03/22/1917-035i I i i I I f '~ $ qx' I d..y.-~C~^-*-Le.... ,.f, V U r 1 Y .J.-s ~.. ~A ~ . ~ '~ l~m 7 +s 1.1 n ~ T~~ ,~'1 ~ tTi ~r~r n m-~ ^rU V 1 m a1~1J l~ ..~. T ~. ~. ~ aT .u.-l+lil. , _ ~ 1:1 C1.T~i '°' V a 1 V~ i J.~.Ji T('c q7 *,, ._. ~'T'T i.r w-r n. r'~TJ ~t r;.~w'7'~?.. l'~ f(1TT~n'*~U1~ isV si.r ...~ .~?.L ^i het .. 1.~ .A. k4 t7 a::y uu-. ,.- i'._yr _.aW,..s l~ s..u +.. 2 ,.a:~x..T'~~.~^ . ~:,..~`" zr S~.II} CITY ~'r~(3~i Thy ~d uT F :°'? s.;~`I ~,.T°` ~ ~~ ~~,~,t+a l„1J_.li,~Try_:. ~~~ '.~i~l ri~ ~il.l;~ x'.~.i.a~.L ,L1'.1}.CJ111Y ~iTl[~t ~~ laa:RJ~..~.e~:i'.t:e.. ~~1.1:,:+.~.Ale ~. I 3 I ~, 4 ':4`r"L~~.~~: m~,e ~3a~rd ~f ~r~izst'ee~ of fie uit,r ~~~ grsahe~r~ ~-'. 5 on the ~ dey of ~'~br~aa~;~, 191'x, b~ ::mr~ul~.~ ~ ,_~ ,.-~ ~;~tent i.~~~ t°~. ' ~~~~ .~3fi•LtiI7, ctx'rt~ I;ne,- tzE 7 y 1%3 t,nuter `street in sAld City of A]»1te x~om tUe Wsst yiaPertS Lne ox ~~u, '~it~p,o= 8irre~t, YI'4du++~6 hGrtheRF~f ~ M 8 .. _ ~ kacet ~r~it~~`ee't t+e ~~ P~r+i IItf6 Crf r ~ - ytreet, ~~ro~a'~~ ~?vo~r#l~e>I~ ncro~s ~ra:S h;a,st_Ce~t ~ -, C~ ~WHEktEAS: 'J`lte aforesaid resolution reefed the City Clerk of sBtd City of Anahef to putilish=egd.past for two days such Rea to lution o{ Intention; and WHE1tFAS': Said Resolution of Intend i Was so posted and paYtlfslted for. two d3 describingg the. proposed. change bE grade, 11 1VHEREhS_1'he Superintendent of ~tre i _ - 12 13 t3~ ~` ":'~ ~~'~ •: ~ r ~~~L~~ ~ :?C°'`a^E3 tfi~ b~ X?t~$t~3t~ 'fir;. '%,n ,°~ ... U f 1.+ x ., d 1 r ~. r .. F fi, I \' 14 t1.='.` y,;~~~',°~~ o~ ,~f:'.c? ast 'i~,,E3C`l~f?!_' ~trest ~es~.rsrate~. ~_~ ;~~ ~3.~1 e>~~- < ~ ~'' . ~~^^ ~ n s 1~ i. ~ 1 15 ~ ,y ~ l ~ 4~ (`' ~ ' 1 ~ ~. ; •, c ~wT~ ~ Pii„ n a`7 ('~ ~ -. p ~ilt+.,. ,,.t , _ _ _ 4 ,. d,t a l o ~ i_ ~ i;3+~ nF ? ,^~; 16 -v-.,.. ~-- _.r,e~.~' p?^~r.~~~, c.,t~' ~~"J b{;'"?118~E3 f~f ;., t' T!1~3-~.. ':._.._ _. w i~. - 3u i''I - ~ _, .~ ~ + ~ ~; t}~~.n three it _'~.' ~„ ~ .r.34 ~ _~~' ~~~~ ~I Z 8 s r ~? -~^ `_ • ~ ~ t t., ,+~ -fi ~e ~~~ ~* G~", ~7 : e..'_ ~°" t: ~ ~i ~~j' 1 ~G`r ' 8~1 C~ ' ,. A ._ v - 19 .;' i ~.~.Ij.L:l~~ : .: CX.I.. ~. N1. ~"~ ;;; v~ '~'~; ~!Y3, `.~t *,`~. C ~ ~` °G' ~~ rE'G°` L. i.. ~ :. ... _,_ J Y". +~ -...: J . ,_ _... „r „~ ~ ; ~axce to be publ~.shed ~~~ ~x t..... ~,':~ 20 ~ _...1.. .... sup ~; 21 ~~~e~~:~: y.~__i;y Iie~:~.ti. ~ par o general.. circ~.~a~~ t~3i, ~ . ~:~te~; , p~b- i 22 ,,1.. .,, r .9 ~; . r ~y ..~..: ~. ._. :.~ . , 23 +,ii,::i~::1~5. .w protests were filed €~.~a~,~-~~_ . ~.. ~e ~s.~ .~ 24 toy^, txzr~:~ora, 2 6 i _,.: ~ ~ _ ~.. ~-v~ , the .gl^at~e o£ .the ~`outR , sine of fast srEn'Eea 5treel iit ~zid 2 7 ~~~ Anaheim. ~~ t?~s ~ :~ l~~~oj, ne of Sautll Arane'~a~r~ct, ~~rod 1 3~Fax~tdterLy ~3 ~~ -said. East Ce ~:floeger ,~tr~'P~, #}i~oduc,.d ' 3~lot'th 29 aci^«ss.saiil ~ .fit. Ccntvr try ~ t b ~ , ~.~ m 31 ~t follotiving~ ~lctia~iion~ slxo~e th?~ c1 32 T~laae ~rf~+ c ~stabliala.ch i~-~ `~~ `~ _ , ~. 