said city, in the City on or before Thursday the 2Yor of the City at S o+clocK P• M" of said city, and e4u went 1917, iP day of 'December, aehinery the sale oY certain m b received on said machinery hereinafter described. O,1 any Part a di equipiment as a whole or iiP thereof. f Truttees reservesa teoflanY g~~~,,IDAVI OF ~U~LIC~IOil The Board and all bids, or any Part of said to re]ect any sell as•much or sons bidder oT bid, and maand equipment to machiner bidders as it may de mach eery land as many ,1pon delivery of The neri m aliall s be cashal equip to purchase said same. roposals art there- All bids iid equipment or as yclpiecK in an ` machinery er Dent of the sum of, shall bualot mten iPd y within' amount ea a responsible banK rest- ~,~• bid, certified by ayable to the P dent of ethe Board not ~ Truatees of the City of Anaheim, said check to be refunded in and ofal any ~B S case such bid ethhel purchaseePrice credited upon in the event that such machinery purchased, shall , bid or any Part thand pequalmentasoldte and Said ,machinery ~ al lightest No. be delivered at the munic P in said City of An i eig id City uS power plant, n else Street, the sald CUllnty, ~e1n~T dv_1~7 S1VOrY1, 518 South 1-~thirtygdays after the acceptance 'g ' 0 of Anaheim, the same, machinery. and of The bids for, of said dismantling done by the purchase and equipment shall b_ their own exp ,.,,rchasers, at his o of the Superintendiensaid ~~ he is the president of the Iles-~.~%~r~s under trie a1^~~•'ht and Power „"_"__ the municipal lig actuate $11114 er c:nd C0n- citY•, and equipment is rant at , pllbllS~':E?rS Uf ;;ollthvleGr Said machinery ht and Power p, said ~at said munieipiOBi Aligeles Street in No. 518 South and is described as follows. ~ prlnted City of Anaheim, 72''x16' to-wit: tubular boiler, valve, 1-horizontal returnvalve, blow-off with gauges, check other boiler ~ ~'~T U ~ LO atop valve, water column and 42„x16' fittmgs• rth defective plate „~.-- 1.Horizont asTeabov t w ular boi ached and with fitot~egheating, same can be p '• ~ emeYlt , due to water heater, With repaired. s boiler feed i-HoPre` erthinSton g^ nY$P"i? and one Siang®• i ,relies valve, pllb ~. i sh E; t 1-Triplex 4x4- ,ncluding 1 /4' W boiler feed pump; tee, tight and angle valve, suction valve, 2i/z loose Pullexs~6'jzx3~/ax5 Smifla geila dl nipple 1'rlt' - 1-DuP tied, with le., pump, brass discharge, exhaustflTeP Pump. i' suction ell, 2" steam one quick 1-Duplex 10x6x10,g2~nthrottle, brass fitted, and one small Deceri•iber acting throttle, ell and union, 12x18x December oil cup, tee. ompound engines, 2--Chuse tandem c esttnghbuse 13, 225 r. P• m•, direcsOc cyoleteW to •80 K. 2200 volt, 3 phase, K W. exciter, Westing- generators, with 7 house four-pole, 12 0 r•P•m' anel 2-80 g,W. 2200 volt generatenerating P to same, including switchbboard g and instruments. centrifugal 2-400 gal. Ec1iP amps tbuilt by Enion Iron brass fitted water P W orKS, 220 volt motors wit a e0.uiPPe~rB ith with 4" suction and discharg~alve, 4 'check 4„ ipe, 4 foot p, y~rest- 20 fee same C ~?otVertical eiriduction motors, valve., inghouse C• cle. 1220 r.p•m•+ 60 cY All pipes, flttingg and valves. By order of the Board of Truatees of the City .of Anaheim. of November, 1914. EDWARD B. MERRIT Dated this 30th day of Anaheim. 12-7-1....- 4 ---' City Clerk of the City eLnd published v4 E:er~1;;T in the City s 4nzrelF;s, ,tare of Ct,liiorni~ , fl, Dopy of which is art~~,ched here- ~ in t;he s€~id newsp~l.per on the 7 , 1~3J_? 14, 1Jlr' presi~~Pnt, Iles-~.~T~ r:.~ Fu1?. CO. ~"11G • , plr)~_iS.r1Rr~ Of ColztY~sf;esr Rlli lu r €~nrl Con- tr~ctor ~~z}~st~ribed ~n~3 shorn to t~~efo-re rrie t}~~i:; r~~~enty-sixth day of, December. , 1~~17. y1ot~.ry ;~tlbli c in ~ nc? for s€~id County of Los ~n~e lE/` s , ta.te oi' Ca.li1-':~rni~. ,~...