08/09/1917-025~' 1 2 3 4 5 6~ 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2Z 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Ll.L'2 ~ T T-' T. rt ~:7 T t+~-f.S '~' .. 1 V .1 ! ~~ ~ ~'~~~ ~,;, ,~~- -~,'1-~-;.T.:r O yE •-i_~ _ (t ~--r-~ '~ '~.. ~~1 ..J.:d C'.L 11 . '.~ ~ ...qtr li ~ ~~a.:...i.ii~+siiz~ .U~`~ -.. ,. C.h.:~LI ~ , ~~ _'~. ~ ~ h~ _ ,.a. __ ~ G., _ ~. ~~ ~_L~:_ - _.a t~ ...._ Q~ _., t~I ' G ~:~,:,_ ~'t`}~R.~~,~ C 7 0~- . ~'1 `I ~ i i ..r T 1hh'Tl rm .. ~ y ~-• t ~l ti T (t il'V T~'~f 1 ~ f..l { ,.-.~ L .. ~ .J ._:.~ s~.: i1 +. U1 ~/ ~ J I ~ ': .. ~. J....s - I +.i f~. s1.V `J I i ~ iJ 1. V.A ~ 1. 1 Y .j LKJ ~' t.,~ 100 f1~,.75) ~ ., ._ .u.~ ~ ;:, ~tJ I i~ z~ ~ .PAL ~ .:_ I.~~... ~ ~ .~-.f Rr (r r;~rT ((^~(('~- z ~~,.. -t fl _j-t T r ~-~ T'r. rt i' •,lt --~.;~{ T ~l _."~ .:,,j/'~~ l "t'~'T}'S7~ ~ ~n T'' ., _i _. 1~_E .'~.'L'~.,. 11. V_.-_..'.V li >r _~....:-:t. .. 1. ........ L' 'v 1...1, .Lf ~L.1~._ .___-..J .,:L'`~: ... 1L.J..'°.Ld. .L CS- t~> T ? 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(.1 ~ i~~.. ~ , a~.-...J +~ 4 ~l .i i+.._a~ U.t .L .~. ~ L~ ..:~1.....L Z .i.l..a~ ~.:L' r~t --. r-.., -.'. T , ,z ~ ~ ~'~i~l -;~'~ f1 -.-,i i (`t ~ i r c.,~~. ~+T? ~;,T ':l .•y .n i r , ~l - t~ T -(' T-e P' !1 ~ ~ ''' 1 ~l~ ~ ~ , ~. -~; n ~_~ , ~ ,rye 1 ~~tiLZ?r:D, bv, u~~v .~~-arc;. .~_~ W~_.sfiQ~F., of t_ e ~_~~; o~ ~,~~~,he~..~.. ;;., Ui~l2 Z. ~.1~w'~ „-i1 ~, ~7.C 11te.,+.5'~ A.ii.C~ Goii~G~.1° _, ~; Y'B'_l.,_1.r~ ~'.±1Ct 1;i1~at 7°L is t.t18 :~%:~twl.tlon 0:i tfi~'Q~rC~ C'i'f `_'Y°~:'tG:eS o:.~' t~ZE: ~t~T d oT ~,~'~w^yira to order tae ~~oy~o';rz~ str:et nvor"~ s,o '~e ~?^~e in s~i~?. 'y1t~'s to-`'pit: - r:..t t'.`:.~.t -"0:."~_~0'lI Q'~ ~h~-~' ro dT'i~w~y 0~ ~`0ut"~ vltro2l v~~'•~(:t ~.xl s~.id City, 1~rn~ ~e°.rel.ve~xi.d ~~~/T00 (12.~`~? feet ~lon~~ e,~,.eh side ~, o,~ t ~~~: cent~.;r ?.:.,~e of the roadway of ao` ~it?~o ~;z;et in L~<,.~:~d ci~'~T, {'ror~ the Sou•her~.~ ~ropert~ line ~ I ,;est C:~l~tar tre{;t, :~ro- c~ _oec'. .i~:~,ta-rly ~,c}:°oss said South ~'~trox~ utree'~ ~vo the l,:;r•tn- erlT y~roLert~ 11n of Ye t ~~.o~,d~~~.~r Stree-~, -;-~n;?t~.c~;~~ ~;:;~~e:,^1G- ~- Q_.'o~~a u,1~! ~oU.u~i vlt:"o11 Street ~.°.:.°veY)ti27~ tI'j°.."Q~?':D':__ ~v~,:;,~- ~}Ort-i.oxy ~~ - tia.Q rQc.