1 2 3 4 51 7 8 9 l~ lI 12 13 14 15 16 17 1 8 19 20 21 22 i 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 establishing a I?ati311 Plain an+l ~at}33g );ene:n ILl at~?cs tl3erei3z,°, ~a~zd, adPp~ci asp the $oirti a~ T~ ctf `the. l'itt~ a~ Anaheim on ~rx clay' o£ ~u].bx;,,,~18~:1: _ ~',~-~ i t At-.the. int~r.~et°rian of .'the enx~„lirieol' l~;a:ai: Ge~tct' Ctre -the t'~`cst r~i.~}Tert;: Witte a~ 5ou ~ n~a' ~trEet, th-=~ g3~e shall lie znrtel} est~bltiSh+~T try aectzon 8 t~~iir~~ce FL'ci."16k1` of the ~~ta, o~ 11a2rPi, •Va11LOrnia, _e~-L2t~115t~1ng gxade~of coxtain pozntS on the f~ u~~ .streets:;. ~Fz~eamoxe. Street, .from ~ ~'a#a Pauline sheet; AdF.lt' Street Leiran Sk-reed to'auline StrFet, prn,;. Str~eti froi7l T~einan fik~•ec ti Yel3isori Stree~,~~ha~tress $treex Y:il~rY °treet ~o ~Ytc~-inn Street, `£~t' Street from Ada~t,s St~€et to Sig°eat; :and from 4iive; St~•eet t angE' Stre~~, ~ro~~ay _ Street Paki:~t St3°eet to .lt.tc~isou ~t'i~rt, Street € orn $roadv~ay ~'~~~'gt to mare ~treet, . Ltmpi~ ~trcet SGU~tki Strut to ~yeai~iore t,ere~1 At~~eles Sfri~et; from,~autli F~~tr3 Santa Any .Street; Clatidii~u 1`rain Santa Ana Street, ,to t It;,.~$~taid~l~tii~w~'t~cet~ :~ron~ -a Ana'Streett+a F~enter Str2E~t,. ~tt~ec:t f~rr:a :~~~n;.x ~n& E ka . ti~,clTn~t'a ' Strcet,. TIe Stret~t ~ i'ror~t ~ e n ~ ~ r . ~trPei C~r~er ~~~~^'~ $a ~~''catua~ a~ ~lyz~ss :i#"i'rc~i~! ~'e'riter fifth °r~~ ^ ~sa~s~~ a~rr'angpters -c lsuai~l ut '~k~uf 1.~~rl C: ...the 2gtli c€u~'.ot : aa•c 3 At the traeztSon a$ the cti~:h line of Fast Center S~t•~~~} the 1~,t3~tt~ tsroport j lin~,~ A.f gaYith~: • ktekE S#l'cc~-t, tfi~,g'~`df16 8~litut 11(' Orin ,died fil~t~-seven -and 5-J.0~) (1 peat above tie datum pla:ii~,. _. At 'the nteiseetioli of £he' curb Jine of East Cent^r Stree` the V~BSt proarty line of South son. Street, a g*r~te shall be hundred fr€t;--seven anc~ 5_IOp (1 feat above the :latuit~ nlazie. At the" it~tersectivxi of the -curb line of ;;Ea•Gt~ Center Strek the Ea'st~ gropexty line. of 33 Street, the gradQ .hall he Ong drecl ,fifty-six. and 40-lOtl~(i~6_~+i aboue -the datum:'plane. - C~rarle shall be stxaigl~t 1a!etrt ee ~SCrllfiv~, e~~~tl©ns obi the Ife.Sp curb lines. ~ I li 11 _ ..... _. x 4 ~/ .. . , ,~, . .,.. .. ~ ,, ~ ° ,..:z r ..c. v x.. _ , ,.. _ s.. ., ,. .,. _. _ _.,.. ~ .... 'P 7 :V . v . .. _ , ... :, .. ~ Cl.,.:. ~.. .. ... .. e ~ _ ~ ' • ~ J _ ~z ~- . 1, ~.... ,• _~ 1 s ... u ~ ' ~ VL '+-' »- .a , M~',. ti. J G v~` Al -~ ~- ~ r~ ~ _ { ' ~... _ - V.1 u~r .~ .G a. ~ ~,~ iie ~} 1 ~~, 2 3 ~'' 4 5 6~ 8 9 10 11 12 13 ~~ 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 . , ~ ,, ,. i i . .r - _ .:. ..:.: F° i T.; .. ..:. . a_ ... _... ,_ ~ .~ ~ i •- ' -: jr, ~.. ° „fl~,f .{- J... ~-R,,.. -y .dot". ~ 7 - Rte; ~. C! ~ ~ ... ~~~~#. _~ "` 2 2 µ~ ., ..~ ~ ~ R .. ,^ a. ", a r -, - _ ~ ~ t' ~C--~-r~`~`~ h r~-tom I ~, r. ,. ~ ,~ ,. w ~- i „'17. .. _ r, n ,_ .. ~-~ . Ly e ~ , .u.: i.i . ; ....: ~: 1 .: iu V v ;. ,; C,^i 3 ~ I'S :~ l) ,°,14'c~ i ~ , _.. ~i _ .. _ ~,_ .. _. .., . ~ -- --~--~ - ~ z ~_ ~. . „a -, ,, , -. n . , , ~•. ~ .,. , . . , \~. ~ ` ~~~~ I ---- ~