~.~iTSa7 O G'ut.~; Gl'¢`rOxl wt Y'@et l~~rv ~~e~:;c?~'~2 tt~e ~~Orth~:rZ~,. ~...'.~.~ i..)J L~.~i, iC: r1:ST. .'r?~~C::r t~ ~ I. nf.a~ti, of It ty wl'x~.t'~.t ~t ~.et, ~''~~'ti G~l~.vv~ .~V.ti'•uvr..[-J 40 l,'Y3.e CQi1t8r 1 :i:r'.l.G of tllii roG?.d~~d~ of wol~l. '.i~tioil ,~.~r:;Lv ~ ~1~~' ;yr~.d'- d'~. ed ~FO t'~a offi~i~.l 4racie ~;nd ~~ved c;~ith.*drat~l~.c ce;:ent canere-~e ~`~.^~. bwso,;;t~c~ Y.ith, ati~;~~,ltc~~~~::€~.r~.~ surf~,us-~. . ^ - w. 1. -.. _ ~.~.~.~.~ tiIQ r~ ~ f..G.l~.. Qe done lfldCCOY°du^,Y1C3~3 d4~_t~tl ~1L~; _!~~:.,YiS, -r,]^!a~~~ e~ ~?_ ,~:,auimications therefor, ~Thich sai~~,x~^x 1~~? ~;x`afiles vrere ~.do1~?tad b~P the Oc:i°~. o-f r.~r~zNtees of the ~~tT o= a~1a,:~.ei^., b`= reso- 12~tiox~ oz,. ,~~e 3th '~`~~ Pf ;pug~~~r®A.~•I.9~.~1, «r~u z~zz~bt:rec? rear ~,r~d ,~' , ,.°~ , =~• ; °1:rl~n of ~aroser~ ~ ~s,-,f ~ovel.er~t on ~;cath r_ u.ar~~„~ and _z_°nated ,. :i~.i"Oi; >`~.`irr:i°t, __~a,r.Q'iTii, ~io~.1f0Y°i^i7..8..,~T '~.rB O~. _~1.1% =~.n trl~ o~~fiC. ,~. of t1'ie vit;T~Yi~i4.P.er o:~ `":',1.~ C: ?.`~~', li: "`LY].e ~3.u~' ::1:~,~.~. 1;'1 S C1t~`, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 I 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 wn~ Y~thich ~~.id s~aeci-r:ice~ions ~rere adopted b~~ -~ ;~~ ,~u_.~c? of my`,~_ tees of ~~~~ru ~i~- o~ _~:,~~heim, b~ resalz~t~,on., o~! tha ~<5rd da~;r of ;~ec4bei, 1915, ;~i2~ ~T"rich ~~,id snecifie~$iors ~,r~~ ,~,r~>ec' and ,~r~; i ~r~~:tec~ ""yc;~scif~c,~:tl_o~ u ~~o. 9, for the a~72str~=ct:~oz~ of ~tre~ut ~ >.~- ~.__~; kith ~_~r~rau.l~c ce:;;ent aid. bro~'en s~'c3~~, ow ~cr:.vn ,=~_ v'r~.ve1 ;>,;.Zf~? ~~..,~ ... m ~,. .;:~ v '`~~ '-i,"^1Yl ~L'.~:'.i=.:C3e 7.22 l~r~'?£' Cilriyr 0f it',1,~j .r....~ .__ .. ,.~.ci.a Fr ~..~.~.ti i` 1C~. S'°~eG1_i~1Ca~7-Os'~.~ `are OYl f11e lY1 the d~f1Ce off' ~!'ii~% ~~ vu' (f~.~~'^.:~ ~)f N v .the ;it J of ~.ahei~., in the City 1~a11 in' said „ ~ ~;~ . „ccticn `~. ..; t?.ce i s herer~T give::~~ that o~ `~;:~'~C~.~a.v the 13th c1. L?~r o f September,191'7`~.t t'l1e i'101?.T Of ~ 'O TC1~o~ ~' . _.~. ~~t ~':~~ Ch -'r1'~~ E; '?" o~. 7~•i~e .~'o:~~d oy ~.~ ~ gees of the City of `~1.2ahei~l, ~.r, ~uaie '~1~:~" ~~w~_1 ~•L- :~,~~ :-:1 ;,~z:r~~ox2s havs.l2~' oc°!ectioy~~ ~"~ ~ ~n ~~~. ~'01:Y' 07.' 7.1Ctp7'C?'E'1".~eT"~~; :_.av~ „{Gy;'.~;?' ~it:~aY'e t':.e ii0;:~,Cl C7'~' ^,-^'.1.5v1eS O7i t; ~ e ::1."`,, ~~ o:.. .t~X=;~,:1 i:~., v::i~ "~ ": o':. G ,-~1;~ e Z7~`1fTT S~?,i d ~? 1'Oz^4° Se ~_ 1'T01'~ ~?.i_Gf~1 1Lr- prove7 .c:2t s?.ou~ d ~:~at be ~;w~ riud otzt i.n accord~~f~_c~;: .,r~.~ih t;rii;~ -r> o- 11~"L ~, c Section'- 3. ~ fihat said So f Tt~zstees hereby. further bands that serial i - 11 , nes. m be i s s u e d to represent.; s- , sessments a# $26.00 or over, f ~ e ` cost and expense of said wo d improvement; .that said serial , s ' over a period of extgnd shall ,xnne , _ 'years from the 2hd -day of J ry next succeeding their date and a eri .annual proportion of .the: pr al sum thereof shall be p&~ystile, - pon, on the-2nd day of~Januar y ,year after their date, until the': le is`paid, and the interest shall b y- stile semi-annually, by coupon, he -2nd day of January and° Tuly~r ` t- ively`-~of each year at the ra%e ~ ~ en pEr cent per annum'on .all suz " ~~ii- paid until the whole ,of said pr vat , and interest are paid. >'0~` -Said bonds shall lie issued und ~ td by virtue of .the provisions of et of the Legislature `of the State> - ifornia, entitled "An sat to pro r wflrk in and upon. streets, a s, lanes, alleys, courts, places an e= wally ~.~ Sri-~u~tes an n prot,e °tv and righ#.a"ef 'way o 3'' ' inumcipalities, and ff dsta ';g .and changing the grades of an h streets, avenues,. lanes,,: alleys, , Places and sidewalks, ahd pr ' ° g for the issuance and payment o ; et improvement bands to~~~rreprese r- tain assessments for t;s~e cost of and providing a method fer th y- ment of such bonds." Apprpve '1 7,. 1911. w Section 4a The Anaheim Daily r- aTd is hereby. designated as the s- paper ~rihted, Published and ci t- ed iri;sad city imuhich this Res on of intention shall be publishe , mhe City'. Clerk of the City o ~ ' a- h~_iri is hereby directed to publi 's. resolution by two successive ' s 1 2 3 4• 5 6 8 9 10 . 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 I 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 in paid, newspaper, and to. the rsame for' two days. conspic° yon ornear the chamber door nf~ oard of 9'rvste~s of the said Cit- .;Ana- ;heim. The Street Superintenden 1 im- ra^di,_tely came to 1>e ::aori' usly i~ost~d` alopg.l.e line of sai °tem- plated , n*ork or improvem " ~ jp front of all the property 1=" be assessed;, notice, of the pass' thi ,g resolution of intention in t , inter and form required by laa*. All of the herein propo'st d ` ~,nd- ken in reg~Pcl thereto. shad puii'- ` seance of ,~acl in accordant ' art .act of the Legislature'of th to of California, entitled, "An 2r ;:.pro- vide for work in and peon st , av- enues, lanes, alleys, courts, p _ and sidewallca within municip~:ii and upom property -and rights `.ways owned' by munieSpalities. air `r es- tablishing and changing the ' es of any such streets, avenues, l t a1- lays, courts, places and sid'ew , aMa providing for the issuance a' ."' pay- n~k.nt of street.imgrovem-nt s to rei~resent certain assessment` the cc st -thereof and 'providing '" thod. far the paynxent of such bo Ap- pr•oved April 7, 197.1. _~~.~.' . ~• t _ ~ ,''t~-' _ ~.;,~.ntio':i z . ~_.~ n~w, a~~~ro~ed U ~r~.Ci ~.t t e ;~ t e d by l;.e U h i , 9t ~i ~ :~~T o -~ gu...._.S~_+... L e ~.. ;' _ ._..__._.._• i s E ~ / ~ ,t, ' _ Z~/ _ _ ~ e t ~'- of t~ ' ~ V "u • i ,.t T T ~ .... --, q7 T r ~~eser~~ cer-cif~ ~ i,r~;.~; t;:~~~ :u~~,? w'^^~~•o:~ r~ uta o: a~ ~~;e~~-ic~n Teo , _ . . . . _ ~ ~ ~ "' ~ ~~ ~ 1~7 't7~;,,^ j:~ClGt~ ~e C1 ~. 'ct ~,! iC?,Yl~~ ~?1" ~P~Q'~i~.:~r' - '~il° ;;"',~.~?"?~ Oi ~~~ ^.n .~....,iutV 1~~ ~_ ~,{"-f~ _,.-_,,. i~?..a~ r',r'~.,'~ C)n I~.'..~~~~, C~,`,`:~r G1~. ~U.~l~.~-~i.k~~ 4 i ::. ~ . x.917 , b r 1; ?2s ~'01.1o I 'vJ i i~~: ~ o t e , ,y w ; ~~- F~ ~ ~ S ~~~::~~: L~C ~~ S CSC ~ r3 ~ ~ . . ~.~ . _ ~ s~: ~ ~ ~- r , ,:u~w ,. i,,~~,,~e~• ~ ,~_ ;_j ,Jn.~~,~ ~. ,,~ _L~Si c~~o:'~~~ ~. -,~,a word o~. ~~1~.~'~-~e~ o-~ tha '~~~, ~Y ~_~ ,a,_,__ „_r_ _ ~,nc~. ~,~~r°o~-~3 ,,_ ~_~'_ ge,ol„_ 1_. • • o ~Z o .; ~ _ ~ ;. v^ ~ o-~ T~~ .; end ~ ~ 9th. ~' --;~ ""r ~,.~t 117. ,~ , . ~z 1 2 3 4 5' 6II 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 _ , ,~ T '~ '7,., f:!.' + Q 'G x .~.. r'• ~..::~ s~'. v. ;.'.1 ,~ n _~. ~~. ( f ~ `.~ ~ +~, V ~ ~ ,,i '~.. C.~.. ~,. ~_ m ~ jar li l_ ._ / ''' - a ~ ~ +ti~.~`U.~'~/ ~ ~~ ~+ _.. x~,.,. ~. c _ _. _ .... ~4 ~~~-~ ~~-C~~ ~~ s ~r V r ~ - _. _,. it ~ v .'P v v ` i7 _ !y 1,:, ~A• r .~ .S '~